Chapter 8

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When they walked into the stadium's entrance hall they were amazed with what they saw. The biggest part of the floor was filled with clear water and behind the counter, a hologram of a pokéball was hovering underneath a waterfall. Every bit of water looked as if it was sparking thanks to the lighting.
"Whoaa." Rui said, looking around whilst walking towards the counter.

"Welcome to Phenac Stadium." The lady behind the counter said kindly. "This is where we register our trainers for challenges. However, we are no longer accepting trainers for this challenge. Please come back later and enter the next one."
"That's a bummer..." Wes said. "I was looking forward to a good battle.."
They walked towards the exit again.
"Better luck next time, right?" Rui said, trying to cheer him up.

Outside, they got stopped in their tracks by 3 men in black and red clothes.
"Hey, Wes! We've finally found you! You filthy, double-crossing traitor! Wrecking the hideout wasn't good enough for you?! So you rip off the Snag Machine? You've got some nerve!" One of them started yelling.
"Who are these people?" Rui asked Wes.
"Team Snagem." He answered.
"Huh? Are they Team Snagem?! And what did they mean by traitor?"
"Wes... You mean..."
"That's right, pretty lady! He's from Team Snagem, just like us!" The second man started. "But he's no ordinary member. He's a snagger. He's the best in Team Snagem at snagging Pokémon without fail!"
"No way! Is it true, Wes?"
"Pfft, no."
"Oh! You gritted your teeth, didn't you? Didn't you?! Then it must be true! That's a little shocking!" Rui exclaimed.
Wes sighed.
The first Snagem grunt started talking again. "Hey, Wes! Come on, hand it over! Give back the Snag Machine you ripped off from the hideout!"
"Snag machine? Wes, do you really have something like that?"
Wes stayed silent while looking at the Snag machine on his arm from the corner of his eye.
"The Snag machine's built for trainers. When a trainer puts the Snag machine on, their Pokéballs are converted. Ordinary Pokéballs are turned into Snag balls that can steal Pokémon from their trainers in battle." Grunt 1 explained.
"Hey, you blabbermouth! Keep that stuff secret!" One of the other grunts yelled at him.
"I get it, Wes. That's why these creeps are chasing after you." Rui said.
"Creeps? What do you mean by creeps?" The grunt at the right retorted. "Ahh, this is getting us nowhere! If you won't give it up willingly, we'll take it back by force!"


A battle started. Team Snagem grunt Wakin sent out a Corphish and a Koffing, Wes his partners Espeon and Umbreon.
"Espeon, bring that Koffing down with a Confusion! And Umbreon, use Secret Power on Corfish!" Wes comanded them.
Wakin returned his fainted Koffing to its Pokéball. "Corphish, use Vicegrip on that Espeon!"
"Espeon, use Helping Hand and Umbreon, use Bite!"


"No! I'm not good enough!" Wakin said after both his pokemon had fainted.

"Blast you, Wes! Don't think this is over! We're going to get that Snag machine back. Just you wait!"
Then all three grunts ran away, out of town.

"Well, what do you know, Wes. So, you're from Teams Snagem." Rui said.
"Oh, right. To be accurate, I should say former Team Snagem. And it's okay. Wes, it doesn't matter to me who you are. After all, you're my gallant Prince who rescued me when I was in trouble."
"Your what?"
"So, it doesn't matter. Besides, I thought up something after listening to those creeps. Listen, Wes. We should go shopping for some Pokéballs."

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