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Staring at my reflection in the mirror, dressed in a blue crop top, black skinny jeans with white sneakers, I felt simple yet elegant.

As usual though.

I brushed the edges of my jet black hair which was packed in a tight bun before grabbing my bag and heading out of the room.

From the staircase, I could hear the loud music booming from the sitting room and it only means one thing...

'Ivy' was awake.

"We all know you're around," I said--almost shouted due to the loud music--to my elder sister who was slumped on one of the couches with her phone in her hand, still comfortable in her nightwear.

I didn't know what the time was but I'm sure it was probably around eight in the morning.

"Aren't you going to school today?" I asked staring at her, she looked absolutely care-free.

She is presently in college.

"Well, that's none of your business," she blandly replied without even taking her eyes off her phone.

Trust me when I say she could be an asshole but she could also be the most caring person in the whole world.

I sighed before switching off the speakers.

"It's noise."

"Goodmorning fam!" Kelly shouted coming out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes in her hand.

She was already dressed up for school, her short black hair straightened to perfection.

For a 14 year old, she sure knows how to take care of herself.

"You guys should come eat breakfast!" She shouted from the dining room, her mouth already puffed up with pancakes.

She's got bad eating manners.

"I'll pass," I replied, still staring in awe at Ivy.

"Ya'know, Zach would be here any minute, that guy is a nice guy, you shouldn't be keeping him waiting all the time," I said to Ivy referring to her boyfriend.

"Those are his problems to face, every relationship doesn't have to be a bed of roses," she replied, finally looking at me.

Ivy never keeps relationships, all her past relationships had never exceeded a month because no guy could handle her for so long.

She is a bunch.

She had been dating Zach for almost two months now and I'm proud enough to say this is her longest relationship.

Zach had been doing his best and I'm sure he is head over heels for her because no one could endure this much.

Not even me!

"Kelly! Hurry up! I'll be waiting in the car!"

I left for the driveway and hopped into my black Camry.

I ignited the engine when I saw Kelly already bouncing towards the car.

She got in and immediately, we moved.

Few blocks away from our house, a red car zoomed in the opposite direction.

It wasn't just an ordinary car.

It was a farmiliar car.

It was Zach's car.

And I bet Ivy hadn't gotten her butt off that couch.


I pulled up in the school driveway, Kelly got out, her air pods still in her ear, she left for the school main entrance without even a glance back or a 'bye'.

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