🤍Chapter 1💠

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Hong Jisoo was a very shy and reserved boy. He didn't have many friends growing up. In fact, he had no friends at all. Why? Because he's a mute. But it's selectively, for he's afraid he will be judged because of his stutter.

But he thought nothing of it. Besides, he kinda liked being alone. People were exhausting at times. Plus it didn't stop him from living his life. He grew up, graduated high school AND college, with his Master's degree.

However, he didn't put it to use. Not just yet. But what he didn't realize is that he's closer to a blessing that he should be able to take.

"Jisoo, honey!" Said boy was in his room, getting ready to go to work. He was a cashier and waiter, who would take dishwasher every now and then. It wasn't a guaranteed job, but it paid his bills.

  "Yes auntie?" He signed. "I need you to pick up my medicine after work, okay?" Jisoo nodded, putting on the rest of his uniform. After he finished he walked out and caught his bus.

   He arrived at his job, and was welcomed by Dino, his favorite donsaeng. "Jisoo hyung!" He gladly embraced the younger. "Good to see you, sweets." They got to work.

"Jisoo, can you do ANYTHING right?!!" He flinched, not liking the voice of his Song hyung yelling at him. He looked down at the younger. "This better not happen again. If it does, you're out of here. No doubt about it."

   Jisoo nodded, going back to work. "And learn how to fucking talk!" Jisoo raised a brow, wondering what the hell is going through this man's head. He's a nasty one, after all.

   Not having the time to argue, he pulled out a sheet of paper. He started to write, making the others be curious. After he finished, he went and placed it on his boss's desk and then left the office.

  When Song walked in, he read the paper, shocked at what was written: I respectfully refuse, sir. I'm not about to break my neck to get rid of a disorder that can only see itself out. Have a nice day.

"Everything okay, Josh?" Jaehyung, another co-worker, asked. He nodded to him, and they all got back to work.

Song then walked out of the office, wearing a very angry expression on his face. Jisoo was smiling on the inside. Serves him right.

    The clock struck 9, and that means it's time to close the gate. "I'm clocking out guys. See you tomorrow!" "Bye hyung!" Dino said. The others waved bye at Jisoo. He started to the convenient store, and picked up his aunt's medicine. After that, he walked home.

Jisoo walked inside. To signify that he's there, he hit the wall. His aunt walked out. "Good you're home, darling. I already cooked, and did you get my meds?" Jisoo nodded and handed her the bag. He took off his uniform and then went to eat.

After he felt like he ate enough, he took a quick shower, did his night routine, and then he went to bed. Jisoo felt as if he was made for something else other than this life, but he could only hold on for so long.


     "It's officially about to begin man!" Lee Seokmin, son of the owner of the most prestigious company Lee Incorporated, was about to be named president of the company. Was he ready for it? Absolutely not.

   "Today's the big day!" Hanbin, his father, said. "My baby all grown up now," Chaerin, his mother, sniffled. He chuckled at his mother. "Nothing's changed, mom. I'm still your baby." "Forever and always."

Seokmin tried to think of the positives that come with this. Will he make good decisions? Will he make the company stronger? Weaker? Will it close down? Boy, the man was in over his head.

"I'm gonna need some time to rejuvenate. This is a bunch to process, ya know." His father of his back once more. "We know, son. But remember we're always here, no matter what."

He thought about those words. No matter what. He nodded to himself, taking heed to that. He just hopes for the best.

That includes the position of the company. But what he didn't know is that there may be something, better yet someone, who may make this journey easy. But was he ready????

This one for the carats. Hope you enjoy.💞

I'll be updating this every Wednesday and Saturday from now on. Might update tomorrow💕

Thanks for reading!🤍

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