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"Rea!?" Regulus yelled from behind the girl. She had light brown hair pulled into french braids. Her sister had done them for her, she had always hated her name, Dorea. It was a traditional black name but she never felt it suited her. 

Dorea had a black skirt on with a white button down shirt. Regulus had black pants and a white button down just like hers. She walked towards him and the two found an empty compartment. They sat in silence for a moment.

Not an uncomfortable silence but rather a comfortable one. Regulus, her cousin had dark brown curly hair that sat upon his head messy now. Rea had always been a clumsy girl, never really fitting in anywhere. She often wore braids to tame her curls.

Bella wore hers with pride but Rea wasn't as confident as her stunning sister. A blaze of red flashed by and then stopped walking back. "have you seen Marlene McKinon?" The girl asked smiling. Rea smiled back intreagued by this girl.

"no I haven't but I can help you look!"she said happily standing up. The girl seemed to shine as Regulus scowled. "but Rea-"

"but what Reg?"

"we shouldn't-"

"we shouldn't this girl find her friend? I'll be right back. Promise" Rea said one of her long braids falling onto her shoulder. The girl walked out smiling "I'm lilly by the way!"

"Oh I'm Rea!"

The two ran off to find her friend but Rea stopped suddenly when a hand fell on her shoulder. She paused frozen the hand warm.

"Rea you shouldn't be running around" The soft voice said into her ear. Rea looked up to see her blond sister. Her hair as beautiful as the wind. Rea nodded sadly. Noticing how Lilly didn't even notice she was gone.

"ok I'm sorry Cissy" she said

Narcissa tugged on one of her braids softly making sure not to pull it out. She smiled kindly at the girl in front of her. Her braid showing streaks of dark hair she had. Even though her hair was mainly a soft light brown.

"it's alright darling. Now go back and find a compartment, you'll love Hogwarts" she said easing the girls nerves. Dorea walked off now walking quietly and not as fast. Her tucked in shirt the slightest bit un-tucked. Her hair a bit messy now.

She walked into the compartment Regulus was in but he wasn't there anymore. She sighed and sat down. A bit lonely but she was used to the feeling. The sister closest to her age was six years apart. She was used to being left behind for better things.

She leaned back on the cushion. All of a sudden a boy walked in, just her age.

"Hello..sorry the trains about to start and there was no other spot" he said quickly and Rea just nodded happily.

"It's alright I was a bit lonely" she smiled and he held out his hand

"Amos Diggory, you?"

"Dorea Black..but please just call me Rea"

He laughed and nodded, the boy had sandy brown hair and brown eyes. Her messy hair showed him that she had been running around. One corner of her button down was tugged out and her braids a bit loose. He smiled liking the girl already.

Unknowing what would happen just moments in the future.

When they got to Hogwarts, Rea and Amos all walked off the train talking about the sorting.

"that's my cousin.." someone said out of ear shot of her

" Narcissa's sister?" James Potter asked his friend

"yeah but she's different, I do wonder what'll happen during the ceremony"

"you mean you don't think she's a snake?"

"no. I don't think she's even close to a snake"

"Hey!!" A familiar voice called to Rea. She spun around to be face to face with Lilly.

"Oh my goodness" she said under her breath Lilly laughed a bit.

"sorry did you find Marlene?" Rea asked smiling at the girl

"yeah sorry I couldn't find you after though"

"oh it's alright"

"you must be a first year" she said looking down at the small girl bellow her the girl with braids nodded.

"well I'm sure you'll love it here"

"HOLD ON IS THAT MY LILLY?" Some boy called causing Rea to turn.

"no I'm most deffinetly not your Lilly"

"well. well. well. Looky here Lilly Evans talking to my dear cousin" A voice came from behind Rea yet again but this one grabbing her shoulders and pulling her into an odd hug.

"I-" Rea began

"hush child be greatful to be in my presence" he said as if he were some sort of god.

She shrugged and just stood there making James laugh at her gullibleness even though she wasn't actually gullible. She had grown up with Bella anyway.

"FIRST YEARS" after a while of being trapped in Sirius' arms he let her go. She ran up to Amos.

"yeah um she doesn't really seem like her sisters.. any one of them would have bitten you off of their shoulders." James said and Sirius nodded. Curious to see how the sorting would end up.

Rea walked in the great hall behind Amos anxiously waiting to sit next to her comforting sister. Cissy was the only one left there but she was still great full.

The sorting began

Amos Diggory- Hufflepuff

Alexia Small- Ravenclaw

Beth Rubert- Ravenclaw

Cora Leonards- Hufflepuff

Carter Martins- Gryffindor

Caraleen Shubarb- Slytherin

"Dorea Black"

This was the moment she was waiting for. Her only friends had been sorted, she was sure she'd get Slytherin. Just out of default, all her sisters had gotten Slytherin, her parents had, her aunts and uncles, and grandparents. Everyone had so could she.

She climbed up to the stool and sat up there her braids rubbing on her back the small bows on the ends had un done leaving just one.

She sat under the silent hat for just a few moment before it shouted "Hufflepuff!"  she froze her eyes grew wide. She had at least thought, if she didn't get slytherin, Ravenclaw was good to it was for the smart. But her parents would never except Gryffindor or Hufflepuff. She was a faliure. A malfunction. So many generations of her family had been able to complete this one simple task.

Why couldn't she?

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