Chapter 64: Rejection

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        "So, how did the make up sex go on the bus?" Jack asked Alex and I. I scoffed at him, looking over the side of Alex's couch to see if his mom or dad were around. The last thing I needed was for him to say that in front of Isobel. How awful would that be?

        "Don't be a pig," I grumbled, throwing a pillow at him. It hit him upside the head, and he raised his eebrows at me. He smirked suddenly, glancing at Alex.

        "Looks like you didn't make her scream enough," he taunted, and I sighed, leaning my head back against the cushion. I couldn't get him to stop, even if I screamed at him about it. I didn't want to draw the attention of Alex's parents, or Jack's. They were getting together for dinner tonight, which they already enjoyed and also for Jack's birthday that was less than a week ago. I still had his twenty dollars worht of pointless toys waiting at my house for him to open.

        "You won't get your birthday presents if you keep it up," I warned. His smile fell and his eyes went wide. I laughed, and I felt Alex's chest rumble underneath me. I glanced up at him, still taken by how he was here, and I felt like it was a sick dream that I would wake up from and realized they'd left yesterday.

     Jack excused himself, saying that he wanted something to drink. He managed to fit in some joke about Alex's mom before exiting. Alex looked over the side of the couch, looking over the arm that was around my shoulders before his mouth collided with mine in an eager kiss.

        His body landed on mine, using the couch as a curtain between us and his parents. I felt my brain go crazy, before pushing on his chest, laughing softly, "Alex, your parents are less than twenty feet away," my hands were still against his shirt when he shook his head, mouth moving to the side of my jaw.

        "They're on the back deck, drinking and talking. We have at least ten minutes before Jack can get away from their conversation," he seemed like he had it all planned. I felt another giggle bubble in my throat, shaking my head while he mouth went against my throat.

        "You're insane," I smiled as he pulled his lips away from my skin. His fingers curled to the hem of my shirt, knuckles brushing against my skin. It made my body shudder, and I did my best to hide it. "You've been home for two hours, and you want your parents to hate me?"

        "I think Peter and Isobel will appreciate it if they realize I'm getting laid," he teased me, brown eyes sparkling at the idea. I twirled a piece of his hair around my index finger, shaking my head with a smile. He grumbled when he realized I was answering his questions. His body collapsed on mine. I grunted with a laugh under his weight. His forehead squished with mine while he pouted slightly.

        "You're ridiculous," I breathed out and he shrugged. His mouth pushed to mine for the awkward position, but I didn't deny him. I sighed against his mouth, and he smirked. I moved my hands through his hair, unable to push him away anymore. I was dying to be alone with him, to not have to worry about Isobel or Jack coming into the room.

        The front door of the house was visible from our position, and so was the noise of the small kocking. Alex jumped and I reacted barely when the door opened, revealing Rian, Kara, Zack, Lauren and Katherine.

        "Hell oGaskarth fam.." Rian called out, turning his head to us. We were frozen, staring at allf ive of them. Laruen and Zack stifled their laughs against each other. Katherine awkwardly coughed, while Rian and Kara just stared back. Silence well over us. "Well, this is embarrassing.."

        Alex let out his breath at the sight of his friends and laughed lightly. I groaned, sliding out from underneath him. This isn't the first time someone's walked in on us, and it was something I wasn't going to get used to.

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