Chapter 45: After Prom

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        "Dude, not cool," Jack muttered under his breath, standing next to me. He watched as some kids were playing with his mom's vases in his living room. I laughed lightly, red up in my grip as he brushed past me, telling the kids to 'cut the shit'.

        Why Jack's parents took off for the weekend when they knew we had prom was beyond me. I think they knew what would happen, but just didn't want to think about what Jack is doing in their house.

        It was completely crowded with peope, and I was now fized in a pair of skinny jeans and All Time Low's new touring t-shirt. Alex was so excited after they had a meeting at his house the same day they walked in on us, that he bought me one. He gave it to me, hoping to..ease my thoughts. It was a simple black cotton t-shirt with the cover art of their new Put Up or Shut Up EP and the tour dates and locations on the back. It was snug, but comfortable.

        I leaned against the counter, talking to Katherine who had been with Jack almost the entire night. I came here on my own after prom, meeting Kara in the living room who was now joking with Rian and Zack. Katherine was completely sweet, perfect for Jack. It was just the gullible attitude she had, that made her fun to be around, easy to talk to.

        Lauren found me, and I introduced them. Lauren grinned and they happily got along, and we chatted about well -- any thing really. Mostly the guys because it was our common interest, and that thought made me grin.

        "I really can't believe they leave next week," Katherine ran her fingers through her wavy, blonde hair. I had my cup to my lips, nodding. I stared at the wall, trying not to remind myself about it.

        "Me either," Lauren said, I glanced towards her. Her eyes locked with mine and we understood each other, we felt the same pain. They would be gone so soon, and we'd be left with just a phone call and texting. It was more than some got, but it still didn't feel like it was enough.

        "What did you and Zack decide to do?" I felt myself ask, holding the cup at my chest. Lauren bit the inside of her cheek, and srugged, taking a sip of her drink. She wasn't into drinking all that much, but didn't mind the party. I wanted to chug the last of the drink Jack made me and get another one. I knew this was going to be a long night.

        "We're just going to take it day by day, talk when we can and stuff. Officially, we're sort of going for -- for the 'open relationsihp' kind of thing." I could tell she didn't like the idea, and I already knew Zack hated it too. I knew Zack didn't want to hurt Lauren, ever, and it would be like him to try to give her an option to do what she wanted, even if he would never date another girl. "What about you and Alex?"

        "We haven't really talked about it yet," I muttered, and Katherine sort of smiled, shaking her head. "What?"

        "You and Alex won't break up."

        "I don't even think we're actually going out," I laughed bitterly, knowing he never really asked me the question. I didn't mind, because it would have made for an awkward conversation. It is always lingering in my head that he did that on purpose if he wanted an easy escape from the relationship that we started.

        "Of course you are," Lauren smiled at me, thin hand falling on my shoulder.

        "Exactly, and I was friends with Jessica when they were -- together. He'd blow her off all the time. She would chase him, but this time, he's sort of chasing you."

        I hated the sound of Jessica's name, and I was surprised to see that Katherine would associate with her. Nevertheless, thinking of her gave me chills. She no longer cornered me in the hallway, and didn't threaten me because I spoke to Alex. Apparently he gave her the best break up speech, and she hasn't spoken to him since. She doesn't bother me, so I don't worry about it too much, but there are always the times she did come after me. I hated her.

        It seemed unreal to hear her say tha Alex was chasing me. Katherine's eyes were completely genuine, honest to the core. She wasn't pulling my chain, and for some reason, I really wanted to believe her. I really did.

        Then, I thought about my feelings for Alex, and how much stronger they seemed to come from me. Sometimes he played it off like he didn't care, like we were just having fun. I mean, we were having fun, but like, it was just another day, that I was just another friend.

        Maybe that wasn't bad either.

        "All I'm saying is that he isn't bored with you, and it's been how long since you moved here?" she smiled, and I thought about the months in my head. It's been five months of me being here, and we've been going back and forth for about two of them. Even if we just started to date, there was more to it than that, back to when I was with Adam and months before that. "And Alex has never kept a girlfriend for longer than a month."

        My lips curled at the idea, shaking my head and mumbling a thank you. I excused myself from the two girls moments later, sliding out the door towards the back yard. My cheeks were flushed while thinking about what Katherine was saying; I just wanted some fresh air.

        Some kids were smoking around the woods, tring to be secretive. I ignored them, standing near the deck where people were talking quietly with one another. I suddenly wondered where Alex was. I hadn't seen him. I lost track of him while talking to friends.

        "Look who we have here," he nearly read my mind, both of his hands fixing on the deck. Ine was holding onto the wood and the other was holding the neck of a bottle. I gripped my cup, smiling as Alex dug his face into the side of my neck. It sent shivers down my spine.

        "Where have you been, my dear?" I turned in his embrace, and he smiled and shrugged once.

        "Around," he smirked at me, and I smiled, back pressed to the bannister. He kissed my lips for a long moment, causing my hand to move to the side of his face. He pulled away, leaving me breathless. His mouth tasted like Corona and lime. I didn't mind the change.

        "Well, you're happy," I laughed as he smiled at me, body swaying slightly. I knew he drank quickly. We had only been here for two hours and he was already buzzed.

        "Of course," he leaned his mouth against mine, and ducked slightly to kiss my jaw. I glanced athe people around us who took no interest as Alex trailed down my neck. I closed my eyes, remembering the way his lips moved against my skin.

        The lack of light made Alex's face hard to see, but I could see his teeth, and his slightly crooked front tooth. I pressed my hand to the side of his face when he pulled away. I looked his face over, eyes feeling slightly watery. I didn't want to do this now, not one bit. It was so hard to hold it in, this was all still new to me.

        "Hey, what's wrong?" He murmured, fingers moving under my chin. I shook my head, smiling lightly. I didn't want him to feel bad for me being a baby. He continued to ask what was wrong, why I was acting this way. I took a deep breath, looking into his dark eyes.

        "Nothing, nothing," I whispered softly, tongue running over my lips. I reached up, wiping my eyes with the back of my hand with a laugh. His thumb caressed my cheek softly, not believing what I was saying. I wouldn't have either.

        Everything was hitting me so fast. I didn't have friends before I came here, and I've never let myself get as close to someone as I did with the guys and Kara. I finally let my guard down and everything is going to disappear, just like that.

        Alex leaned forward, pressing my body against the railing, squishing my nose against his. I knew he was trying to get me to laugh while placing a sloppy kiss on my lips. I let out a laugh, rolling my eyes before allowing his scent to engulf my senses, letting me forget what I've been dreading for so long.

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