Chapter 26: Bandana

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        "Well, it looks like you and Alex are starting to get along again," Adam noted with a smile, nudging his elbow into my ribs teasingly. His fingers burned through mine, and it made my stomach churn. I smiled at him wearily, swallowing the lump in my throat.

        No one could understand how badly I wanted to tell him what happened. I wanted him to know that I was a bitch, that I didn't deserve him. I wanted to scream at him, and tell him to leave me, to call me a slut and walk away. Every time I wanted to tell him, my voice got stuck in my mouth, tongue swelling. I couldn't, I was too much of a coward.

        It was only Monday and Alex was still bothering me. He'd act friendly, but we both knew that behind it all, every single thing he did and said was sexual towards me or about the night we were together. Almost every single time I wanted to deck him in the face.

        Now Adam and I were wandering down the hallway after we escaped lunch, trying to get lost in the last twenty minutes we had. I didn't want to let go of his hand, it was so soft, but my heart was pulling me away from him, because they weren't the same calloused hands that were touching my body two nights ago. I was completely disgusted, and I couldn't bring myself to believe that I was worth what he was offering me: the attention, the affection.

        I knew that I didn't, at all.

        "I guess he got over whatever he was mad at," I shrugged, hand falling from his as my locker came up. I walked over and began to spin the dial carefully while Adam leaned against the locker next to mine. He watched me with kind eyes whlie I felt myself sweating under his stare. Why did he have to look at me like that? It was like I was worth looking at or something.

        "How was the rest of your weekend? I barely saw you," he smirked at me while I pulled my books out of my locker and stuffed them into my hands. I was hoping the more occupied I kept my fingers, the less likely he'd be to try to touch them again. I already felt guilty enough, it would have only made it worse.

        "You know, same old," I smiled up at him unsteadily befroe averting my eyes to the books that filled my arms.

        I cleared my throat while noticing him check his phone from the corner of my eye. He got up from his lean on the locker and leaned towards me. His fingers brushed against my chin to pull my face to his. His lips were on mine quickly, and I was relieved to have him pull away so fast. If he kissed me for too long, I'm pretty sure I would've cried.

        "I have to run to Mrs. Phelon's room befre class to see if she has my paper graded. I'll see you after school," he grinned at me and kissed my cheek again. I looked into his beautiful green eyes and nodded before moving my face from his fingers. My eyes were becoming watery, and I knew he'd notice if he looked at me long enough.

        I watched him walk down the hallway and around the corner. I threw my books into my locker again. I ran my fingers over my face, trying to even out my breathing. I was getting worked up over this. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't think straight.

        While feeling the pounding headache in my head again, three fingers entered the back pocket of my jeans. I jumped at the touch, and in response, my fingers curled ato the fabric, pulling my back to theirs. My nose was close enough to know exactly who it was. I would never be able to mistake his scent.


        I whipped my head around, pushing against his chest abruptly. It only caused me to stumble back a few inches, and he stood completely still before me. His smile was wicked, a purple bandana wrapped around his forehead, pulling his hair over the top of it.

        "Can you stop touching me?" I huffed loudly, shaking my head and waving my hands, attempting to shoo him away. He instead crossed his arms comfortably over his chest, and shrugged like it was the most casual conversation he could have.

        Why was he doing this to me? Why wouldn't he just leave me alone?

        "I think you enjoy it more than you say you do," he took a step closer, but even that few inches made my heart race. He didn't need to be this close, but he chose to because he was God's way of punishing me for what I'd done.

        "Why are you acting like this? Why can't you just be normal and ignore me like you did before?" I finally found it in myself to question him. He had been bugging me all day long. Whenever he'd see me, he would find a way to touch me, to taunt me.

        "Because it's different now; I know I can get away with it," he seemed confident in that statement. I glanced down both ends of the halllway multiple times. I was happy that no one was there to see this. I didn't want someone spreading a rumor.

        "I don't want you, stop saying that," I hissed through my teeth in a low whisper. I really hated him.

        "Sure you do," he moved another step closer, pinning me against my locker. The metal hit my back, and was cool on my neck. I felt my face flush, fingers curling around the front of his black v-neck, trying my hardest to push him away. I turned my face to the side, breathing becoming heavier. "You wouldn't have said that if you didn't."

        I bit the inside of my cheek, hysteria rising in my chest. I didn't want to have this conversation with him, but here was nothing I could do about it. He could tell someone what happened and it could get back to Adam. "Why would it matter, anyway?"

        "Like I said," he muttered softly, fingers curling around my belt loop, pushing our waists against one another, smirking in satisfaction, "I like the chase."

        "There's no chase, you idiot. You're not getting anything from me," I slid under his grip, head dodging his arm. I pulled my bag over my shoulders and shut my locker with frustrated force. I really hated him; he pushed all the wrong buttons.

        "I already got a taste, remember?" he chuckled lightly, leaning against the lockers. I wanted to push him out of that place, absolutely hating the thought of Adam and Alex together. It killed me.

        "Stop reminding me," I groaned, running my fingers through my hair angirly.

        He glanced at me, head tilted to the side in a curious matter, still grinning. I could tell something was was still up his sleeve as he untied the bandana from around his head, holding it in his grip.

        He reached forward and got a hold of my elbow, pulling my body close again. I moaned and began to protest, but he continued to stand his ground. I closed my eyes tight, unable to contain my anger. It took everything in me not to hit him.

        I felt a soft fabric around my wrist, and I glanced down to see his purple bandana being tied into a neat knot under my hand. He slid the bow underneath, and the smooth surface of purple and black sat on the top of my wrist. He let go and I stared at it confused.

        "Just think of it as your invitation. You can return it to me when you come to your senses," he pealed himself off of the locker and ran his fingers down my arm lightly. I cursed at the way goose bumps came to my skin at his touch. He winked at me once before waltzing down the hallway without looking back.

        The part that I hated the most was the simple fact that I couldn't bring myself to take the bandana off my now burning wrist.

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