Chapter 10: Hell

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        "Stella, my Bella," Jack said loudly, arm wrapping around my shoulder and placing a sloppy kiss on my cheek. I laughed lightly and smiled at him while shoving my books into my locker. We had just let out on vacation in the beginning of March, and I was more than excited to get out of here.

        "What's up, Jack?" I asked as he leaned against the locker next to mine. I positioned my body towards him while taking books out of my bag. Jack shrugged, looking over my shoulder before smiling. Moments after a hand crept to the small of my back lightly, a finger pulling on my back belt loop teasingly, shoulders bumping into the person's chest.

        "You look nice today, Harrison," a familiar voice murmured huskily into my ear. I growled at Alex and elbowed him without much success. I hated being so weak.

        "I don't know why you insist on touching me, Gaskarth," I grumbled in annoyance.

        That was a new thing, calling each other by our last names. It wasn't some kind of inside joke, either. It was the fact that he didn't deserve to be called by his first name, and I knew he did it just to piss me off.

        And, especially in the last few weeks, he never stops putting fake moves on me. He is always touching me in some way, getting up in my face or cornering me against a wall or the lockers. I complained under my breath and rolled my eyes when he did that, slapping his hand away harshly.

        "You're really annoying," I said honestly, and slammed my locker shut before I began to walk towards the front of the school.

        Alex and Jack followed at my sides, babbling about he gig they had Friday. Hanging out with them these last few weeks showed me exactly how much they actually play. They play around four times a week, a practice almost every single night after school. It's insane how much they still love music after all the time they force themselves to be around it.

        "Are you coming tonight, Stella?" Jack asked hopeful. I shrugged and ran my fingers through my hair. It was getting warmer outside, it was easy to go out in just a sweatshirt now. February was behind us, spring was getting closer.

        I had never been to one of their concerts before. Every single time Alex would ask me I'd always say no. Maybe it was because I knew how the night would go. I would stand uncomfortably next to Kara backstage while she cheered on her boyfriend and I would be threatened by their fans because no matter where Alex and I go together, we argue.

        It wasn't the arguing that people misread. It was the way he always insists on trying to speaking to me by grabbing part of my body. If we argue quietly about something, he touches my waist. If we're getting into a heated fight, he grabs my elbow and doesn't let me walk away. I would awlays swat at him, telling him to keep his hands to himself, but he doesn't listen. We look like a bad couple when he does that -- I swear to God. I never understood why he did it, why he would constantly push my buttons that way, but he did.

        "I don't know," I sighed while pushing open one of the doors of the school. The cool air hit my face, but it felt nice today. I needed fresh air.

        "She's still trying to do that whole 'I'm the new girl and I'm independent' bullshit even though she knows she's already apart of our group," Alex wiggled his eyebrows at me. I felt myself involuntarily shake my head. I wasn't sure why I laughed at him, maybe it was because the ridiculous statements, or the overwhelming feeling in my heart when he said I was part of their group.

        I've never been a part of anything besides a club. I had never really had friends that I knew I'd be hanging out with over the weekend, or people I could rely on this way. It was different -- and I never thought I would admit that I liked it.

        "Oh yes, Alex! You found me out, Jack now whatever will I do?" I said, sighing dramatically into Jack's side. He hend the back of his hand to my forehead, making an even bigger scene than me. I felt myself grin as Alex raised his eyebrows at me, challenge waiting behind his next statement.

        "Come to our show then, humor me," He started with a small smirk. I reached into my purse and pulled out my keys. My car was parked between Alex's and Kara's today. Alex pulled open his passenger side door and threw his backpack in. Jack excused himself because he was late for work, telling us he'd text us later to find out my decision.

        "Show's aren't really my thing, Alex," I sighed while throwing my things into my car. He closed his door and leaned against it, looking at me curiously. I closed my door as well and turned to look at him. His arms and legs were crossed over each other and he strummed his fingers on his right hand on his left bicep. I crossed my arms over my chest uncomfortably; my arms chilly even with my shite scarf and green sweatshirt.

        "You're really stubborn," he sighed, pushing himself off his car. With a short step, he had cornered me against the door of my own car, standing much too close for comfort. I squirmed under his stare when he leaned one of his hands against my window, right by my head.

        "And you really don't understand the concept of personal space," I shook my head with a sigh and pushed my hand right against his chest to move him away. I was trying not to look into his brown eyes, because they were so intense right now, I couldn't stand it.

        "No, I understand those rules," he smiled slyly, taking a step closer. "I just bend them."

        "You do that a lot, don't you?" I tried sliding underneath his arm, clutching my keys so tightly I was sure Iw as cutting my palm. I hated when he did this, and I was never sure why he started in the first place. He pushed his limits, and he flirts like I want to flirt back. He knows that flirting will get him anything he wants, and he takes advantage of people for that. I wouldn't ever give into his fake, lustful smirk.

        "Only for things I want," he grabbed a hold of my fingers and pulled me towards him. I twirled around and nearly crashed into him. I groaned and attempted to pull away from his grip, but he stood there patiently, waiting for me to look up at him in the eyes.

        "Alex, I'm not one of your ten minute girlfriends, and I promise, I never will be," I spoke through my teeth while looking at him. His straight face pulled into a full-on smile, a wicked grin that sent shivers all the way down my spine.

        "It's alright, I like the chase," he almost purred, teasing me. I ripped my hand away from his, completely pissed off at this point. Why does he have to push my buttons?

        "There is not and never will be a chase with Alex Gaskarth," I promised him, hissing. He still found humor in my anger and chuckled lightly while flipping his keys on his index finger.

        "I'll be over to you rhouse in an hour with Kara and the guys to get you. Be ready, you're coming," he laughed while walking around to the driver's side door of his car. I could feel my hands shaking -- and I convinced myself that it was out of anger.

        "Hell will freeze over before then," I snapped at him, clinging to my door. He continued to laugh and shrugged lightly. I could have punched him in the face.

        "Well, it looks like I'll be wearing boots tonight, because you're coming. See you soon." And that's when he jumped in his car, turned it on and sped off before I could object anymore.

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