Chapter 75: Long Night

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        Two days went by slowly, and I was starting to anticipate my arrival back home. Flyzik helped me plan and book a flight home, and find an airport at the show they'd be at a few days later when I'd return. It hadn't taken too long. Kara offered to come with me, to be some kind of support. But I didn't want to be with anyone but my dad, alone. I had so much to say to him, and things that I wouldn't be telling Kara. It was between us: father and daughter.

        We had three shows in different parts of Florida, and we were now on our third. It was near the Gulf of Mexico, but I couldn't remember the name. When I arrived, I was all about keeping track of where we were, but it got to the point where they all blended together, and started to look the same.

        It was the night of the third show, and the tour had two days to arrive at the next stop, which was only six hours away in Alabama. So, for the most part, the bands had decided to stop on a beach and have a camp fire and party on the sand. I'm really not sure that these activities were legal, or if anyone cared, but Warped Tour crews and managers didn't mind while they allowed to illegally park our busses basically on the sidewalks next to the beach.

        It was late at night, and the tide was much lower than I thought it would be. But I really wasn't watching while bands wandered around the beach and sat around the large fire that they created while clanking their beers together, laughing and talking. I watched from a comfortable distance away where the busses were lined up. They blocked the view from the street, not allowing curious bystanders to try to either crash or bust their good time.

        I was sitting again at the back of the All Time Low bus, staring at the front of The Maine's dead headlights. My head was pressed to the cool metal behind me, happy to feel relief in my hand. I had a bottle of some fruity drink that was in a bottle. It was too dark to be able to see the label and I really didn't care enough.

        I felt like an outsider while I watched the fifty or so people getting along and talking like they were best friends. People who played on this tour described it like camp, because you know everyone and when you leave it's like the same feeling. You spent all of this time with great people and now they have to go.

        I tried my best not to compare my Dad to that statement.

        I could see Alex, talking and giving out those manly hugs to everyone who spoke to him. He had a plastic cup in his hands filled with Captain and Coke. I already knew that because it was what he always drank when he had the money to afford the hard alcohol.

        I pushed the bottle to my mouth, taking in the sqeet liquor greedily. It gave just a small hint of alcohol, but not enough to make me stop. I just wanted to feel the buzz that I get when I'm with Alex. The one where nothing else matters and I'm just happy to be feeling that way.

        The dim light of the fire let Alex's face glow while he smiled and talked to his friends. I told him almost fifteen minutes ago that I was just getting a sweatshirt and going to the bathroom. He already texted me an dasked if I'd fallen in the toilet, how charming.

        I sighed, while placing the empt bottle on the ground. I had the intention of picking it up when I left my spot against the bus. But I was content right now; I just didn't want to talk to anyone. I wanted to sit with Alex in the bus and sleep. But it wasn't fair to him to ask him not to come to this. Especially the way Jack was talking about it all day, excited that they didn't mind buying booze for them.

        I reached into my pull over sweatshirt, fingering the sweaty bottle that I'd stored away while walking out of the bus. I wasn't sure why I grabbed it, knowing this would be my fifth in an hour. But I couldn't stop. I wanted to forget, and not remember a thing until tomorrow morning. I wanted to feel numb, just like I did back home with Alex.

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