Chapter 6: Favorites

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        After school that day, I could not begin to tell you how happy I was that it was Friday. It felt like a breath of fresh air when the cold January air stung my face and throat. Snow covered theg round, making dirty colors mush on the pavement. I was careful in my grey Tom shoes not to step into puddles. I dodged other students while I walked to the parking lot and nodded to the few students I've actually talked to since I arrived.

        I dug my keys out of my purse, cursing at myself that I didn't get a clip to carry them on. My eyes were on my bag as I cautiously made my way through the puddled parking lot. Cars began to pull out as I passed, students buzzing in excitement about the weekend.

        Snow began to fall lightly, resting on top of my black petticoat. I finally pulled my keys out of my bag, a sign escaping my lips. I fingered my keys and looked at my silver Jeep, my small smile fell completely when I saw someone leaning against it. His black jacket covered his arms, and a green beanie rested on top of his head.

        He ws against my drivers side door, blowing on his fingers for warmth.

        I comletely forgot about that stupid deal that I made with him in lunch. I was still not even sure why I said I'd hang out with them. I didn't want to, but I had to go running my mouth. There was something about the way he made me so frustrated. I couldn't let him win that argument, so that's what I got for being stubborn.

        "I feel like I should be concerned that you know which car is mine," I said as I unlocked the doors with a click of a button. I opened the driver's side door, setting my purse down and backpack. My shoulders were sore from all the books I've got to carr around.

        "You're the only out of state plate in the lot, it didn't take very long," he smirked at me while shoving his hands into his pockets. I rolled my eyes, pulling on the handle of the door and pushed him off the car. He raised his eyebrows at me while I stared at him. He chuckled softly while I got into the seat and shut the door.

        "See you in a few minutes," he mouthed while walking away. I watched in my mirror as he opened the door to an old green Subaru. Ther was a large dent in the passenger's side door.

        I pulled out of my spot and tried my best to remember the way home. It became difficult when you moved a lot, you tend to forget which way is left and right.

        It was only five minutes to my house, and when I parked my car in the driveway, Alex's Subaru pulled in behind me. I sighed deeply as I took my keys out of the ignition and reached to the back and grabbed my purse. I stuffed my keys in it and opened the door.

        I walked to the passenger's side of his car and opened it, sittig in the seat. I closed the door behind me and was happy to know he at least had the heat on. It was blasting and suddenly I was extremely warm.

        "You're not going to tell your parents where you are?" he questioned, but his conern was only skin deep as he backed out of my driveway without a hesitation. I shook my head and rested my arm on the door, head in my hand.

        "My dad won't be home until late, so, it doesn't matter," I shrugged with a sigh. He chuckled lightly and nodded while putting his car in drive and pulling out onto the street. He sped down the road quickly, something I didn't like too much.

        "Can you slow down? There could be a kid outsdie," I muttered while glancing out the window. I was more concerned for that than anything else. I looked at him as he rolled his eyes and I could feel the car shift as he took his foot off the gas.

        "Sure, mom," he laughed out a breath and I saw his speedometer reach the limit. I relaxed a little, pushing my head against the head rest.

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