Chapter 1: New Girl

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        I spun the dial to my locker with a lack of enthusiasm. The maroon paint on the metal that ran the length of the hallway was chipping, adding more age to the walls of this ancient school. Dulaney was a random school in the middle of Maryland. Everyone knew everyone else and they knew more about you than you did.

        Of course, being the new girl in school, which I seemed to be often, I was the talk of the school. Nothing too exciting ever happened in these kinds of towns, so when they got a new kid, it was like a celebrity moved to worn. Everyone took it upon themselves to look me up and down to figure out who I was without ever asking me themselves.

        I read my new locker combination and twisted the lock until I heard the sudden click of the combination working. I tugged the latch and opened the ugly locker. I sighed. Thankfully, I wouldn't have to play games with this stupid locker today.

        I pulled up the sleeves of my pale green, Billabong pull over that I wore. The shoulder of the sweatshirt hung off my arm messily, sliding off and exposing the white, lacy strap of my tank top. I pulled my black and white checkered bag off my shoulders and pressed my knee against the lockers below mine. I slumped my backpack agsint the, using my knee as a prop while I pulled out the binders I knew I wouldn't need today. I've gone through this proces too many times to count. I knew what I was doing now.

        "That's the new girl," I heard a terrible attempt at a whisper come from behind my back. My dark brown side bangs fell over my eyes while I turned in the direction of the voice. My messy hair was fixed in a clip on the back of my head. My dark green eyes tried to follow the noice, but it was useless.

        I was already frustrated with this new school. I slammed my locker shut while swinging my bag onto my back. I gripped my schedule tightly. "Yes, I am new, and yes, I am a girl!" I announced to the hallway, hands in the air in surrender while I made my way down the row of lockers. I no longer cared what people thought about me. I was just another face in the school that I'd be moving away from before they even learned my name

        My black canvas shoes scuffed against the tiles as I trudged down the hallway to my doom, my first day of class. It wasn't like I could blend in like I did at the beginning of this year when I moved from Arizona. I was much too tan at this point to be another pale teenager in the dead of January.

        "You're looking a little lost," I heard a voice enter my ear. I turned my head to a gorgeous brunette girl who smiled at me. I smiled weakly and shrugged, looking over my schedule again. I doubt I'm even in the right hallway.

        "Obviously, I'm new, and can't follow directions for the life of me," I joked lightly, handing her the paper before she even asked. No need to embarrass myself further than I already have at this point.

        Her eyes scanned the paper and noded with a smile. "I know exactly what calss you're going to. It's in the same hallway as mine. Want me to show you?"

        "Please," my voice came off desperate, I'm sure.

        She laughe dlightly and nodded for me to follow her. "I need to stop at my locker quick, do you mind?" I shook my head 'no' as I continued to trail behind. She had to have been a senior; she had a locker in the same hallway as mine.

        "So, what's your name?" The girl asked me while she dialed her combination and hit the door once before pulling it open. That's an interesting technique.

        "Stella Harrison," I stood awkwardly at her side while she fished through her things. She had pictures on her door of the same boy that she's kissing more than once. She also had a picture with a group of guys, her in the middle with two attractive guys on each side. "You?"

        "Kara Diakoulas," she smiled at me, green eyes kind. At least the first person who had the guts to talk to me wasn't a douche bag. She seemed really nice. "Are you a junior or a senior?"

        "Senior," I sighed, loving the idea that school only lasted a few more months before I was out for good. She laughed and nodded.

        "Same here, so excited to get out of this place." She glanced around the hallway in a look of disgust before slamming the door. I nearly jumped when I noticed that there was a boy behind the door. His long shaggy hair hung in his face, and suddenly it hit me, that it was the boy in Kara' slocker, the one she was kissing. It had to be her boyfriend.

        "Jesus, Rian," Kara muttered, slapping him on his chest with the back of her hand. "You scarred the shit out of me," She rolled her eyes as she held her books in one hand. He laughed while stuffing his hands in the pocket of his dark blue sweatshirt. He glanced at me with a confused expression.

        "You're the new girl, right?


        "Yup, that's me," I let out a sigh with a fake smile. I waved briefly before feeling extremely uncomfortable. I hated to be around couples by myself, but also on top of that, I didn't know either of them.

        "This is Stella," Kara smiled while gesturing towards me, next her hand slipped into his and she smiled at him like he was the only light in the world. "And this is Rian."

        I nodded towards him with a small smile and he nodded back. Kara stood on her tippy toes and kissed Rian briefly before telling him she had to show me to class. He nodded, and said a small goodbye before walking away.

        We stared down the hallway, and a silence fell over us. It wasn't as discomforting as I thought it'd be. It was a natural silence that we both understood perfectly. I liked that I didn't have to say anything to feel like I fit in with this girl.

        "How long have you been here?" she asked suddenly, shuffling the books in her hands. The hallways were more crowded with students as the ringing bell was approaching soon.

        "Uh," I started as I dodged an underclassman. They glared at me as I cut through the middle of their circle, "Two days ago."

        "And already in school," she questioned. I nodded my head while following her. She turned left down a new hallway and I trailed behind. "Have you met anyone yet?"

        I felt my mouth turn up and I laughed quietly.

        "When I walked inside some blonde with too much make up told me to watch it when she ran into me," I remembered the moment perfectly. It was always the same way when I moved to a different school, the disgusted look they gave me like I was a burdeon on their life.

        "You probably ran into Jessica Kinnon," Kara laughed while flipping her hair over her shoulder. She had a pretty smile. "She sort of runs things now-a-days. I'd just ignore her."

        "That was my plan," I grinned at her, she returned the gesture and pointed to a classroom up the hallway with her free hand. Students were going into their calsses as the bell rang. I was late, awesome.

        "It's three rooms down on the left," she glanced at me. I nodded and thanked her before starting to walk forward. Before I made it five steps, Kara called my name. I turned towards her.

        "Do you have anywhere to sit at lunch? I sit with my boyfriend and his friends. They're a bit much, and they'll hit on you a lot, but it's better than sitting alone," she shrugged her shoulders. I never really minded having to sit alone for the first few days. It was something I was used to, but I was happy she'd offered.

        "Sure, I'd love to."

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