Chapter 62: It's On

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        Over the next few hours, I still hadn't seen Alex anywhere. The guys figured that he was sleeping off his hangover on the bus, and would be out in time for the show. I guess he's been doing that a lot lately.

        I wasn't sure if that bothered, or flattered me more. At the moment, I was worried. Alex drank a lot before he went on tour, but not every single night. He didn't get smashed every time he was alone, or with people. It's like hi drinking was a habit now, just like it was for Daniel's anniversary date.

        The boys were just about to get ready to perform. Lauren, sadly, couldn't make it because of a family engagement, so it was just Kara and I with the boys. I was sort of happy that she couldn't make it. It made me feel a little less left out. I wouldn't be the only girl back here not giving someone a kiss good luck like I used to.

        We were standing off to the side, and the cowd was getting bigger by the minute. I could see so many people slightly damp from the drizzle that was going on outside. They were screaming for the band, able to see them from the side while they were waiting for their cue to go on.

        "Nice to see you show up," Zack's voice was tense, and I knew who he was talking to. I didn't turn as someone brushed past me, chest hitting my shoulder while he moved between Kara and me. I felt my entire body react to his contact. My fingers trembled when I curled them into fists and wrapped them around myself. My heart was burning, and my insides felt like they were going to fall onto the ground. It was like my hands were the only things keeping it in.

        "Fuck headache's man," Alex smiled brightly. I felt my entire body shake at his happy expression. He didn't even look in my direction, not even a small glance. He kept his eyes on anything else as he put his guitar over his shoulders. I couldn't take my eyes off him, or how tired he looked. HIs eyes were dark, and his hair was a mess, but was covered with a beanie. He looked the same, except exhausted. His smile was enough to make my heart beat right through my chest.

        "Alright guys, you're up," Flyzik announced, ear piece visible from the side as he nodded to the stage. He had a folder and clipboard in his grip, phone out and speaking into the microphone. The light and sound guys moved about quickly.

        Alex disappeared onto the stage, bobbing between workers, and my breathing increased. He didn't even have the decency to acknowledge my presence. It was like I wasn't even worth a breath of his to give me a hello.

        I glared at his back while he walked away, tears stinging my eyes in frustration. Jack noticed my anger and wrapped his arms around me quickly. He muttered a quick "I'm sorry" into my ear before kissing my cheek and smiling kindly. I smield back weakly, unable to keep it on my face.

        Rian and Zack were all giving me sympathetic looks, and both managed to touch my shoulder caringly. They left slowly, eyes watching me. I was grateful for the fact that they treated me like a sister; they didn't want to see me upset.

        Kara wrapped her arm around my shoulder and spoke soft words of encouragement. She seemed surprised that he was being such a prick already. I didn't listen to a word she was stating; all I was doing was burning a hole in the side of Alex's head.

        His performance was lively, but much too exaggerated. Kara pointed it out more than once that his laugh was too loud, and his smile was too wide. It wasn't natural for him, that much happiness. It hit me that he was playing a stupid game with me.  He was trying to piss me off with his new attitude. He wanted me to see that he sure as hell didn't need me to be in a good mood.

        He talked too much, and even Jack was confused by his actions. He kept giving him awkward smiles when Alex would start halfway through a song, insulting him jokingly. Rian's eyes kept wandering to mine, and I just shrugged, biting my lip. It was taking a lot of me not to run out onto the stage and just punch him for being stupid. He was really being a child. Why would I expect anything different? It was Alex Gaskarth for Christ's sake.

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