I'm still not entirely sure how I ended up at this party, or why I allowed Lauren to bring me. Her best friend Craig was moving to California to study at UCLA and she wanted to spend time with him before he left. I understood and wanted to go support her, we were friends but she was a good one at that.
The house wasn't necessarily huge, but the amount of people in these rooms was enough to make me have a small panic attack. Every single room was crowded with people from Zack and Lauren's school. It was terrible, the heat and the sweat exchanged between everyone. Being stuck in a small place with so many people around had to be my worst fear.
It's not like I knew anyone, really. Lauren was the girl that was friends with everyone, so she slowly drifted from my side within minutes. I nearly ran out of the kitchen, trying to work my way past people that were reaching for drinks. I'm still not sure how the cops didn't show up. You could hear the music from a mile away.
It was around 10:30, and the sun was no longer in sight. The light from the house gave enough to walk outside, allowing me to see off Craig's deck and towards the pool. I walked off of the side of the porch and down the steps towards it. It looked like mine, with the built in lights and cement around the outside.
I took a seat by myself, watching the people around me. Even if the entire house was crowded, it wasn't as bad out here. There were people here and there, talking amongst each other in small groups. Their voices were quiet. I felt like I could finally breathe out here.
My phone began to vibrate in my jeans and I pulled it out quickly. I was relieved to see Alex's number flash before my eyes. I was already awkward enough, and felt like such a loser sitting by myself, sipping on a diet coke. I wasn't in the mood to drink.
"Hey," I breathed out, crossing my legs. I leaned my back against the chair, relaxing slightly at the sound of his even breathing.
"Where are you?" he questioned. I sighed, running my fingers over my face. Even if it was almost peaceful out here, you could still hear the music throughout the house.
"Lauren asked me to a party with her," I could tell my voice was unhappy, and Alex chuckled.
"Since when does Lauren drink?"
"She doesn't, Craig is leaving so she wanted to say goodbye before he left," I rolled my eyes. I still don't know why I agreed to this. All I wanted to do was drive home and go to bed, but Lauren was my ride. I could leave if I wanted to walk home, but that would never happen.
I knew she was just trying to be nice by offering to bring me here. I just felt too awkward here, someone would think I would be used to it by now. Right now, I felt so out of place. No one here knew that I was new in town. I didn't have a title around here, but maybe 'the girl who was sitting in a corner like a weirdo'.
"Sounds like you're having a blast," he was amused, it made me annoyed.
"I'm sitting outside by myself, this sucks," I murmured quietly, and he paused before speaking.
"Oh, come on, El. Go say hi to someone. Make a conversation happen."
"And say what?" I defended. "Hi, my name is Stella, don't mind me while I creep around you, but I was wondering if you'll talk to me so I don't look like a complete idiot?"
"That's definitely an ice breaker," He laughed and I let out another breath. Alex never had this problem, so he would never understand. Everyone knew him, even if they didn't want to. He would walk into a room and almost every peron there could say hi without it being weird. I was quiet, kept to myself, and hung out with the same people. We were so different.
"You're not helping," I muttered silently, looking around the pool. People were holding cups, smiling and laughing with one another. If Kara and the guys were here, I'd feel comfortable and would probably be having fun.
"Don't be grumpy, I'm just trying to make you laugh. I don't hear it that often anymore."
"Hardy har har," I grumbled, running my hands over my face.
There was a pair of feet shuffling behind me. I could hear them clearly, but as they got near, they slowed down. I turned my head to the side slightly, seeing a tall frame standing by my chair. I turned even more to see Adam staring at me, a wild smirk on his mouth.
"The boyfriend?" Adam pointed at my phone that was still against my ear. His fingers held a bottle of Corona, and he gave me a large smiled when I didn't answer him.
"Who's that?" Alex asked curiously. He wasn't prying, just wondering. My fingers curled to my can, glaring at him. He walked to the front of my seat, standing in front of me now.
"Go away, Adam," I hissed at him, not wanting to see his face. I didn't want to deal with him if he was going to act the same way he did at the beach. He was so cold, and I understand he was mad at me, but when he would go out of his way to make me miserable, that was taking it too far. It'd be one thing if I was to pursue him as a friend, but I wasn't. I knew better than that.
"Adam?" Alex's voice tensed at the name. I knew he didn't like Adam, and at that moment, I didn't either.
"Oh, come on Stella, don't be such a downer," he shrugged me off, taking a seat next to me. I groaned loudly, moving as far away as possible. Why was he acting like this now? Why was he so dofferent from what I remembered?
"Seeing you earlier this week was enough to get me down," I glared at him. I didn't hold back my nasty comments, because it was the only way to defend myself at this point.
"What do you mean you saw him earlier this week?" Alex asked, and I almost forgot he was on the line. I shook my head, leaning into my hands sighing.
"I'll call you when I get home, alright? And I'll explain," I said into my phone, not wanting to have this conversation with Adam right next to me. I know that he was thinking of any way to make fun of me, and if he heard anything I was saying to Alex, he could use it against me. I just knew how he would operate. It was just like Alex was, maybe even more vulgar.
"Call until I pick up. I might be asleep," his voice was annoyed, and harsh. I wanted to tell him to stay on the phone, and talk to me. I knew that it wouldn't work. This wasn't the right time for that.
"Okay," I whispered while hanging up the phone. Adam looked over at me, eyebrows raised.
"No, I love you?" He seemed to be getting a kick out of that as he grinned.
"I dated you longer, why would I say it already?"
"Because I already can see that you think you love him," he shook his head with a wicked smile and sipped his drink, "because you're an idiot."
"Oh, thanks so much," I raised my voice sarcastically. I stood up, moving away from him and towards the other side of the pool. He followed, continuing to insult me. If I just let him get everything out, maybe he'll leave me alone for good.
"What do you want from me, Adam?" I turned to him, eyes livid. His grey eyes were staring back at me. They were playful, like this was some huge joke to him. I wanted to punch him in the throat. "Insulting me won't do anything."
"Go to lunch with me," he offered, his eyebrows, "Tomorrow, at noon, downtown."
"Are you stupid or something?" I laughed in his face, watching his expression. For a moment, he looked like the old Adam, the one I used to care about.
"No, I just know what I want. And I want to go out to lunch with you," his smile seemed so kind, just like it used to be. I wanted to believe him, and I wanted to think that he was just being nice. He was so different, and the way his moods were jumping around was enough to make my head spin. One second he was Dr. Jackal and the next he was Mr. Hyde.
"No, I just -- no," I shook my head, brushing past him and towards the house. I just wanted to find Lauren and get the hell out of here, to clear my mind and feel less confused.

(2) Overnight Sensation: An All Time Low Fanfiction Romance
FanfictionStella is the new girl; an Army Brat, traveling around the world with her father, and never staying in one place for longer than a month. This time it's different. When she moves to Baltimore, Maryland, she sticks out, drawing the attention of a ce...