Chapter 58: Stella Artois (Alex's POV)

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        My head was spinning, and the Captain Morgan's and cokes weres pilling out of my cup and over my hands. The movements of the bus were enough to make me stumble, even while sitting down. I was staring at the ceiling, and my eyes wandered through the lack of light.

        I hadn't turned the lights on. I pulled the cup to my lips again, tasting the sweetness of the soda, with the strong scent and burning taste of the liquor. It was the usual feeling as it smoldered down my throat, leaving behind a slight tingling.

        Rian and Kara were fast asleep. Kara was normally the one that went to bed early, and Rian always went with her. It made me sick to think of themt ogether, like a bad memory. Around an hour ago, I pulled a bottle from the liquor cabinet. Matt and the driver would be pissed if they saw me drinking, but they knew not to bother me back here.

        I was pissed, honestly, and the only thing I could think of doing was drinking. It wasn't hard to get the alcohol. Nearly seventy-five percent of the bands here were over twenty-one. I just needed time by myself, I just wanted to be alone and forget.

        The ironic thing is that when Aaron Weiss from MeWithoutYou bought me the liquor when we passed through Mississippi, he bought me a six pack of random brand beer, because for whatever reason, they were out of BudLight. He apologized and told me it was the best he could do, and I tried not to let out a bitter laugh when he took out the bottles to show me.

        It made me even madder when I knew that if I ever did it, that it wouldn't be the same. Nothing would be the same as Stella, and even while hugging all our fans at meet and greets, I could see her fucking face everywhere. It's making me insane.

        I had all my friends, I had the band, and Kara, and all the guys back home. I shouldn't want to be with a girl. I had all I needed with the people who wouldn't question me, or judge me, or make me want to rip my hair out.

        I opened the green bottle, and put it to my mouth. I hadn't had it in years, but it tasted the same going down as it did the first time. The gold beer was slimy, and  you could taste the barley in your mouth while it slid down your throat. It smelled terrible, but tasted so good.

        I was hoping it would take me home, bring me somewhere else. I didn't want to think about where I was, or this last week, or what happened. I just wanted to be in London, just for a moment. I wanted to be six again, playing with Danile and fighting over stupid shit. I wanted to be taken back.

        I pulled out my phone, looking at the time, 1:58AM. I laughed at the time, taking another swig of beer, and setting my drink in the cup holder. I chuckled, voice slurring as I leaned back in the chair. It was pathetic that I was getting drunk by myself, and it made the moment even funnier.

        "2AM," I laughed, "I'm on a blackout binge again. You know I don't need sleep and I lost my keys, but, I've got so many friends," I sang to a song I was making up in my head, closing my eyes tight and thinking hard about the lyrics. I was singing in a loud slur, and I was sure to wak eup the whole bus, but I honestly didn't give a fuck.

        "And I keep, keep coming back for more. Another night, another score, I'm faded," my fingers felt numb, and I allowed the bottle to fall from my grip. I heard the shatter on the floor, watching the beer oooze around the broken glass. "Bottles breaking," I laughed, running my fingers over my eyes.

        I heard a rustle form behind the door that led to the bunks, and watched it open. A light shining in the hallway, and I squinted, groaning while it stung my eyes. I covered them with my arms, leaning back in my seat.

        "What the hell are you doing, man?" He yawned, stretching and attempting to stay standing while the bus swayed. He glanced around, seeing the broken bottle and sighing deeply. Luckily we kept a broom and garbage can around. He wiped up the mess silently while I stared at him.

        "Zack -- listen to this, I thought of a new song -- well only part of one. But it's damn good so far," I smiled lazily, remembering the words for the most part, but some of them were slipping my memory. I recited the part I remembered. Zack seemed to half listen to me, nodding along.

        Once he was finished cleaning up my mess, he sat down next to me. His eyes were tired, and I could tell that I was keeping him up. I didn't even bother to care; he would go to bed if he really wanted to.

        "Why are you sitting back here getting shit-faced by yourself?" he asked, picking a bottle out of the six pack and popping it open. He glanced at the name, took a swig and shook his head.

        I shrugged grabbing my unfinished cup of Captain and coke. I put it to my lips and let it wash down the taste of Stella Artois. "There's a reason for it."

        "Why doesn't there have to be a reason?" I stnorted at him, nearly spilling my cup again. He shrugged himself this time, taking another long sip before speakng again.

        "Dude, is this about Stella? Because if it is..."

        I cut him off with a loud laugh, "Fuck that, man. Fuck -- don't even talk about it."

        "Oh, come on, Alex. You don't need to drink because you guys broke up," he sighed, leaning back into the couch. I shook my head, taking another long gulp of my drink and running my fingers through my hair. "I've never seen you react this way to a girl before. It's fucking weird."

        "Zack I don't -- I'm not reacing to anything," I snorted. "Can't a guy just drink?"

        "Whatever you say man. You'll figure it all out soon enough."

        "There's nothing to fucking figure out, Zack. It's over, she's gone, and we're done. End of it," I gritted my teeth, glaring at him. He rolled his eyes and nodded while finishing his beer.

        "I get that it sucks dude, I do, but if you just call her up and tell her that you're sorry.."

        "Sorry for what? I didn't fucking do anything wrong!" I nearly yelled. Zack put his hand on my shoulder to keep me in my seat. I hadn't realized that I was about to stand, until I felt my legs fall from underneath me.

        "Dude, Stella is normally a pretty level headed person. She doesn't get mad about stupid things. Obviously something went wrong," He tried to reason with me, but I didn't want to hear it.

        "She bitched me outfor not trying hard enough. Can you fucking believe that?" I scoffed, changing the subject slightly. I finished my cup, frowning at the empty bottom. I placed the cup in the holder again, rubbing my eyes tiredly.

        "I believe it," he raised his shoulders slightly, letting them fall. I gawked at him from the side, eyes digging a hole into his skull.


        "I'm pretty sure I talk to Stella more than you, Alex," he laughed slightly, trying to ease the tension. "I get where she'sc oming from because of Lauren. I normally have to call her, and wait for her to call back. It's getting better, but still, it fucking blows."

        "I tried, asshole," I grunted, arms crossing over my chest. Zack let out a breath, shaking his head before standing up. He grabbed his bottle and the empty cup. He gripped them in one hand and held the door with the other.

        "I know you've never really had a girlfriend before man, but it takes more than one call a week. If it's bugging you, do something about it," he shrugged again, before opening the door and flicking the lights off.

        He shut the door behind him, leaving me to sit in the dark with my fuzzy thoughst and refusal to believe the bullshit he was feeding me.

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