Chapter 78: Going Home

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        I had a feeling that I would truly hate airports in the next few days. I was wheeling my bag up and down the aisles to check in at the airport. It wasn't a huge one, but it was big enough to have people moving in and out in a hurry, trying to catch their flights on time. It smelled horrible, and I learned just how much I didn't miss traveling to different houses.

        Alex's arm was wrapped around my shoulder, and I leaned into his side easily. The beanie on his head offered a small disguise to the possible fans that were in the airport. They had just performed a huge show last night, and you could never go wrong with a little disguise. It was completely insane how just walking down the street, people recognized him. We walked to a little coffee shop and three enthusiastic fans stopped him for an autograph and glared at me while he unraveled his fingers from mine.

        He kissed my temple lightly, taking a small step forward, getting us just a little bit closer to my departure. Even if I was going to see my dad, it was almost sad how I was going to miss Alex. But I wasn't letting it bother me. I had to be with my dad this week; I understood that and agreed with it. I just needed to stop requiring Alex's presence at all times.

        It's been two days since I was stupid and told Alex that I loved him. He never really said anything back, he just kissed me. BUt the way he kissed me, it felt like he was trying to say something without words. I was hopng that this wasn't to tell me he couldn't say it because he didn't feel the same way. I was trying not to dread on it, it's just idiotic stupid words anyway.

        He kissed me until Jack walked into the back of the bus, announcing that this was the third time he's caught us making out. I remember my face flushing a dark scarlet with wide eyes before Alex chuckled and pulled on my fingers, leading me to the front of the bus. It was like we were trying to forget what had just happened when he dropped it, not holding it against me it seemed. But I wasn't sure, even if I knew him so well, reading his eyes could be difficult.

        Big T Airport finally called me to the front of the line, where I stood and put my bag onto the scale next to the attendant. She gave me a large, fake smile with red lipstick smeard on her lips. I offered a smile back, and Alex stood next to me, fingers creating random patterns on my back. I tried to not be distracted by his touch, squirming slightly and getting awkward looks fromt he attendant while she handed me my ticket. I glared at Alex as I walked away. He adjusted my backpack on his shoulders, catching up to my side and pushing his fingers through mine. I didn't like him carrying my stuff, but he insisted before getting off the bus.

        He could walk me to a certain point, just before the security check. I rolled my eyes as he swung our hands between each other. People moved around us in the Big T Airport, going into the small restaurants, bathrooms and gift shops. I wasn't sure why people insisted on buying things in an airport gift shop, but I guess it's whatever someone else prefers.

        I wrapped my arms around Alex's side, and he kissed my hair again, taking in a deep breath. I looked up past the ugly tiled floor and to the metal detectors and people stripping themselves of coins, jewelry, shoes, and jackets. I let out a deep breath as Alex slowed his pace until he came to a dead stop. I knew that he wasn't getting any closer. I grumbled to myself, making a sour face while turning into his chest. He laughed lightly, fingers moving to my belt loops of my skinny jeans. I turned towards him, giving him a smile, unsure of what to do or say. Instead, he slid the backpack off of his arms and handed it over to me without a word. I took it unwillingly, and placed it on my shoulders, sure to pull out my pony tail from underneath the straps.

        He placed both of his hands on my cheeks, leaning foward and kissing me slowly. I let out a content breath against his lips, fingers moving to his neck. I stood on my toes, sure to taste him for as long as possible. I pulled my face away after a long moment; sure unwanted eyes were curiously watching our kisses. But my face was still centimeters from his, noses skimming each other's with any movement.

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