Chapter 68: Ours

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        When I woke up the next morning, Alex's arm was draped around my waist, face pushed into the side of my neck from behind. I grumbled, realizing that we had stopped because there was no sway to the bus. I ran my fingers over my face and blinked at the curtain in front of my face.

        I wiggled out of Alex's grip and stumbled onto the tiled floor underneath me. I was trying to move quietly, but I hit a few stray cans of Red Bull in the process. I groaned internally, but continued to push through to the front of the bus anyway.

        I noticed that the driver was nowhere in sight. I'm sure that he went to get some shut eye at the local hotel. He was probably exhausted, and I didn't blame him one bit.

        Zack was the only one up, and he was on the phone, talking quietly. I wouldn't have noticed, but he let out a laugh. He was sitting on the couch while I moved to the kitchen. I started to pull open cabinets, looking for something to eat. I made myself at home, because Alex and Rian already told me to figure out where everything was because they didn't want questions. And I knew that they weren't lying. They said they would kill me by the third day if I kept asking if I could eat something. I didn't want to be rude, but apparently, that's what they wanted.

        "Cereal is the third cabinet to the left," Zack answered my prayers. I smiled over at him a thank you before opening the door. It revealed Lucky Charms, Coco Puffs and Frosted Flakes. I grabbed the Lucky Charms and opened the small refrigerator to pull out the milk. I looked back over at Zack and he laughed, "Spoons are in the drawer next to the sink, and bowls are in the cabinet under the microwave."

        "You're my hero," I sighed, "And tell Lauren I said hi."

        He continued his conversation, and not long after everyone was getting up. Kara was third, then Rian, Alex and Jack rolled out of bed about ten minutes before Flyzik climbed his way onto the bus. He was taken back by my presence, but shook his head and continued to tell the boys they had twenty minutes before they needed to get out to set up the merch tent and get their equipment out of the bus.

        Everyone moved about, putting their clothes on for the day and eating. I slid on a black, drapy tank top and white denim shorts, along with black Converse. I twisted my hair into a messy bun.

        I pushed a pair of silver Aviators onto my face and stepped out of the bus with Kara. For some reason, we were ready before any of the guys, and she offered Vinny and Matt to set up the tent. The guys offered the instrument set up.

        It was really hot out, the humidity of the east coast sucked in the summer. But I did my best to ignore it as we moved throughout the rows of buses. I briefly wondered whose buses were whose. If Paramore was parked near us, or if Travy McCoy will walk out of his bus when we walked by.

        Vinny had already pulled all of the gear out, and was starting to put the tent together in its normal position between The Maine's tent and Plain White T's. I noticed the similar tents when I was at their show in maryland when they visited.

        The tour jumped from New York, to Maryland, and to Rhode Island and Massachusetts. I'm not sure why it was planned that way but it didn't bother me. Rhode Island was a pretty state and I don't think I've ever been there before.

        Matt and Vinny started to pull together the top of the tent and the metal poles. Kara showed me to the boxes that he was unpacking. She began to open the cardboard, looking through the merch before handing it off to me. The sun was on my back as I set them on the white folding tables in front of me, and I was ignoring the sweat I could feel on my hair line. Christ, it was hot out already.

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