Chapter 8: Rian

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        It was cold outside that Friday afternoon. It couldn't have been warmer than twenty degrees, even with the sunny sky and no clouds. The sun reflected off the snow and created a blinding patheway to the parking lot. I couldn't see a thing.

        "Good thing I can't see," I muttered sarcastically to myself, Kara's soft laugh to my side caused a small smile on my lips.

        She shrugged once, looking around with her hands above her eyes, creating a visor from the glare. I stuffed my hands into my winter North Face jacket. I couldn't wait to get into my car and get warm.

        "It's pretty here when it snows. Too bad you weren't here for Christmas. It's so nice with all the lights," she looked up at the sky, fingers curled inside her purple gloves. I wached her walk, watching the way she smiled happily at the thought. She gave off a content and joyful vibe, it was almost contagious.

        "I bet it was. I always miss the snow when I love somewhere warm, but when I have it, I hate it," I laughed at my own hypocricy. She giggled lightly and picked up her pace towards my car. She stood at the passenger side door while I awkwardly pulled out my keys.

        Then it hit me that Kara and I had never been alone together outside of school. What the hell do girls talk about together? I never really had close friends that I hung out with? Do I start conversation or does she? Will she think that this is awkward? Will she not want to be my friend after this car ride when she realized how socially unaware I ws?

        I hit the unlock button and she opened the door. After stuffing my bag into the backseat, I pulled my door open and shoved the keys into the ignition quickly. The car rumbled as it warmed up, and I shook in my seat, unable to contain my shivering. Kara's teeth chattered while she put her hands to the vents that continued to blow out the cold, unwelcomed air.

        Kara and I both looked at each other for a half a moment before we both burst into laughter. It was something that neither of us could avoid. The awkward silence was taken over by the freezing moment and we both had to get it out of the way, the nervous laugh, the uncomfortable laugh before you guys can really be alright with being alone.

        I pulled out of my spot quickly and pushed the gear into drive before speeding out of the parking lot. I sighed deeply when we hit the main road. I was so happy to be out of there for an entire weekend.

        "The guys are pains in the ass," Kara admitted randomly, hands at my air vents, trying to soak up all the heat. "But they are realy fun to be around, you learn to love them even when you don't want to," she smiled at me kindly.

        "How long have you and Rian been dating?" I asked curiously. I felt like a jerk for not asking these questions before, but I was never sure. Kara is the closest person to a friend I'd had in years.

        "Over a year now," she thought about it for a long moment, like she was listening to the words that just left her own lips. Her mouth hung ajar, taking in the idea. "It's been almost a year and three months," she seemed astonished herself. I chuckled lightly.

        "Surprised?" I questioned, turning down a back road.

        "Sometimes it just hits you," she admitted, a blush creeping to her neck.

        "Have you ever gotten sick of him before?" I asked softly, glancing at her in between long gazes at the road.

        "Never," she answered quickly, completely sure of her answer. "Not once, he just -- he always surprises me. He's better than any friend I have ever had before him," she mumbled softly, looking at me. "I lost my best friends when we first started dating."

        "Really?" It all made so much sense now. I was always wondering why Kara only hung out with the guys. She was by far the nicest person I'd ever met in my entire life. There as no reason for her to be without friends, especially in high school.

        "My best friend, Veronica, was the "Jessica" of our school up until the middle of junior year. I had my group of friends and I was the only one allowed in, no one else," She seeemed to despise the thought of them, nose scrunching in disgust. "She hated the guys, absolutely hated them, and I never really knew why. But, Rian and I started working together in an ice cream shop downtown, and he -- he was so nice to me, and I never really had that before, even with the guy I was dating at the time.

        "And we started hanging out, and we just -- started dating. I never told my friends any of that, because they would never have allowed it, and I knew that. It wasn't long until one of the girls in the group found out, and told Veronica. I might as well have been exiled from school, and it didn't help when the guys went to New York for a meeting with their old record label for a few days. They were so mean to me, and I hated myself.

        "But when Rian came back, he knew what happened just by the way I was acting. He told her off and she stopped. I don't know why or what got through to her, but she did. And everything died down, and we've been together, happily, ever since."

        My eyebrows were up, mouth gaping. For a girl that seemed sweet and innocent, she had a backbone. She was strong and independent, not just another girl that got lost in her boyfriend.

        "Holy shit, that's a story to tell your kids," I mumbled softly, turning onto my street.

        "I guess so," she laughed quietly, thoughtful. "I'll never regret it either. Even if Rian and I were to have the worst fall out ever, I never would. I couldn't. I was happier with him than I ever was with my old, fake friends. He was worth the risk, I really, really do care about him, so much."

        "You should, he's a really great guy," I confirmed with a reassuring smile before turning into my driveway, parking my car and turning it off. I hopped out and Kara followed. I grabbed my backpack and keys and walked towards the door, Kara trailing behind me.

        "I know, I'm really luck," she said embarrassed. I laughed slightly and set my backpack down inside the door. I awkwardly let her in and shut the door.

        "I've always wanted to find that," I said with rosy cheeks. I led her towards my kitchen and she blushed the same way I did. I pulled iced tea out of the fridge, and got two cups. "But I feel like I'd always get mad or annoyed with the person and just be done with it."

        "Oh, don't get me wrong, I get annoyed with Rian all the time," She laughed, watching me pour the beverage into the cup. I passed her the cup and she took a small sip, thinking carefully, "But no matter what, even when we fight over the stupidest things, I always want him around. It's to the point now where I don't think I'd be okay without him around, and it seems so lame to say it, but he's my best friend. Once someone finds something like that, they don't want to let it go."

        I took a drink, pondering the idea. I'm not sure if that would ever happen to me.

        "Well, here's to hoping," I teased about myself, lifting my glass to Kara's. She returned the favor, allowing my action effortlessly. We both laughed at the joke, bringing our glasses to our lips.

        In the back of my mind, all I could do was question that very idea.

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