Chapter 15: Adam

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        I sat mindlessly in my fifth block Spanish class. Who in the world needs to take Spanish four as a class, really? I knew for a fact that I'd never succeed in this class, so why I was sitting here, leaning about subjunctive verbs was beyond me. How can you teach an area of their language when you can't even explain what it translates to in English?

        Let's just say, Spanish was a sore subject in my heart. Maybe it was because it was the first class I'd ever gotten a B in, or for the obvious fact that my teachers were these obnoxious people who scream when they're teaching, and play stupid children's games to memorize conjucations.

        "Stella, tienes numero dos, numero dos, aqui!" she pointed to the area around my table. Ugh, why do we have to play games in here? Why do all the students love it?

        The other students circled around my desk, making the other seats in the shape of an "O". I smiled weakly at them. I didn't know a single one of them, and I'd been in their class for almost three months. There was one girl who had blonde hair and clearly didn't want to be here, another brunette girl who took notes vigorously throughout the hour, a black haired girl who drew on her arms the whole class, and a dirty blonde boy who sat next to me who reminded me a lot of Alex: He had his septum pierced, and small gagues in both ears. His eyes were green and his hair was styled in a faux-hawk. His face wasn't shaved when he ran his fingers over his chin.

        "Doy encerado de blanco todos los estudiantes. Hablo la pregunta y escriben la respecta en al encerado," My happy Spanish teacher smiled while setting boards in front of eat students. I groaned internally, I hated these games.

        She passed our markers to each group. I stole a decent one, writing on my board to make sure it worked. Insteantly I was drawing, writing nasty notes about the class in the corners.

        My teacher found her way to the front of the room and instantly I zoned out. She was one of those teachers that got so into what she was doing that she'd never noticed when I wasn't paying attention. She gave us the answers after and I'd just jot them down if she was walking around while asking questions. For the most part, I could get away with absolutely anything.

        I managed to fit my legs comfortably under my small desk; my knees bent against the fake wood, curled up into a ball in the seat. I had the board blocking me off from the students around me while I doodled unimportant things.

        As she began to ask questions, a white board next to me was suddenly only inches away. Writing was scribbled across it, and I looked up briefly to read the words in dark blue.

        I thought I was the only one who drew instead of paying attention.

        I glanced up to the boy with the pretty eyes and gagues. I smiled lightly at him and erased what I had on my board, before writing back quickly.

        Why wouldn't I? This class sucks.

        My purple marker was vibrant. The boy smiled and shook his head, writing on his board again.

        What's your name, new girl?

        New girl, that was so funny. I forgot to laugh. My name's Stella.

        I like that name.

        Thanks, I guess?

        He thought for a moment, scribbling something down quickly and raising it for the teacher to see. I rolled my eyes. Like hell was I going to attempt not pretending anymore. I wasn't meant to do better than an eighty-seven in this calss, and I"ve come to terms with it.

        He wrote something and showed me again. I liked his handwriting, it was half-cursive, half-large scribble. You knew exactly what he was writing; it made no sense at all. 

        My name's Adam, thanks for asking.

        I raised my eyebrows at him before erasing my words with my sleeve on my black sweatshirt and wrote neatly across the top.

        I don't believe I asked, actually.

        I believe you wanted to.

        He write back suddenly, a bad attempt at a wink face. I gigled before shrugging once and jotting something else on my board.

        I don't think I'd go that far, but who knows. Maybe you're right.

        I added a smile face next to my sentance, and smiled at him as well. He chuckled and nodded.

        Touche, I like you already. Where're you from?

        Here, there, everywhere. Army brat.

        Interesting, how do you like MD so far?

        I didn't answer right away. Maybe because the answer I'd always used when asked was that it sucked, and that I coouldn't wait to leave. I was actually enjoying myself here, if that wasn't surprising enough. I felt a grin creep on my lips while I wrote this sentance for the first time.

        It's great. I love my friends here.

        Maybe I could be one of those friends?

        I looked up at him and he eyed me with a smirk. I laughed and shook my head before writing back.

        Maybe Adam, maybe.

        As he held up the last note the bell rang. Our Spanish teacher jumped from her seat telling us how wonderful we were today. She asked us to put the boards in the bin before leaving. I slipped past the other students before sliding out the door, away from that class and the hell that came with it.

        I was pacing myself down the music hallway, taking my five minutes in. I slowed down and began to take small, easy steps towards the door, and that's when Alex appeared at my side.

        "What's up?" He smiled at me; I grinned and shrugged, watching the ground. Before I could answer, my name was being called down the hallway. I glanced up at Adam, looking at me with a beaming smile. I grinned and waved back while he was moving towards me quickly.

        "Hey, I just wanted to give you this. I case you ever want to, hang out, you know?" He smiled wearily and rubbed the back of his neck with one hand while handing me the folded piece of paper. I nodded and accepted it. He seemed nice; I can see us getting along well.

        "Sure, I"ll see you tomorrow," I giggled softly, he waved slightly before taking off down the hallway so he wasn't late. I looked at the paper that was titled 'New Girl'. I unfolded the paper to read Adam George and a terrible looking smiley face. He really needed to practice those.

        "Who was that?" Alex's voice was hard, like he'd just found out someone ran over his cat or something. I glanced up at him and shrugged slightly.

        "Kid from my Spanish class, Adam," I grinned at the open space in front of me before turning the classroom door, where students were beginning to file in quickly. I wrapped my fingers around Alex's wrist and beamed at him. "Let's go, or we'll be late."

        "Yeah," he muttered softly under his breath, allowing me to tug him into the classroom just before the bell rang.

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