Chapter 14: Partners

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        "Hey, Stella," Alex plopped down in the empty chair next to me in class. Music class was just about to start, and Jack had just walked in as the bell rang, as normal. I was pulling my binder out and I smiled at Alex. Ever since the party at Jack's, we'd come to a mutual understanding with one another.

        I vaguely remember talking to him about everything in my life, my dad, my moving, my mom, absolutely everything. I remember distinctly telling him about his brother, parents, living in England, and starting the band. We talked about everything, and even if it was fuzzy around the edges, I still could remember sitting in the living room for hours, just talking to him. I remembered the last conversation we had better than the others.

        "So, you're telling me you don't believe in love?" Alex asked me, lazy eyes looking at me with questions. I shook my head, eyes closing briefly. When I shook my head everything went into slow motion, and I took a long sip of my drink. "I mean, I don't know if I do either, but you're a girl. Girls are always hopeless fucking romantics."

        "Nope, not one bit," I knew my words were beginning to slur, but it didn't bother me. I was comfortable with Alex. It wasn't a big deal.

        "Why?" He seemed completely at awe that I'd say that.

        "Why would I? My mother took off without a second thought. They were married for so long -- thirteen years. And it meant nothing to her when she left. I just don't think I'll fall in love. It's one of those things -- those things that you know will never happen, you know?" I asked him without expecting an answer and continued to talk. "Besides, who needs love? I've been alone my whole life. I don't need anyone now."

        Alex sat there, staring at me blankly. It looked like he couldn't find the right words. Instead he offered me his hand, and led me to a different room -- almost to leave the emotion from that las conversation behind us.

        "What's up guys?" I asked while Jack found a seat on the other side of me. I grinned at him while he wrapped his arm around my shoulder tightly.

        "Hating that it's Monday," Jack laughed while rolling his eyes. He began to pull out his things. Alex reluctantly did the same thing, and we chatted about random things. I hadn't realized how funny Alex and Jack were together until now. Before it was just too hard to see past how annoying Alex was. But now it was easy to see why so many people liked him.

        While Alex and Jack bickered about something having to do with the banana suit that Jack wanted to wear on stage at the next gig, Mr. Moore stood in front of the cass waiting for the students to be quiet. Once everyone had finally realized what he was doing, you could've heard a pin drop.

        "We're going to start an experimental project today guys," Mr. Moore seemed more entused by this idea he'd come up with than we did. He rubbed his hands together excitedly. "The superintendent wants to see a full range of ideas from the music department this year to see which classes they'd like to keep for next year's curriculum.

        "So, for your final grade, which is only a mere three months away, we will be working on this project. We are having a musical performance night from each class, and each person is going to perform a piece they've written."

        A sudden wave of panic was visible on everyone's face but Jack and Alex. I felt my eyes go wide, and my heart speed up. Perform these pieces? What the hell was wrong with this man?

        Students groaned loudly, and some even went as far as teling Mr. Moore they wouldn't have it, and just intended on failing the class. Mr. Moore rolled his eyes and sighed loudly. He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned over ever so slightly on his leg, waiting for them to shut up. He watched as they continued to freak out, and I was having a meltdown without having to say anything.

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