Chapter 67: Family

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          I stared out the back lounge window, watching the city streets go by. I watched the faces of passing drivers, who stared at the large bus. Even some of the gaping looks didn't make me smile. I let out my breath, chin resting in the palm of my hand. My elbow leaned against the lip under the window, back pressed to the black, leather couch. My feet were curled around me, knees at my chest.

          The boys stopped twenty minutes ago, and were eating. I'm not sure what Alex was doing, but he kept asking me what was wrong. I told him it was nothing, and he would give me a kiss on the forehead. Kara was sleeping because she had a huge headache. I was alone, left by myself to drown in my own thoughts.

          I didn't want to think about the fact that my dad hadn't come to Jack's house before I left, or now that we were on the road that I still had a pinching feeling in my chest. I didn't want to regret the fact that I was with my friends right now, and blew off my dad. I wasn't in the mood to realize that the things I said to him weren't fair, or that I overreacted. I didn't want to admit that I was wrong, and I knew it.

        The door to the back lounge was open, and I could faintly see the people walking past as they went to the bathroom or the bunks. The boys were laughing and joking about something, and I heard Alex's laugh grow as he opened and closed the door to the bathroom. I uncurled my legs from my body, standing up slowly. I was still getting my sea legs on this moving bus. It wasn't too bad, but still something that I had to get used to.

        I put my hand on the wall as I moved through the hallway. I pulled the curtain to Alex's bed, and crawled in quietly. I tugged on the curtain, but not bothering to see if it closed as I lay on my back, closing my eyes. I sort of had a headache, like Kara. I was hoping if I fell asleep, I would feel better when I woke up.

          I heard the bathroom door open and close once again, and a pair of feet shuffling through the hallway. They slowed while passing me. I almost opened my eyes, but once I heard a pair of knees crack slightly when they bent to my level, it was Alex. He crawled into the bunk next to me, and I instantly smelt his scent. I rolled on my side, making enough room for him to press his chest to mine. My arm wrapped around his middle, pressing my forehead into the crook of his neck.

         "Why are you moping?" His voice was teasing, but when his fingers touched my side, he was caring. I shrugged, hand clutching the fabric of his graphic t-shirt.

          "My dad didn't want me to come with you," I murmured against his skin. His body tensed for a moment, but he nodded anyways. I traced random patters into his side lightly. I didn't really want to talk about it, but Alex wouldn't let me go until I would tell him at some point. "I didn't exactly leave with his blessing."

           "That explains a lot," he breathed out, understanding now.

          I let out a deep breath, not wanting to get so sad about this. I got what I wanted, I had my friends with me and I was going to do something completely insane. I was going to travel with them for the rest of the summer and I would see places I still haven't seen from my moves. I was with Alex, and I should be satisfied. But my dad was the only family I ever really had; he was all I had left.

         "He didn't say bye to me," I let out a shaky breath. I felt the tears on the corners of my eyes, and they spilled over the top and onto Alex's shirt. He sighed once, pulling me closer to him. "He wasn't even there when I left. I was such a bitch to him, and didn't say anything."

          "What happened?" He asked nicely, something that wasn't exactly normal for him. Conversations between us that were normal weren't very common. Alex's personality never really let him, but as the months go on, it's more common. Speaking to each other without jokes or comebacks. It was like we were growing up together or something.

          "I told him that he was a bad father, basically," I sniffed into his shirt, and his arms wrapped around me tighter. I moved my hand to his arm and traced around his muscles. For some reason, his touch was making me less upset. "I was so mad and awful, and -- ugh."

         "If I was your dad, I wouldn't let you go with me either," he chuckled lightly. I shook my head, unable to think of anything bad about Alex. Things might make me mad, but I wouldn't change anything. "He's a smart guy. He knows what he's talking about."

        "Well, he's wrong," I pulled my face around from his chest. He looked down at me with a smirk on his lips. He shook his head, leaning towards me and pressing his mouth to mine. It was sweet and simple. I think that was one thing that I loved about Alex. All of his kisses were different, they were never predictable. "I might be a bad person because of what I said, but I know he's not right."

        "You're not a bad person because you told him how you felt," he looked down at me, "I don't think you'd be a bad person even if you murdered someone."

        I rolled my eyes at his compliment, cheeks flushing slightly. My neck was warm with his words. "But I wasn't even telling him the truth. He's one of my best friends. Just because we only connected a few years ago, he still was trying."

        "You were hurt when you were younger. It would have come out at one point or another, El. Don't beat yourself up about it," His fingers slid up and down my side, trying to comfort me. I shrugged, still feeling the stabbing pain in my chest. But it was numbed in this moment.

        "He's my only immediate family, Alex," I whispered softly, hand rubbing my forehead.

        "Only family?" Jack's voice boomed from right outside our curtain. I jumped at the sound, and Alex sighed, rolling his eyes. The curtain rods clattered when they were pulled open. Light flooded my face and I squinted lightly. Jack's face was there, eyes insluted. "I'm offended!"

        "You're like a fucking girl, man," Alex taunted him, turning his head. "Eavesdropping, really?" Jack's skunk hair fell in his eyes, and he pushed himself into the bunk. It was already close quarters with Alex, but Jack pulled himself in between us. I'm still not sure how he managed to squeeze over the top of Alex.

        He toppled on top of me, which caused me to grunt slightly and laugh in response. "Well when she insults my relation to her, I'm gonna say something!" He turned his head towards me, beaming. His large nose was hitting mine. I wasn't used to being this close to Jack, and I didn't know what else to do besides laugh.

        "Your relation?" I laughed, and he nodded. Alex's hands slid under Jack's torso, hugging him jokingly. Jack moaned kiddingly, which caused another fit of laughter from my throat. I don't know why I thought it was so funny when they got sexual with one another. Call me immature, I guess.

        "Listen here, Stella. We're all one big, happy, sweaty, sexual, fucked, gay, drunk, horny family on this bus," He wagged his finger in my face. I smiled, nodding one. His fingers wrapped around the back of my head, pulling me in quickly and giving me a sloppy kiss on the forehead. When he pulled away he managed to make a 'muah' noise dramatically. "Get it? Got it? Good."

        I shook my head as he rolled back over Alex's chest, making him groan in pain. Jack made sure to punch Alex in the crotch as he got out of the bunk. I laughed harder, tears prickling my eyes. I wiped them, stomach hurting from laughing. Alex chuckled lightly, rolling back over again. I glanced to the side, seeing him smirk at me. I reached my hand closest to him up awkwardly, grazing his jaw.

        "Thanks," I murmured quietly, and he just nodded in response before leaning over cautiously and kissing me once again. He was already smiling against my lips when he reached me. I sighed against his mouth, feeling a small contentment fall over my body.

          Family. I could live with that.

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