Chapter 3: Lunch

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        "So, where are you from?" Kara asked as we entered the lunch line. There were two many people to even breathe. I pulled a fruit salad from one of the bars as we passed. Kara grabbed a piece of pizza and some fries.

        "I'm not really from anywhere in particular," I laughed once, smiling as we wiggled our way through a group of underclassment to grab a fork. Kara followed me, her eyes curious.

        "What are you, a gypsy?" She laughed softly while we made our way into the line to pay for our food. Luckily there was only one other person in front of us. The least crowded area of this low ceiling-ed, whilte and maroon wallled lunch room.

        I rolled my eyes teasingly while I handed over my money to the lady with a smile and a thank you. Kara followed my lead and started walking to her table. She slowed, wanting to know what I meant by my statement. Her light eyes were still questioning.

        We set our things down at the table. I took my time getting comfortable. "My dad is in the army. I've moved almost every year since I was six," I shrugged, opening the plastic container. I stabbed my fork into a piece of pineapple. I swallowed slowly.

        "Are you kidding me?" She looekd amazed. I shook my head barely while opening my iced tea. I twisted the cap and put the bottle to my lips. "Tell me where you've lived."

        "Just list them?" I questioned while swallowing my drink. She nodded, eager to hear. I thought about it for a few moments before listing, "Missouri, Texas twice, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, England twice, California, Germany, Washington, Georgia, Arizona, and now I'm here."        

        Her mouth hung ajar as I counted on my fingers. Once I was done, I thought it over and nodded once, knowing I'd listed all the places. She was astonished when I was finished.

        "Where was your favorite?" she asked, and I shrugged. I've been doing that a lot lately.

        "I really don't have one."

        "Don't have one, what?" Rian sat down at the table next to Kara. He kissed her temple lightly and grinned, "Hey, Stella."

        "Stella's lived in England before," Kara started to explain to her boyfriend, amazement in her voice. Rian raised his eyebrows at me; I nodded, explaining it to him. Watching Kara's facial expressions was slightly entertaining.

        "Look who we've got here," I involuntarily cringed at the sound of the voice in my ear. I was still not sure why his voice bugged me. It was the boys from my music class.

        "Oh, Stella, this is..." Rian began to introduce us when Jack jumped in, sliding into the seat diagionally from me to the left with a large grin. He pulled out a lunch bag, hisbright blue zip up a blur with his swift movements.

        "Stella, you're sitting with us?" He grinned.

        "Looks live you've already met," Kara smile. I rolled my eyes and glanced towards Alex as he dug into his lunch. Whatever they made didn't look too terrible; he was eating like an animal.

        "Unfortunately," I muttered under my breath. Alex swallowed and looked up with a smirk. I redirected my attention to Jack as he spoke.

        "So, what did Alex and I miss?" he glanced around the table, like something insanely exciting occured for the five minutes that they weren't here. I smiled slightly while forking another piece of fruit.

        "Stella informed us that she's an army brat," Rian engaged conversation while stealing a fry off Kara's tray. She slapped his hand lightly, laughing quietly.

        "Oh really, where have you lived?" Alex joned into the conversation; Kara had a smile on her lips.

        "She lived in England at one point," She started, eyebrows raising. Alex's grin gew and he chuckled slightly. I stared between them, unsure

        "I was born there," He mused, swallowing his food. I felt the connections clicking in my head.

        "That's where the beer comment came from this morning," I nodded, finally understanding. He smiled and shrugged slightly, shoulders falling back lazily.

        "That, and it's a good pick up line," he smiled, playfully. I rolled my eyes.

        "I may be new, but not in a million years," I laughed once, unable to hold in the comment. His eyes sparked with the challenge, brown eyes having a glow to them as he sipped his water.

        "We'll see," He winked at me while putting the bottle to his lips. I rolled my eyes and stuck another strawberry into my outh.

        This was going to be an interesting semester.

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