Chapter 82: Lullaby

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        "I missed you," Jack yelled happily as I climbed on the bus. I had a sad smile on my lips as I walked up the stairs. Alex was following behind me, lifting my suitcase up the three steps against my many protests. Rian must have been sleeping, because Kara was sitting on the couch with a book in her hands, and Zack was playing on his laptop next to her.

        Jack scooped me up off the ground in an obvious attempt to cheer me up. Alex chuckled lightly, hopingto brighten the mood with easy humor and laughs. But I really just wanted to get some real rest for the day. It was only seven in the morning here, and I hadn't had real sleep on the plane.

        "Hi Jack," I let out a content breath into his shirt. He slumped when he put me down and I could barely smile. It's just been a long day. His face skewed into a strange expression. I think it was one of the first times ever that he wasn't able to make me laugh.

        "Hey sweetie," Kara said quietly from the couch, offering a seat between her and Zack who was also smiling gently at me. I shook my head, thanking them. I heard Alex shut and lock the door behind me, and the bus driver took that as his cue to start up the engine.

        Alex set my things on the ground next to the small counter, and I didn't bother to turn and see if he'd follow me to the bunk. I slid intothe bed, letting out a sigh of relief as my head hit the pillow. I was happy that I was alrady in running shorts and a t-shirt. I pulled the covers over my legs and let my eyes close slowly.

        "Dude, not even a fucking giggle," Jack offered softly, meaning to let the conversation only reacht he ears of Alex, Kara, and Zack. I heard Alex let out a breath, like he was in pain along with me. "She looks like she got hit by a fucking train."

        "No shit man," Alex defended.

        "Her dad is gone, of course she's upset," Kara sighed lightly, unable to contain her reaction to Jack's comment. I knew he didn't mean anything by it, it was just his observation.

        "Is she gonna be alright?" Zack asked.

        "I don't know," Alex said, voice stressed and breathing rapid. I felt awful tat they were worried about me. I didn't know how to act right now. I just wanted to sleep, and wake up in a few hours. I wanted the rest of this day to just be over.

        The murmurs fell into an eerie silence. When that happened, my eyes closed completly into the darkness created by the closed curtain. I could hear a faint shuffling of feet as they got closer. Before I could consider who it was, light was flooding under my eyelids.

        I scooted over leazily, and a recognizable body pressed his back to mine. His warmth was enough to make me feel slightly better. I don't know how I gained the nergy to roll over, but I pressed my face into Alex's shirt anyway, taking a deep breath. His scent filled my nose, and my brain shut down.

        "I missed you," I mumbled, bending my elbows and placing my fingers on his chest, gripping his t-shirt tightly. I could feel him smile against my hair as he kissed my head. His fingers rand own my hand, making my already relaxed body melt into his grip. It caused goose bumps to rise down my skin as he stroked my arm.

        "I missed you, too," he said softly, mouth moving to my forehead as he craned his neck to look into my eyes. I was trying my hardest to keep them open, just to talk to him. I knew he was worried about me; it was easy to see since we'd gotten my luggage. His eyes never left my profile when we were standing silently and the glum expression on my face.

        "Who has a piano here?" I asked, yawning while glancing towards his eyes. He shrugged, leaning forward and kissing my nose, then my cheek and my chin. He kissed the corner of my mouth and i felt my lips tug up slightly as he tried to tease me.

        "I can ask around," he said with a smirk on his mouth while kissing me fully for a long moment. My heart burned, and things felt easier to deal with. My dad didn't feel so far away, and missing him didn't seem so dreadful. "Why? New song?"

        "Not really," I said against his mouth, "I just need to play."

        "I get it," Something that I loved about Alex was that when he said that he understood something, he got it. And when it came to music, he always understood. It never really had to be explained, because he knew what I was feeling. Just the same way that he likes to play when he is feeling off, or when he is having a shitty day.

        A silence fell over us, and I began to feel the drowsiness fall over my body once again. The small rocking of the bus as we drove was almost soothing as Alex allowed me to lean against his chest comfortably, and rubbed my arm. My breathing was even, and I was fading in and out of consciousness.

        Alex's chest rumbled underneath me quietly, and for a long time, I had thought that he was laughing at something. When I was still awake, it was easy to tell that whatever he was doign was continuous. I hadn't heard his voice until his small whisperes were a soft lullaby.

        One more reason I should never have met you
        Just another reason I could never forget you
        Down we go, the rooms spinning out of control

        It as a light tune, and almost sounded like a swing song. In my head, I was bobbing my foot to the beat. It wasn't like anything he'd ever written before. Most of his pieces were more alternative. It showed his diversity.

        Lose yourself in a chemical moment
        The night life's taking it's toll
        That's just the way it goes...

        I felt myself smile against his neck, almost giddy that he was trying to sing me to sleep. Maybe he wasn't even doing that, but just singing to himself. Regardless, I was enjoying the way he was singing so softly. It was raspy and different than it normally was, almost sexy.

        I was almost completely out, missing small pieces of the next lyric as my mind began to shut down before finally facing into a peacfeful and thoughtless blackness.

        Come on..Stella won't you take me home?

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