the one with the volleyball game

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"you're worthless."

"your "friends" only took you back 'cause they felt bad for you."

"you were never good enough."

"that's why Morris cheated on you."

"you're not even good enough for Elmer."

Andi groaned, slammed her textbook shut and threw it out the window. Before it hit the ground, she heard a yelp. She then stood up and started pacing around the room, hands on her head.

"don't let them get to you, Andi." She mumbled to herself. "you're better than that." She then sat back down and picked up her pencil again. She realized that she wrote down sin=worthless as her answer for one of her homework questions. She also realized that she just threw her textbook out the window. So she climbed out her window and started to climb down the ladder, that she and her father built onto the tree when she was seven. Halfway down, she spotted Jack.

"hey Jacky boy." She greeted and jumped down to the ground. "what are you doing here?"

"I uh.. need to talk to you. It's about Katherine." Jack explained.

"come on." With that, the two climbed the tree and crawled into Andi's room. Andi then grabbed her jersey and spanks out of her closet.

"hold on, let me change first." She then went into the bathroom and shut the door. Jack wandered around her room when he saw her pre cal homework. He was terrible at math so he decided to take a little peek at her work.

"sin equals worthless?" He whispered, reading the answer to the last question done. Suddenly, Andi opened the door, making him jump.

"you have a game today?" Jack asked.

"yep." Andi simply replied. Since she had a lot of anger to take out, she was glad that she had a game today. Otherwise she'd be yelling at Jack soon.

"can we talk on the way to the school? We should leave now, it's an away game."

Jack shrugged. "sure." With that, the two crawled out the window. Andi made sure not to forget her kneepads, she tends to do that a lot. Before climbing down the tree, she went to Elmer's window and knocked.

Elmer opened the window. "game time?" In response, Andi smiled. "mom! I'm going to Andi's game!" He called before crawling out.

    On the car ride there, Jack told them everything. About how oblivious and stupid he's been, how he went to talk to Katherine, how she refused. He told them that he was afraid that he had ruined their friendship.

"she didn't want to talk to you?" Elmer asked, trying to remember if he heard it right.

"yeah and-" Jack sighed. "I'm so stupid, ya know?"

"can't disagree with you on that one, Cowboy." Andi replied as they pulled into the school. "but guess what, you can talk to Kath today!" Jack smiled, remembering that Katherine was also on the volleyball team.

"but, after the game. Please don't shake her before the game, we didn't come here to lose." Andi added. Today, they're playing their rival team, so they can't lose.

    Soon, they finished warming up and the game was about to start. Luckily, Katherine didn't see Jack on the bleachers yet. And being a starter, she probably wasn't going to be seeing him for a while.

Let's just say, Andi and Katherine had a lot of anger to take out. The first ball was just served and flew towards Andi. Being the natural libero she is, she passed the ball perfectly and quickly made her way out to hit.

"power!" With that, Katherine set the ball perfectly and Andi pounded it to the ground, making her team and their school's side of the bleachers cheer. Andi wasn't tall, but man could she jump high.

"someone's mad." Katherine whispered to Andi.

"how'd you know?" She winked and took her position. Andi's kill streak has been going on for about six more points when the other team blocked two of Andi's hits on a row, so Katherine changed the plan.

"Lil, we're running a step." She whispered to Lilly, who nodded. Again, the ball flew to Andi, who passed it perfectly, so Katherine and Lilly ran the play in question, earning them another point.

"okay new girl." Andi hyped, making Lilly smile. Their team was really glad to have Lilly. She's the perfect middle that every team wanted. They soon won the first set and that's when Katherine saw him.

"what's Jack doing here?" She asked Andi as they switched sides.

Andi shrugged. "they always watch our games." She reminded, referring to their whole friend group. Seeing Jack made Katherine even more angry and luckily, they're team had the first serve this time. She went on a nine point serve run with four aces. On the tenth serve, the other team finally made a pass and their setter set it to their right side hitter, who Andi and Lilly blocked.

"thats my girl!" Andi smiled and gave Lilly a high five. She then noticed Katherine looking at Jack.

"hey setter," She called, getting the attention of Katherine. "stay with us, we have two more sets to go." Andi demanded and gave Katherine a light push. Katherine nodded at her captain and went up to serve again. After a horrible second set, Millennium won their game three to one. Which relieved Andi because earlier, she told Jack and Elmer that they didn't come to lose.

    When Andi, Katherine and Lilly walked out of the change room, their friends ran up to them and congratulated the three players. Elmer then nudged Jack.

"talk to her." He whispered to him.

"okay okay." Jack replied with his hands in the air and made his way towards Katherine.

"um Kath, I know you're real mad at me right now but.. can I please talk to you?" He pleaded. Katherine looked at Andi and Lilly for reassurance, in which they nodded.

"okay." She agreed and the two walked out of the gym.

"so... he's not asking Eden out?" Romeo asked, breaking the silence between everybody.

"NO!" Everybody yelled and Andi threw one of her court shoes at him.

remember when i said lilly was short? yea jk shes gonna be like tall now but not like insanely tall shes still shorter than most of the newsies but shes tall now

they were just having funWhere stories live. Discover now