the one with the semi formal

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Andi was on a facetime call with Spot when Lilly came into her room.

"he asked me!" She beamed.


"Albert, he asked me to the semi formal." She informed, making Andi's eyes go wide.

"oh my god, you're kidding!" Andi exclaimed and Lilly frantically shook her head. "Spot, I'll call you back."

"but I-" Before he could finish, Andi hung up on him and jumped up.

"we're going dress shopping. We'll call Katherine on the way to her place." She grabbed a light jacket from her closet, but before she could crawl out of her room, Lilly stopped her.

"it's ten am and you're still in your pyjamas." She laughed. Andi quickly changed, left the room and she practically jumped off of the tree. On the drive to Katherine's place, Lilly called her, telling her that they were on the way to pick her up.

"okay, what if we like, match? But the dresses will be different colours?" Katherine suggested. "or we could pick like, completely different dresses and have all of our guy friends drooling over us."

"I like the second option." Andi agreed.

"you both have boyfriends and you want our entire group drooling over y'all?" Lilly asked, raising her eyebrows.

"our entire group other than our boyfriends." Katherine laughed and continued to look through the dresses. Andi was the first one to find a dress that she liked, so she showed the two.

"I love it!" The two exclaimed. About an hour later, everybody found a dress they liked so they paid.

 About an hour later, everybody found a dress they liked so they paid

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(here's Andi's dress)^^

(here's Andi's dress)^^

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(here's Kath's)^^

(here's Kath's)^^

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(and Lilly's) ^^

Finally, the weekend came and Katherine, Andi and Lilly decided to show up to the semi formal all together. Everybody decided to go as friends even though the three girls of the group had dates. It was weird but that's how they roll.

When Katherine, Andi and Lilly hopped out of the car, their friends were stunned. They all looked amazing.

"y'all act like y'all haven't seen us look pretty before." Andi remarked and walked up to group. Lilly and Katherine followed.

"pack it up, Powerpuff Girls." Spot said sarcastically, noticing that the colours of their dresses.

Elmer wrapped an arm around Andi and kissed her temple. "you look nice." He complimented and she looked up at him.

"you look alright." She joked.

"I will mess up your hair!" He threatened.

"it's just a ponytail, I could redo it!" Andi laughed and wrapped her arms around his waist. "and I'm kidding, you look nice too."

"you just don't want to redo your ponytail." Elmer accused.

"if I'm lazy, let me be lazy." Andi replied and tightened her grip around his waist.

The dance was going really well. Everybody was having fun and Albert messed up Lilly's hair. Unfortunately for him, she was wearing flats so she chased him around the gym until he apologized.

"are you guys together?" Andi was interrogating Romeo about Eden.

"we're not, I promise!" Romeo replied with his hands up.

"do you like her?" Andi asked, smiling mischievously.


"you're lying!" She accused and stared at him until he gave in.

"okay, I like her." Romeo admitted and sighed. Andi did a little happy jump and ran across the gym to find Gia.

"he likes her." She informed. "how are you doing with Eden?"

Gia rolled her eyes. "she ran away from me." She answered, annoyed.

"come on-"

"it's Eden, we're never getting to her. Let's just," She sighed and took a moment to think. "let's just wait 'til they start making out." She suggested.

"deal." Andi agreed. There was an awkward silence between them, so Andi decided to break it. "this blows, wanna ditch?"

"ditch the semi formal?" Gia replied, raising an eyebrow.

"yeah come on! We could go get Katherine, Lilly, Eden and Brooke and we could go to the good café all the way on the other side of Manhattan." Andi chattered with excitement.

"I don't really get along with Katherine."

"and that's why we're inviting them! And you could start a good relationship with Lilly, it'll be fun!" She bubbled. Gia took some time to think about it. She had no date and at the moment. Brooke was flirting with Race, who seemed very uncomfortable.

She clicked her tongue. "okay." She agreed and Andi did a little happy jump. "we need to save Race from Brooke anyways." She laughed.

"come on, let's go save Race first." With that, the two made their way to where Brooke and Race was.

"hey Racer um... Jojo's looking for you." Andi lied.

"why? Oh- um never mind, I'll find him. Bye Brooke." He waved. Before he left, he stopped to whisper something to Andi. "thank you, I love you!"

Andi laughed and hit Race's shoulder with her backhand. "love ya too." She answered. In about ten minutes, Andi convinced Lilly and Katherine to ditch the dance. Well, Lilly agreed right away but it took Katherine some time because she could never leave a school event. As soon as she agreed, Andi dragged the two to the main entrance, where Gia asked to meet.

"what took you so long?" Gia asked.

"Kathy could never leave a school event." Andi explained, mocking Katherine.

"it's a semi formal, it's barely a school event." Eden pointed out with a laugh. They talked for a while before making their way to the café.

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