the one with Eden

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    After school, Andi had Elmer, Race, Finch and Albert over to study. They all had tests coming up, but they were for different classes. Andi was starting to accept the fact that she was moving to London, as long as her friends are also accepting it, which they seem to be. They were all studying in the kitchen when Andi's dad came in.

"hey Andi guess what?" He riddled.


"you just got accepted into Westwood Academy!" He beamed. Andi laughed and closed her notebook. (theres a westwood collegiate where i live so i used that)

"Westwood? Dad, I'm only good at math, I'm gonna get bodied in everything else." She stated. "and don't tell me it's a French school, you know what happened the last time y'all put me in a French school."

"it's not a French school, but there is a French class." Andi's father replied.

"hey guys," Andi started, getting the attention of her friends. "wanna see my new school?" She asked.

Elmer shrugged. "sure." Andi then pulled out her phone and searched up a picture of her school. When she found a good one, she showed it to her friends.

"woah!" Finch yelled. "where ya going, Hogwarts?" He joked.

"yes, and when I come back to visit, I'm gonna take you around the world via broom." Andi replied sarcastically.

"hey! What about me?" Elmer asked.

Andi kissed his cheek. "you deserve more than a broom." She smiled, making Elmer blush.

"yeah, maybe a vacuum." Race laughed and Albert gave him a high five.

"alright, food time." Andi announced and stood up.

"YAY!" Elmer, Albert, Race and Finch all exclaimed.

Katherine walked into Aunty Ferrari's café with Romeo when they saw Eden and Jack studying together.

"you've gotta be kidding me." Katherine mumbled under her breath. Jack turned his head and when he saw Katherine, his eyes lit up.

"Kathy! Romeo!" He exclaimed and motioned for them to sit with him and Eden. On the way, Romeo saw Eden roll her eyes.

"hey Jacky-boy." Katherine smiled and sat beside him.

"hi Eden." Romeo winked.

"pipe it." She glared. (A/N: as you could see, Eden hates Romeo)

"awh somebody mad we ruined her date?" He teased.

"it's not a date."

"even better!" Romeo grinned, making Katherine laugh. Jack then turned away from Eden to face Katherine.

"so Kath, watcha here for?" He asked.

"studying and food. You know, like all the time." Katherine replied.

"studyin' for what?" He interrogated with a smile, leaning a bit closer to her.

"biology... we have a test next week, remember?" Katherine reminded with a laugh.

"um," Jack scoffed. "yeah, I was just gonna start studyin' for bio right now." He lied.

"no you weren't." Katherine accused and lightly punched his shoulder.

"yeah I was!" Jack retorted. 

Romeo leaned, a bit, towards Eden. "they would make a cute couple, wouldn't they?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"not really." Eden replied sassily.

"I think they like each other." Romeo remarked, knowing that they do like each other.

Eden scoffed. "no they don't. Well, Jack doesn't like Katherine." She concluded.

"really? 'Cause they seem to be hitting it off over there." He stated and motioned to Jack, who was tickling Katherine.

"Katherine's just his best friend, he told me." Eden rolled her eyes. "and you could tell that he's into me."

Romeo laughed. "sure, okay." He replied sarcastically.

"what? You don't think he is?" Eden asked. Again, Romeo motioned, more dramatically this time, to Jack and Katherine.

"like I said, they're best friends." Eden sassed.

"well, do you like him?" Romeo wondered, raising an eyebrow.

Eden scoffed. "no." She answered coldly.

"wha- then why-" She grabbed Romeo's shirt and pulled him close to her face.

Romeo smiled. "hey." He winked. Eden rolled her eyes and pushed him back.

"ugh. I'm doing this 'cause I've liked to make Katherine's life miserable since day one."

"she didn't even do anything to you!" Romeo defended.

"she's a stuck-up little bitch who needs to be put in her place. It's been two years and she still hasn't, so I'm gonna make sure that I'm the one who puts her in her place." Eden whispered, all up in Romeo's face. "when I'm done with this, their," She motioned to Jack and Katherine. "friendship is gonna be over." She then stood up and started packing up her things.

"Eden, going so soon?" Jack asked.

"yeah um- I need to be home to babysit. See ya Jacky." She said in a fake sweet tone, blew him a kiss and walked out. Seconds later, Romeo followed her out.

"Romeo, you knew since day one that you have no chance with her!" Jack called from behind, but he just ignored him. They weren't that far from the café when Romeo grabbed Eden's wrist and turned her around.

"okay, no more Mr. Flirt." He stated, glaring at her.

"ugh thank god!"

"Katherine's already in her place, with us. And she's got a bunch of great friends, along with me, who will stand up for her, so while you can still walk, I suggest you leave her alone." He demanded coldly.

Eden smirked. "and what if I don't?" She asked.

"then I'll make sure that I'm the one to put you in your place." He replied. "'cause trust me, if anyone isn't in their place, it's you." He tilted his head to the side and clicked his tongue. Before Eden could say another word, he turned around and walked back into the café like that conversation with her didn't just happen.

jus saying i LOVED writing romeo like this its like this whole different side of him

might not be posting chapters in a while this is my last fully written draft :)

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