the one with the fight

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Race and Mush went up to Andi and pulled her aside.

"okay, your turn." Race stated.

Andi furrowed her eyebrows. "what?"

"get talking." Mush demanded, crossing his arms.

"o-okay guys enough! I don't kn-"

"you know what we mean!" Race and Mush interrupted in unison.

"Didi, you've never failed a test." Race reminded. Along with being a great athlete, Andi was also a pretty smart girl.

"this is my first time." Andi shrugged. Again, Race and Mush weren't convinced.

"what was the test on?" Mush interrogated, crossing his arms.

"unit circle." She replied with a smirk.

Mush rolled his eyes. "lies." He stated.


"Di, you're amazing at math." Race reminded.

"you're even doing it in French!"

"hence the crying." Andi finished the conversation at that and walked out of the gym. Race and Mush watched her pass by Gia, who seemed to be saying something to her. It was when Andi pushed past her and ran out of the gym when Race put the pieces together.

"oh no." He mumbled and stomped to where the two girls were standing. "what did you say to her?" He asked.

"why do you care?" Gia spat.

"'cause Andi is my best friend and I'm not gonna let her go through what I went through." Race explained quickly. "what did you say to her?" He asked through his teeth.

"I don't have to tell you. But clearly it was enough to get her mad, so I'd call it a win." Gia smiled, tossed her hair and walked out of the gym with three of her friends. Race didn't even need to know what Gia said for his blood to boil. For longer than anybody can remember, Gia has been trying to make Andi's life a living hell. She never got to her before, but after what he saw, she probably did. He then stomped out of the gym and thankfully, she didn't leave yet.

As Race was stomping towards Gia, Katherine stomped away from Jack.

"Kath, I didn't-" Jack was interrupted when Katherine slammed her car door shut.

"Ka-" He turned towards Jack and ran to him. "Jack, what happened?!"

"doesn't matter." Jack grumbled and pushed past Race. His attention was then turned to Andi, who seemed to be angry with Romeo, Jojo, Albert and well, everyone.

"how stupid do you think I am!?" She yelled and stomped away.

"Andi, what's going-"

"you don't need to keep up the act anymore." She interrupted and ran to her car and slammed the car shut. She locked it and broke down right there on the driver's seat.

"what's going on?" Race asked them.

"what the fuck did you tell her?!" Albert yelled at his best friend.


"please, apparently we're," He motioned to himself and everybody else, other than Mush. "only friends with Andi again "'cause we felt bad for her."." Albert mocked and glared at Race.

"and you think I told her that?" Race answered, eyes wide.

"not just you, but Mush did too!" Romeo blamed.

"for the last time, I didn't tell Andi that!" Mush retorted.

Spot scoffed. "turns out Eden's not the only one who wants to ruin friendships." He rolled his eyes.

"yeah." Jojo sassed like a six year old little girl.

"you really think we're like this?!" Race yelled.

"we don't think, we know." Elmer stated, glaring at Race. Race had no idea what was going on. It was like when he left the gym, everything turned to shit.

"I'm not trying to ruin your friendship with Andi!" Race defended and threw his hands up, letting them fall.

"save it. My girlfriend's mad at me." Elmer replied with an angry tone. "and I have no ride home." He mumbled quietly, but loud enough for Romeo to hear.

"ya know Elmer, you have the stupidest priorities." He remarked with a scoff.

"talk to me about priorities when you stop flirting with three girls at once!" Elmer raged, turning on Romeo's gears.

"you did not!" He pounded his fist in his palm.

"he's not wrong." Spot snorted.

"you're one to talk. You dated almost every girl in you and Andi's old friend group!" Albert retorted, which made Spot angry.

"and you're always stuck in the past!" Spot retorted. Suddenly, everybody burst into argument. Race couldn't understand what happened, they've never fought like this before. There was little fights within one huge fight. Soon, everybody stomped away from each other. Some people had to call their parents or for an uber. Race then noticed that Andi's car was still in the parking lot, so he ran to it. He noticed that Andi was crying in the driver's seat.

He knocked on the window and Andi opened it. "I told you Race, you don't have to pretend to be my friend anymore. I know about it!" She yelled and started the car.

"Andi, I don't know what you were told but-"

"I should've went to that preppy French school." She mumbled and closed the window.

"Andi please!" Race pleaded only for Andi to drive away. He watched as everyone either left, or waited for their rides, mumbling things to themselves.

"how could everything go so wrong so fast?" Race whispered to himself.

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