the one with ninety eight or a hundred?

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    "homework's due in two days. See you guys tomorrow." Elmer's father concluded his lesson and everybody started to pack up. "Andi, can I see you for a sec?" He asked and Andi got up to see him. Elmer, Albert, Finch and Race followed her, which confused their teacher.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "guys, I only called for Andi." He reminded.

"and you get the whole package deal." Race replied with a smile. "what do ya want, teach?" Mr. Kasprzak clicked his tongue and raised his eyebrows.

"so, you're leaving in three weeks?" He asked and Andi looked at Elmer.

"what?! They saw us on the sidewalk!" Elmer defended with his hands up.

"I also heard you're talking to your teachers about exams, right?" Mr. Kasprzak added and Andi nodded. "so...?"

"um, we're almost done our Biology unit so I'm gonna write an exam as soon as we finish." She looked up and tried to think about what her other teachers told her. "I'm not writing an exam for French and my Physics teacher is still thinking about it." She explained and Mr. Kasprzak nodded.

"how's it gonna work with you? No exam for the whole class?" Finch joked and their teacher rolled his eyes.

"I'm thinking... you write your exam when you come back." He stated, leaving everybody confused.

Andi furrowed her eyebrows. "I'm not coming back, you know that."

"after senior year." Mr. Kasprzak added.


"write your exam after senior year." He clarified. "you're gonna visit in the summer, aren't you?"

Andi nodded. "of course. Why wouldn't I?" She replied.

"exactly." Their teacher then started to pack his things.

"dad, what are you planning?" Elmer wondered, tilting his head to the side.

His father shrugged. "I'm not planning anything." He answered and left the class. Confused, everybody looked at each other.

"why the fuck is your dad so riddle-y?" Albert asked Elmer. Everybody shrugged, then made their way to the cafeteria.

    "I'm just saying, you always ask me to help pick an outfit then you never wear the one I pick." Elmer stated as he helped Andi pack her stuff into boxes.

Andi walked over to him. "I need three weeks worth of outfits, that's twenty eight. You can pick thirteen and I'll wear them." She replied and kissed his cheek.

"okay, I'll believe you." He then went over to her pile of clothes and started to go through them. The two took a break from packing and made three weeks worth of outfits. Surprisingly, it took a half hour.

"you know, I still don't know if I'm writing a History exam." She began. "I mean what if I never figure out your dad's riddle then I fail History? I mean come on, out of all classes, History??" She rambled as packed the last of the things she needed.

"why aren't you packing your pillows and stuff?" Elmer wondered.

"my mom made me a room. It's real pretty." She answered and pulled out her phone to show him a picture of it.

"nice, it's blue." He remarked.

"I asked her to make it blue."


"'cause your room's blue." She smiled. Elmer kissed her forehead and hugged her.

"well now I can't paint my room." He said and Andi pulled away.

"you were gonna paint your room?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

Elmer scoffed. "well not anymore!" Andi then kissed him and made her way out the window. "where ya goin'?"

"your place. I need to know if I'm writing an exam or not." With that, Elmer followed her into his house. Andi ran down the stairs to find Elmer's father washing dishes. She sat down at the breakfast bar across from him.

"yes?" He asked, not looking up at her.

"am I writing an exam for you, or not?" Andi wondered.

"I told you, you're writing an exam when you visit after senior year." He stated, reminding her of the conversation earlier.

"I won't remember anything! Mr. Kas, I can't fail-"

"you won't fail my class, Andi." Mr. Kasprzak interrupted.

"I can't get any lower than an eighty-five." Andi affirmed, starting to lean closer.

"you have a ninety-eight in my class and it'll stay that way until your exam." Her teacher promised.

"it better be." She replied and right on cue, Elmer's mother chimed in.

"o-kay," She enunciated. "Andi, you wanna stay for dinner?" She offered as she set the table.

"sure, I'll just call my dad." With that, Andi called her dad and stayed at Elmer's for dinner.

Andi clicked her tongue. "okay, what if you like round my ninety-eight to a hundred and I'll be going to London all happy." She negotiated with Elmer's father as they ate.

"ninety-eight until you come back." He stated.

"it's two percent!" She retorted. While they argued, Lexi tapped Elmer's shoulder, in which he turned to her.

"yikes." She whispered to him.

"you tell me." He laughed and ruffled her hair.

"ninety-eight." Mr. Kasprzak decided.

"a hundred!" Andi insisted.


"a hundred!"

"one of them's gonna blow up." Lexi muttered, making Elmer laugh.


"a hundred!"


"a hundr-" Before Andi could finish, she realized what Mr. Kasprzak said. "how did it go from ninety-eight to sixty-five?" She asked him.

"ninety-eight. Take it or you're getting a sixty-five." He answered and folded his hands on the table.

Andi groaned. "fine." She gave in and he smiled.

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