the one with a misunderstanding

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    Andi and Jack were not looking forward to school the next day. It's only been a day since Jack "admitted he was into Andi," and the rumour was most likely still going around. The bad thing is, Spot and Race are the only ones that know that the rumour isn't true, which means Katherine thinks that Jack actually likes Andi. Katherine has had a crush on Jack since grade ten, when she moved to Manhattan from Staten Island. What she doesn't know is that Jack likes her back.

    "hey Kath!" Andi greeted, plopping onto her chair.

"hey Di, how's Jack?" She teased, pretending she had no feelings for him and assuming that they're dating.

"uhh why don't you ask him? He's right there." Andi replied, motioning to the table beside theirs where Jack and Romeo were sitting.

"you know what I mean." Katherine pointed out. It took Andi to realize what she was talking about.

"OH! No, no, no." She laughed.

"this is all a huge misunderstanding. Jack doesn't like me." She stated, laughing a bit.

"then why did he say it?" Katherine wondered, raising up an eyebrow. Andi knew couldn't lie. She knew that Katherine would either find out anyways.

"can you keep a secret?" Andi whispered, leaning closer to her.

"omigod it's tea!" Katherine said excitedly. Just when Andi was going to tell her, their teacher stated the class. Katherine groaned which made Andi laugh.

They had found out that there's a new kid in their class who unfortunately got bullied by Morris and Oscar, in which Andi stood up for him, but got detention for doing so.

    Class went by annoyingly slow for Katherine because Andi was about to tell her a secret. But when it ended, she jumped right out of her chair and practically dragged Andi out of the class and to her locker.

"okay Didi, tell me now. Before anybody else comes here." Katherine demanded.

"ughhh fine." Andi groaned.

"Jack told the class that he was into me to cover up what we were really talking about." She explained.

"well duh!" Katherine laughed.

"okay anyways, I'm in love with Elmer and somehow Jack knows. Apparently he's an "observant person,"." Andi replied, mocking Jack. At that, Katherine's mouth grew into a really big smile, the smile she has on her face when she's about to squeal, so Andi put her hand on her mouth.

"I'm not done! Anyways, me and Romeo switched spots so he could talk to me about it. That's all, Jack is no where near into me." She finished. She then took her hand off Katherine's mouth in which she squealed.

"omigod omigod! Who else knows you're in love with Elmo??" She asked.

"Spot and Race, no one else. But I have a feeling it's going to get to the whole group soon, knowing Race." Andi answered.

"oh yeah, definitely." Katherine laughed.

    The two then made their way to the cafeteria and went to their usual table. When they got there, they noticed that Jack wasn't there and wondered where he was, knowing that he's always one of the first ones to get to their table.

"hey guys!" Katherine greeted, sitting beside Mush.

"where's cowboy?" Andi asked, sitting in between Katherine and Elmer.

"dunno, he told me he was gonna go to his locker and to meet him here." Romeo answered. Suddenly, they saw Jack coming to their table with the boy Andi stood up for with a bruise on his jaw. None of them has ever seen him before, so they figured that he was new.

"hey guys! Meet Davey, found him in the hall gettin' soaked by Morris and Oscar." Jack said.

"it's David!" The boy corrected.

"yyeah, ima call you Davey. Anyways, is it fine if he becomes part of our group?" Jack asked.

"nice shiner!" Andi called out.

"Didi!" Elmer scolded, lightly slapping her with his backhand.


"yeah, of course it's fine if he's part of our group! I'm Crutchie!" Crutchie smiled, patting the empty spot beside him, motioning for him to sit. Everyone then introduced themselves.

"so Dave, you new here?" Spot asked.

"yeah, today's my first day, aaand I get beat up. Love that." He answered, rubbing on his shoulder.

"I like him." Andi laughed.

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