the one at the café

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After Christmas, Elmer noticed that Andi has been "off," lately. Whenever he came into her room, she was always sitting on her bed with a sad look on her face and fidgeting with her necklace. But whenever he'd ask if she was okay, she'd say yes and fake a smile. He tried asking Katherine and Lilly if they knew what was going on with her, but they didn't know. They told him that she was fine when they went boxing day shopping with her.

When Elmer crawled into Andi's room, it was the same as always. She was sitting on her bed with her necklace in her hands.

"I know something's going on with you." He stated, standing in front of her.

Andi looked up. "I'm fine." She lied. Elmer then sighed and sat beside her.

"but you're not. You keep telling me you're fine, but everytime I come through your window, you always have this sad look on your face." He replied. "please tell me if there's something going on with you." He begged.

"nothing's going on. I've just been... thinking a lot." Andi answered and leaned her head onto his shoulder.

"about what"

"life." She chuckled. "like... what if we're not all together after high school? What if we don't all go to NYU, what if someone goes to Barnard? Or what if someone moves across the ocean? Or-"

"Andi, you're rambling." Elmer interrupted and laughed. "and we're all gonna be together after high school."

Andi lifted her head off of his shoulder. "how are you so sure?" She asked.

"we had this planned since middle school." He smiled. Elmer then wrapped her in a hug, in which Andi returned.

"we're all gonna be together after high school, I promise." He reassured and kissed her temple. "love you, Sunshine." He told her quietly.

"love you too, Dallas."

    Everybody was sitting in Aunty Ferrari's café while planning New Year's Eve.

"New Year's Eve." Jack clapped his hands together. "what are we doin'?" He asked.

"TIME'S SQUARE!" Katherine and Jojo exclaimed in unison.

"we should spend it together. Like... just us." Mush suggested.


"ummm, maybe on the roof of my apartment?" He replied, shrugging his shoulders. Everybody exchanged looks before agreeing on something.

"yeah, we should do that." Albert agreed and Finch nodded. Mush gave Andi a look, in which Andi discreetly shook her head. The two gave each other looks for about two minutes before anybody noticed.

"what are you guys doing?" Romeo wondered, furrowing his eyebrows.


"nothing!" Andi answered quickly. Mush then stood up, walked to Andi, grabbed her wrist and dragged her outside of Aunty Ferrari's café.

"you have to tell them!" Mush demanded.


"they deserve to know!"

"I don't wanna spend the rest of the school year with them knowing that I'm leaving!"

"then when are you gonna tell them? Or are you just gonna hop on a plane after the last day of school and leave?" Andi didn't answer, instead she looked down to her feet.

"don't tell me you're planning on it." Mush ordered. Andi sat at a table outside of the café. Mush then sat across from her.

"when are you planning on telling them?" He asked, more calmer than earlier.

"I don't know." Andi replied quietly. "you think it's easy to tell your friends that you're moving across the ocean?"

"no, I don't. But don't you think they should know in advance?" Mush answered.

"I guess."

"I have an idea." He started. "tomorrow, at twelve o'clock, you're telling them."


"there's no better time." He interrupted.

Andi took a deep breath. "fine." The two then made their way back into the café.

"what was that?" Spot wondered.

"needed to talk." Mush shrugged. The two then sat back at their spots.

"o..kay." Race murmured.

"so New Year's Eve at Mush's, it's official?" Jack asked, changing the subject. A chorus of "yeah,"'s and "yup,"'s filled the air.

im making something happen when they get back to school also i made a lil smth^^

they were just having funWhere stories live. Discover now