the one in Lilly's backyard

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one more week:

Andi and Elmer were at the park where they first played together at when they were five.

"you can't forget how to do monkey bars. It's like riding a bike, you don't forget!" Andi stated, hanging from the monkey bars.

"I can't even do monkey bars, I'm at that point of tall where I don't hang anymore." Elmer replied.

"you're at that point of lame where you can't do monkey bars!" Andi teased and stuck her tongue out at him.

Elmer stood up. "okay then." He started walking towards her with a smile on his face.

"shit, you're planning something." She accused. "no!" She yelled. Before she knew it, Elmer poked Andi's sides, making her let go of the bars. Before she could hit the ground, Elmer caught her.

"I hate you."

"you love me." Elmer smiled, making Andi smile as well.

She clicked her tongue. "fine, I love you." Before she knew it, Elmer dropped her on the ground. "nope, I hate you."

"okay, okay. I'm sorry." Elmer apologized and stuck an arm out for Andi to take. She took it and pulled on it, making Elmer fall on top of her.

"ah, get off of me!" She demanded with a laugh and pushed him, causing him to lay on his back beside her.

"I bet you have a lot of plans this week." Elmer stated, turning his head to face her.

Andi faced him. "well, I tried 'cause unlike you losers, I'm out of school."

"how sweet." Elmer replied sarcastically. Andi shifted closer to him, wrapped her arms around him and laid her head on his chest.

"you don't have school tomorrow, right?"

"yep. I love Friday's off, they're the best."

"can we stay here all night then?" Andi asked.

"we can't do that, Sunshine." Elmer answered.

"why not?"

He wrapped his arms around her. "we're laying down under monkey bars. Do I even need to explain?"

"you have a lot of explainin' to do." Andi replied with a laugh.

"twenty more minutes." Elmer decided.

"thirty." Andi retorted and tightened her grip around him.

Elmer sighed and kissed her head. "an hour."

Andi smiled. "even better." She stated.

six more days:

   "it sucks how we won't have you for Nationals." Lilly complained as she, Andi and Katherine were playing volleyball in Lilly's backyard.

"ugh, I know right." Andi answered. "you guys are so gonna win this year." She boasted. (A/N: it's club, not school. But Millennium also has a club team, that Andi, Lilly and Kath plays for)

"we need you!" Katherine stated.

"you guys are gonna win without me." Andi reassured and passed the ball to Lilly.

"you're our best power." Lilly declared and hit a roll shot over the net to Katherine.

"we have other good powers."

"like who?" Katherine asked, raising an eyebrow. Andi took a moment to think.

"well, there's Sophia. She's goot at hitting line." She started as she set Lilly, who then hit the ball over the net to Katherine.

"and she only hits line. The other teams are gonna block her every time." Katherine replied in a whiney tone.

"there's Eden." Andi added, raising her eyebrows.

"she's libero now." Lilly deadpanned, in which Andi mouthed ohhh. She then realized that since she's captain and leaving, they'd have to replace her.

"hey by the way, who's gonna be your new captain?" She wondered, resulting in Katherine smiling very widely. When Andi passed the ball to Lilly, she noticed Katherine's wide grin.

"Kathy, you got an answer for me?" She asked, guessing that Katherine was most likely the new captain, seeing the look on her face.

"I'm the new captain!" She finally exclaimed and squealed. Lilly passed Andi a ball, in which she did a quick approached and spiked the ball over the net, the ball bouncing right beside Katherine.

She ducked under the net and engulfed her in a hug. "no way, oh my god!" Andi beamed.

"we all voted and thought Katherine would be best for the job, you know?" Lilly walked over to them. Andi wrapped her arms around Lilly and Katherine's shoulders and squeezed them.

"you're gonna make an amazing captain." She reassured.

"awhh thanks Didi, I'm gonna miss you." Katherine hugged Andi.

"I'm gonna miss you too. Both of you." Andi replied, making the two smile. "hey, y'all wanna go shopping?" She asked and pulled away.

Lilly furrowed her eyebrows. "didn't you pack everything?"

"one more cardigan won't hurt." Andi shrugged and laughed.

"let's go to every mall and every thrift store in Manhattan." Katherine suggested with a big smile.

"let's go!" With that, the three ran to Lilly's car and made their way to the first mall.

    "my feet have never been more tired." Andi complained. It was eight at night and they had just went to their last thrift store of the day. They went to the malls first before going to the thrift stores.

"same! But it was totally worth it." Katherine replied.

"at least your not pressing a gas pedal with tired feet." Lilly stated and groaned.

"but it was worth it!" Katherine repeated.

"I bought so much stuff, my mom's gonna kill me." Lilly informed and laughed.

"well," Andi clicked her tongue. "we'll make sure we bury you with a cute outfit on." She joked. Without taking her eyes off the road and one hand on the wheel, Lilly playfully hit Andi's shoulder.

"then we'll inherit all of your clothes in memory of you." Katherine played along, making Andi laugh.

"you will inherit nothing and I will haunt you if you do." Lilly threatened.

Andi breathed in through her teeth. "yikes, maybe I'll be safer in London."

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