the one with Spot

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    Andi had on blue jeans and a baggy black t-shirt. When she picked up Spot, she saw that he also had blue jeans and a black t-shirt on. When he got in the car, Andi just stared at him, trying not to laugh.

"what? I'm not changing!" He said, buckling his seatbelt.

"oookay." Andi enunciated.

"so, where do ya wanna eat?" She asked.

"I thought you already decided." Spot answered.

"well, I'm kind of stuck between this cute café in downtown that like no one knows about with really good food and iced coffee that'll look great on my snapchat story, or Tim Hortons." She explained. They looked at each other before choosing the obvious choice.

"Tim Hortons." They both said at the same time. A few minutes later, Andi got a call from Elmer.

"hey tiny, your boyfriend's calling you." Spot teased. For who knows how long, Spot has been teasing Andi and Elmer about each other. He always wanted for them to be together, but he wasn't the person to force it, so he decided that it would just happen.

"boyfriend? Me and Morris broke up." She replied.

"no- wait what? No, I'm talking about Elm."

"he's not my- answer it and put it on speaker." Spot then did as she said.

"hey Elmo!" Andi greeted.

"uhm Andi, where did you go?" Elmer asked.

"I'm uhh getting breakfast with Spot." She explained.

"hey Elmo!" Spot piped in.

"hi Spot! You told me you would change and come back. You didn't think we ditched you, did you?" He said.

"uhh well, funny story-"

"you thought we ditched you, didn't you?" He cut off with a deadpanned tone.

"yeah." She admitted.

"looks like y'all don't have supervision, I'm out with Spotty. So y'all better behave." She laughed.

"I had nothing to do with it!" The two heard Race say.

"nothing to do with what?" Spot asked.

"Elmer, Finch, Albert and Race ended up in mall jail yesterday while I was gone for TEN MINUTES!" Andi replied, yelling the last part for Elmer, Race, and possibly Albert and Finch to hear.

"IT WAS GIA!" Three out of four boys in question yelled at the same time.

"whatever, I'm out with Spot so I won't be going with you guys. Bye!" Andi said and Spot hung up.

"okay, I have to know the story on how they ended up in mall jail." He laughed. Andi told him the story and finished just as they pulled into Tim Hortons.

    "so you're telling me Morris cheated on you? With Gia?? What a dick move." Spot said as they sat down.

"yeah, it is what it is. Hey shorty, can I tell you something?" Andi asked.

"shoot." He replied.

"well... I may have a thing for this guy. Actually, I've had a thing for him for a while bu-"

"it's Elmer, ain't it?" He interrupted.

"what? Pfft no way, why would you-" She sighed before saying,

"how did you know?"

"saw it comin'." He shrugged, taking one of her timbits.

"what do you mean you "saw it coming"?"

"y'all have been best friends for forever. I knew it wouldn't be too long 'till y'all started catching feelings for each other." He explained.

"looks like there's more in your head than football, shorty. Do you think he likes me back?" At that, Spot laughed.

"is that even a question? Of course he does!" He almost yelled.

"what makes you think that?"

"Elmo's one of my best friends! He told me as soon as he was sure he liked you." He replied, taking another one of Andi's timbits. Spot was always one to eat other people's food, so she wasn't surprised, nor did she mind.

"you better be right, or else you're dead." She threatened, leaning onto the table.

"got it ma'am." He nodded.

"it's sir!" She yelled, hiding a smile.

"shut the fuck up!" He laughed while hitting her shoulder, which made Andi laugh too.

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