the one with Romeo

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    Andi was sitting in front of Elmer on his bed when Romeo came in.

"you haven't left since last night, haven't ya?" He asked and sat beside her.

Andi scoffed. "how could I? I love all four of them." She replied and laid her head onto Romeo's shoulder. "especially this one." She added, motioning to Elmer.

"when's the last time you ate?" Romeo wondered.

"like... nine in the morning." Andi laughed. Romeo then stood up.

"alright, I'm getting ya some food." He told her.

"Rome, it's oka-"

"whaddya wa- wait! I'll surprise ya!" With that, he skipped out the door and in came Jack.

"hi cowboy." Andi waved.

"hi. Jus' visited Albie." He stated and sat beside her.

"what's new?" She asked.

"nothin' new. Oh wait! He's getting discharged later." Jack explained. Andi and Jack then talked for a while before Romeo came back with food.

"whaddya got there?" Andi asked.

"mac and cheese!" Romeo exclaimed and ran to the bed.

"did ya get me any?" Jack asked hopefully.

"uh no." Romeo replied in a sassy tone.

"fine then, I'm outta here." Jack then walked out of the room and in came Katherine and Lilly.

"hi Kath, Lilster!" Andi greeted as she opened her container of mac and cheese.

"hey! Just visited Albert." Lilly replied. "what's new with Elmer?" She wondered.

"nothing." Andi replied. She then turned to Romeo and noticed that he was shaking a mini bottle of ketchup.

"Sweetie?" Andi called sweetly.

"yes, Peaches?" Romeo answered with the same tone.

"if you put ketchup on that mac and cheese, I will never-" Romeo opened the bottle and squirted ketchup on his food. "forgive you." Andi finished and gagged.

Katherine laughed. "ketchup on mac and cheese isn't that bad." She stated.

"I agree with Andi, ketchup on mac and cheese is a no, no." Lilly agreed.

"ahh someone with taste." Andi remarked, making Lilly laughed. Suddenly, Angela burst through the door.

"Angela?" Andi asked.

"Race woke up."

    When Angela opened the door, Andi ran right in to see Race sitting up. When he saw his best friend, he immediately smiled.

"looks like ya stuck with me, Di." He grinned. Andi then gave him a hug.

She smiled. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Romeo then walked up to the two.

"you know, she hasn't left the place since y'all were taken in here." Romeo laughed and put an arm around her.

"at all?" Race asked.

Andi laughed. "at all." Andi, Romeo and Lilly stayed for a while to talk to Race until a doctor came in, so they had to leave. Andi was about to go back into Elmer's room when Romeo stopped her.

"come on." He demanded.

Andi furrowed his eyebrows. "w-what?"

"come on." He repeated.

"Romeo, I'm not leaving Elm-"

"you need a break from... from the set of Grey's Anatomy." He laughed. "Come on, I'm taking you to Starbucks." Andi agreed, so the two made their way to the nearest Starbucks.

"you know, it's kind of nice to be outside after worrying a lot." Andi stated. She then spotted the Starbucks and ran across the street.

"Andi!" Romeo called and ran after her. When he caught up to her, he could see that Andi was laughing.

"Peaches?" He addressed when he finally caught his breath.

"yes Sweetheart?" Andi replied.

"we don't need someone else in the hospital." He smiled sarcastically, resulting in Andi laughing some more. They then went inside the place to order.

    "you know, I could've payed." Romeo stated as they sat down at a table.

"you bought me food, so I bought you a drink." Andi answered. "aaand you never had Starbucks, so I got you something that I like. So it doesn't go to waste." She added. Romeo then took a sip and his eyes went wide.

"what is this?" He asked, pointing at the drink.

"it's just a coffee frappuccino." Andi replied, laughing at his reaction. He then pointed at Andi's drink.

"what's that?" He wondered.

"strawberry coconut drink." Andi laughed. For the rest of their time, they talked and laughed, a lot. When they finished their drinks, they made their way back to the hospital. Andi then walked Romeo to his car.

"thanks Romeo." She smiled.

"hey, anything for my girl, that's not really my girl." He laughed, making Andi laugh.

"we have an odd friendship." She remarked.

"I wouldn't have it any other way. Bye Peaches, I'll come by tomorrow."

"bye Sweetheart." With that, Romeo got into his car and Andi made her way into the hospital. When Andi came back into Elmer's room, she froze and her eyes went wide.


Don't worry, it's a happy ending. Also backstory to the nicknames, when Andi and Romeo were 8, they "got married" at the school playground.

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