the one with Eden II

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    For the next few days, Eden and Romeo had tried to avoid each other. They knew that eventually they'd have to talk about what happened, and Romeo wanted to know why it happened.

Finally, Eden gathered up the courage and went to Romeo's lunch table to talk to him. She ignored what his friends said to her and went straight to where he was sitting.

"we need to talk." She told him quietly. With that, Romeo stood up and the two left the cafeteria.

"they're friends now?" Spot asked, furrowing his eyebrows. Everybody answered with a shrug, except Jack and Crutchie who just looked at each other.

He didn't know why he was nervous. He was friends with Eden now... he thinks. And he didn't have any feelings towards her.

"look, it's been really weird between us lately and I don't want that." Eden started and sighed. "and I don't... wanna hate you anymore." She confessed, looking down.

"why did you do it?" Romeo wondered quietly.

"I- I don't know okay? It just happened and I'm sorry if you didn't like it-"

"I liked it." He confessed, making Eden's eyes go wide.

"really?" She asked. Romeo answered with a nod. "I liked it too." She gave him a shy smile. There was then an awkward silence for a while, making the two laugh.

"well, this just got weirder." Romeo remarked and Eden laughed.

She clicked her tongue. "so... now what?"

"are we friends now?"

"can we be friends now?"

"I'd like that."

"me too." Eden replied. "and I uh- I wanna do something with you... again. But I won't run away and then... you know." She shrugged shyly and Romeo chuckled.

"I wanna do something with you too."

"so it's a date?" Eden asked, but quickly regretted her words. "I mean uh- not a date but if you want to, it can be. Or we could just go as friends or-"

Romeo interrupted her rambling. "it's a date." Eden smiled at that.

She then kissed his cheek. "then it's a date." She then walked back to the cafeteria, grinning widely. She didn't know how she could hate Romeo before. He's really sweet, nice and basically his name fits his personality perfectly, and not including the whole flirty part. He never holds a grudge and he always sees the best in people. And... maybe she found him cute.

   It was the weekend and Andi was looking at pictures of her new school. It looked huge and she didn't know if she could make it to class in time. Suddenly, she heard a knock on her window which confused her because Elmer was out of town this weekend. She opened the curtains to see Eden with probably a closet's worth of clothes in her hands.

After her and Romeo's talk, Eden apologized for what had happened and told them about Gia's intentions. At first they were confused, but just like Romeo, they realized that Eden's a nice girl with a controlling best friend.

Andi then opened the window.

"I need your help." Eden stated. Andi let her in and she set her pile of clothes on her bed. "I have a date today and I don't know what to wear." Andi then looked through all of her clothes. Earlier, Eden didn't mention her date with Romeo, but she didn't know if he told them about it.

"you have all these clothes, you can't put together at least one outfit?" She asked.

"well I can but, they're not date worthy- actually- I don't know, I've never been on a date. I don't even have coloured lip gloss." She slumped onto Andi's bed while Andi looked through and tried to put together an outfit. The first outfit she put together was white straight leg jeans, a black, white and red argyle cardigan and a red tank top.

"what about this?" She asked.

"oh, I can't wear that." She replied quickly and Andi furrowed her eyebrows. The outfit Andi put together was the exact outfit that Eden wore when she kissed Romeo a week ago.

"why not?"

"I just can't." With that, Andi started to put together another outfit.

"where are you going?" She wondered.

"I don't know, he didn't tell me." Eden replied as Andi continued to dig through her clothes.

"casual, formal or in between?"

"casual." Andi then picked out three outfits and told Eden to try each on and show her.

The first outfit was slightly baggy jeans, a white cropped cami tank top and a light pink cardigan of the same length. Eden came out of the bathroom with the outfit and looked at herself through the mirror.

"that one's nice." Andi remarked.

Eden tilted her head to the side. "hm...I'll try the next one on." She then went back into the bathroom.

The next look was Andi's dark blue plaid pleated skirt, a white tanktop and a plain black cropped cardigan.

"that one!" Andi exclaimed and pointed at her.

"you're really into cardigans, aren't you?" Eden observed and laughed. Andi looked down at what she was wearing to see that she was wearing a cardigan at the moment.

She shrugged. "I guess so." Eden then took some time to look at her outfit.

"this isn't me." She stated. "I look weird."

"well weird suits you because you look really nice." Andi complimented, making Eden smile. She then noticed the picture of Andi's soon-to-be school uniform on the computer screen. It was similar to what Eden was wearing.

"it looks like the picture on your computer." She remarked and pointed at her computer.

"oookay.. maybe a different outfit." The two laughed and Eden went to the bathroom to change into the last outfit.

This one was a straight black denim skirt, above the knees, a white short sleeved shirt and a burgundy tank top over the shirt.

"I love it." Eden said, looking at herself in the mirror.

"I knew you would." Andi smiled.

"I- I mean I had these clothes for a while but.. I didn't know I could do this with them." She marvelled. She then turned back to face Andi.

"okay, what about hair and makeup?"

"keep your hair down and we could just do lip gloss." Andi replied.

"this is a date, don't I need to look nice?" Eden asked.

Andi laughed. "once, I showed up to my date with Elmer in sweats and one of his sweaters." She told and smiled at the memory. "...but that's 'cause it was after our tournament and I forgot to bring a change of clothes." She realized and clicked her tongue. "right... okay let's put makeup on you, but not too much." With that, she pulled out her makeup bag and sat Eden down in the bathroom.

"most of these look brand new." Eden remarked, staring at her products.

"I only wear makeup to dates and special occasions." Andi answered and gave Eden a tube of coloured lip gloss, which she put it on. Once they were done, Eden stared at herself in the mirror.

"wow.. I almost look nice."

"you look really nice." Andi complimented, making Eden smile. "by the way, who's your date with?"

"ummm... let's just say you know him and you're friends with him." Eden replied. Andi then helped Eden with finishing touches before she went home to get accessories and change her shoes.

"thanks for helping me A. I feel real good about myself." She said and drove away. Suddenly, she got a text from Romeo.

| I have a date and I need your help

It was that text that made Andi put the pieces together and realize who Eden's date is with.

i feel like yall were like wtf just happened in the last chapter AHAHAH

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