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look at my oreo factory its kinda rough but thats the aesthetic of it i also ate some of the front like just now

the one with Andi's new nickname:
it's a short and sweet flashback chapter on about how Andi's nickname came to be

    Andi was sitting in her kindergarten class, looking around and hoping for her neighbour, and new best friend, Elmer to walk in. She looked around to see if there were any kids she wanted to make friends with. On the table beside her, she saw someone reading. She scrunched her nose and shook her head. She then took one of her braids and fidgeted with the end when she heard someone sit in front of her. He has bright, sparkling blue eyes and blonde curly hair.

"hi, I Anthony!" He greeted with a big smile.

"I'm Andi." She replied and stuck her hand out from across the table to shake his hand.

"nice ta meet you, Didi." Anthony stated, in which Andi furrowed her eyebrows.

"it's Andi." She corrected.

"Didi." Anthony nodded.

"Andi." Andi enunciated her name correctly.


The annoyed five year old sighed. "An-" She started.

"An-" Anthony repeated after her.



"Andi." She nodded.

"Didi." Anthony, once again wrongly pronounced. Andi groaned and leaned back, giving up on trying to correct him. She then saw a confused Elmer walk into the classroom, in which she perked back up. Elmer spotted her, smiled and ran to the table that she and Anthony were sitting at.

"Andi!" He beamed.

"see? This guy can pronounce it right!" Andi told Anthony, motioning to her best friend.

"I'm tryin'!" Anthony defended, throwing his hands up and letting them fall. His eyes then lit up when he saw a racetrack toy and a small box of hot wheels cars beside it. He stood up, grabbed Andi's hand and dragged her towards it. Before they could get far, Andi took Elmer's wrist, in which he got dragged along with her. Unfortunately, another kid got to it first, so Andi picked up the toy and placed it in front of Anthony. She then plucked the toy car out of his hand and gave it to the blonde.

"hey!" The little boy complained.

"eat my shorts." Andi simply replied and stuck her tongue out. Suddenly, the teacher walked up behind the now pouting boy.

"Jack, does there seem to be a problem?" She asked him with a concerned look on her face.

"she," He pointed at Andi. "took the racetrack from me, without asking, and told me to eat her shorts. But she's wearing a skirt!" He tattled and pouted again.

"lies! I'm wearing shorts!" Andi retorted and lifted her skirt to show that she was wearing shorts under.

"Matilda, please put your skirt back down." Their teacher ordered and she obeyed.

"your name's, Matilda?" Jack asked, trying not to laugh.

"no, her name's Didi." Anthony answered.

"no, it's Andi!" Andi corrected.

Safe to say, Andi, Elmer and Anthony became really close friends. Because of Anthony's love for racetracks and race cars, Andi and Elmer nicknamed him Racetrack and Race for short.

It was recess and Andi, Elmer and Race were playing together. Andi ran up the play structure with the two boys following her. She was about to go down the slide when she saw a boy sitting down on the top of it. He was reading.

"hey, kid." Andi called, resulting in him turning around to face her. "you going down, or what?"

"I'm not planning to." He answered slowly.

"then why are ya on the slide?" Race asked in a whiny tone.

"it's a nice place to read." The boy answered. Without hesitation, Andi pushed the boy off of the slide.

"Andi!" Elmer yelled.


"you just pushed him off of the slide!" He stated, motioning to the boy who was now on the ground.

"he can eat my shorts." Andi replied, making Race laugh.

   Andi, Elmer and Race soon became friends with Jack as well. The three boys then made friends with Albert, who's been Andi's friend since they were in diapers. Albert and Race instantly clicked and became best friends. Later on, they met Finch, in which he and Andi instantly clicked. But that was because he was the only one who Andi didn't find annoying.

For about three more years, Race was still unable to pronounce Andi's name correctly and he got their other friends to call her Didi as well. Over the years, their friend group only grew more and even though Race learned how to pronounce Andi's name correctly, the nickname Didi stuck around. Now, Andi loves it and whenever somebody calls her that, it never fails to make her smile.

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