the one at home for the holidays

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Five minutes ago, Elmer disappeared for some reason and no one knows where he went. Suddenly, he came running back into the kitchen.

"Didi, you gotta go back home!" He told her, jumping up and down.

Andi furrowed her eyebrows. "uhh... why..?"

"beca-" Aunty Ferrari put a hand over Elmer's mouth.

"there's a surprise waiting for you at home." She stated.

"but we aren't done, and a lot of people come here on-"

"we'll be fine, Didi. Go." Albert reassured.
With that said, Andi ran out of the café and ran back home.

When Andi got home, all the lights were out and it was all pitch black.

"dad?" She called, walking around the house. When she couldn't find him on the first floor, she went upstairs and checked her parents' room. They weren't there.

"dad!?" She called once again. She then checked her room, knowing there's a surprise for her after all. When she opened her bedroom door, there was somebody sitting on her bed. She then turned on the lights to see her mother sitting on her bed.

"mom!" She exclaimed. Her mother then stood up and ran to Andi, engulfing her in a tight hug.

"you're really here." Andi laughed and tears started forming in her eyes.

"Merry Christmas, Didi!" Her mother greeted.

"did Elmer know about this?" Andi asked as she pulled away.

"he and all your friends helped your father pull this off." Her mother laughed.


"they did secret santa earlier than usual and they all chipped in to buy me a ticket." She replied. Andi laughed and hugged her mother again. Her father then came into her room.

"we have another surprise for you." He stated.

"what is it?" Andi wondered.

"we're moving to London with your mom!" Andi's father exclaimed, causing her eyes to go wide.


"isn't that great?!" Andi's mother beamed.


"this summer." She smiled.

Andi furrowed her eyebrows. "but what about senior year an- and university?" She asked. "I'm supposed to graduate with my friends, then go to NYU with them, room with Kath and Lil-"

"Andi, you're rambling." Her father interrupted. "I'm sorry, but it's either your mother loses her job or we only see her at least once a year." Andi's father apologized.

"so it's official... we're leaving?"

"I'm sorry, it's official."

    It was at this moment when Andi's world  stopped. Never has she imagined that she'd have to leave New York and not see her friends everyday. She wouldn't get to graduate highschool with them or go to prom with them. She wouldn't get to see Race's bright eyes light up even brighter whenever he'd smile, see Spot shine at a football game, or see Jack in the moment while he draws and paints. She wouldn't get to hear Katherine sing while Finch played guitar, or Romeo ramble on about a girl he met in the halls. She won't have Jojo's bubbly personality, or Crutchie's good nature. She couldn't go to Mush whenever she needed to talk. She wouldn't be able to protect and stand up for Davey, and to become even closer with Lilly.

She let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding and snapped back into the real world. "I... I have to go." With that, Andi ran out of the house and back her aunt's café. Most of all, she couldn't imagine leaving her best friend. She's had him for almost her entire life. Whenever she needed him, he was just a tree's length away. She's went through everything with him. Literally everything with him. Her first kiss was with him (when they were six,) her first broken bone was because of him, and she just went through her first breakup with him. She even fell in love with him. She didn't think she could do life without him. She needed him. She needed all of them.

When she got to the café, she ran straight to the kitchen only to find Aunty Ferrari there.

"where's Mush?" She asked eagerly.

"he just left, they all did." Aunty Ferrari replied. Andi then pulled out her phone and texted Mush.

Mush for brains
| i'm coming over
| shouldn't you be with your mom..?
| i kinda don't wanna be home rn
| why??
| Di what's wrong???
| just let me come over
| i'll tell you when i'm there
| i'll ask my mom

Andi waited a few minutes while Mush asked his mother if she could come over.

    Mush for brains
| she said yes

"I'm going to Mush's. Bye aunt Kelly!" Andi stated.

"wait Andi, I'll give you a ride." She offered.

    Mush was putting his baby brother to bed when he heard the doorbell go off.

"I'll get it mom!" Mush called and ran downstairs to get the door. He opened the door to see Andi with tears streaming down her face.

"Andi..." Right in front of him, she fell to her knees.

"Mush, who's there?" His mother asked. She checked the front door to see Andi on the ground and crying.

She ran to her and helped her up. "are you okay?"

Andi nodded slowly. "yeah, I'm just..." She took a deep breath. "can I talk to your son?"

"of course." She smiled. Mush then lead Andi up to his room. As soon as he closed the door, Andi pulled him in a tight hug and cried onto his shirt.

Mush pulled away. "Didi, tell me what's wrong."

Andi took a shaky breath. "Mush... I'm leaving."


"end of grade eleven." She sobbed.

Mush's eyes went wide. "no... no you can't!" He yelled. "How are you gonna graduate with us, then go on summer roadtrips with us, then go to NYU with us?" He rambled.

"I- I don't know.."

"we had our post secondary lives planned out since we were all middle school!" He added.

"I know." She then slumped onto his couch. "but, I guess life doesn't always go as planned." Mush sat beside her and wrapped her in a hug.

"don't leave me, Didi." He cried, holding her tighter. "please don't leave me."

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