the one with Lilly

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"so Lil, how was your first day?" Katherine asked as she, Andi and Lilly walked into Starbucks.

"it was good, Millennium's real nice." Lilly replied. The three then ordered their drinks and sat down.

"are there any guys you find cute?" Katherine asked, smiling and raising her eyebrows.

"no." Lilly answered quickly and took a sip of her drink.

"you sure?" Andi interrogated.

"yup. A hundred percent sure." She lied. To keep herself from smiling, Lilly took another sip of her drink and bit the tip of her straw afterwards.

Andi clicked her tongue and leaned back. "really? Because... our friend group is mostly made up of guys, so I was sure that you'd find at least one," She winked. "of them cute." She explained, trying to sound all sophisticated and mature.

"except uh.. Elmer." She added quickly and took a sip from her drink.

Lilly groaned and leaned forward. "okay." Andi and Katherine also leaned forward.

"I kind of... find Albert cute." She admitted and her cheeks started to turn pink.

"omigod, do you like Albert?" Katherine asked, trying to hide a smile. Andi smiled at the fact that somebody could be into one of her best friends.

"what?" Lilly scoffed. "I just met him like, three hours ago." She laughed.

"he showed you around the school, you had an hour alone with him." Katherine stated and took a sip from her drink.

"and you didn't answer the question." Andi added, grinning widely.

"I- I don't know. I just need time to know him better. I mean, how do I know that he's a good guy or not?" She wondered, fidgeting with her straw.

Again, Andi leaned forward. "Lilly. Lilster," She started. "the leprechaun is my best friend and he's real sweet. Every guy in our group are the best guys you'll ever meet." She reassured. She then looked up and took a second to think.

"except maybe Romeo, but he just flirts with any girl he sees, he hasn't had an actual girlfriend yet." Andi mentioned quietly and took a sip from her drink. "but he's an amazing friend."

"buuut if you get on Albert's bad side, it's not the prettiest." Katherine said and pressed her lips into a line.

"aaand he's a total prankster." Andi added.

"he's like-" Katerine took a second to think of the right words. "he's the guy version of Didi." She motioned to Andi, who furrowed her eyebrows.

"you guys always say that, but I don't see it!" Andi stated.

"hey! He says that too!" Katherine exclaimed, making Lilly laugh.

"if you like Andi, then you'll like Albert." Katherine reassured, putting a hand on Lilly's shoulder. Suddenly, Albert, Jojo and Jack walked in, confusing Katherine and Andi because none of the guys ever go to starbucks... except Jojo.

"hey guys!" Katherine greeted with a smile.

"y'all never go here." Andi pointed out, reading Katherine's mind.

"I know but uhh, we just saw you in here so we wanted to say hi." Jack replied, pulling up a chair and sitting beside Katherine. Albert also pulled up a chair and sat beside Lilly.

"it was Al's idea." Jojo snitched. Andi reached for a chair, placed it behind Jojo and pulled on his arm, making him plop onto the chair.

"I think it was sweet of Albert to come and say hi to us." Andi said with a smile, then glared at Jojo, who put his hands up, eyes wide.

Lilly turned to her left, where Albert was sitting. "hi Albert." She greeted.

"hi." He smiled.
yea I just thought of a random school name cuz idk I feel like I needed to name their school 🚪🚶‍♂️

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