the one with Gia

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"ask her to the semi formal." Andi demanded and poked Albert's back.


"ask her to the semi formal." She poked his back again.

"no- uh- are we really doing this again?" He complained, turning around to face her.

"come on it's perfect! Then you could tell her you like her, then y'all could-"

"Andi, I'll tell Lilly I like her when I'm ready to." He promised and the two started walking again. Soon, they reached Andi's locker so they made a pit stop. Andi took out the books she needed and closed it to see Gia, leaning on the next locker.

Andi sighed. "what do you want?"

"are Eden and Romeo together?" Gia asked.


"are Eden and Romeo together?" She repeated, more pushy this time.

"I- I don't- I don't know why do you care?" Andi replied.

"'cause I'm Eden's best friend and it seems like she's hiding something from me. Also she and Romeo are friends now. She hated him." Gia rambled, threw her hands up and let them fall. "and they're not just friends, they're like really close friends." Andi furrowed her eyebrows and exchanged looks with Albert. The two then looked back at Gia.

"well...?" She waited for an answer.

"we don't know." Albert stated.

"you're lying." Gia accused.

"no, we actually don't know." Andi replied truthfully.

"fine, I'll find out myself." With that, Gia turned around and stormed away to find her best friend.

"Gia!" Andi chased after her. Once she reached her, she grabbed her wrist and turned her around. "I know you're gonna pressure Eden and Romeo until they tell you something that you wanna know. And it's not gonna work, trust me."

Gia sighed. "Romeo and Eden have gotten so close and she blew me off twice now to hang out with him." She confessed sadly. "and you two started hanging out again and Brooke is just-" She groaned. "she's really into Race and all she talks about is him an-"

"you feel left out?" Andi asked.

"yeah..." She admitted, looking down.

"what about Morris? Why don't you hang out with him?" Andi wondered, tilting her head to the side.

"I... broke up with him."

"what, when?"

"about two weeks ago. He did it to me too." Gia replied quietly.

"did what?"

"cheated on me!" She yelled. "He's a fucking rat and- I mean, I guess I deserved it but it still hurt and-"

"Gia." Andi interrupted. She stopped ranting and gave her attention to her. "I'm sorry, I wanna say that you should've expected it but," She took a deep breath. "it's Morris. He has these little mind games. You didn't deserve it, no one deserves to get cheated on, okay?" Gia responded by nodding slowly.

"why are you being so nice to me?" She asked after a moment of silence. Suddenly, the bell rang and fortunately... I guess... Andi and Gia had history together, so they started walking to class together.

"we went through the same thing, you know. I know you don't like me anymore, but if you need to talk, I'll be here." Andi reassured and walked into class before her. As she was setting her things up, Gia sat at the desk beside her. She furrowed her eyebrows and slowly turned to face Gia.

"you need to talk?" Andi raised her eyebrows.

"not now, but I just wanted to switch seats. Good thing it's only March." Gia smiled, which confused Andi.


"I'm sorry for being a bitch. I got cocky, okay?" Gia apologized. "I've been jealous of you and I had that feeling that I was better than you when... you know. We were great friends, I even considered you my best friend, and I totally ruined our friendship." She confessed, speaking quickly. "then the same thing happened to me and now I know how you feel and I'm sorry I made you feel even worse about this whole situation."

"Gia, it's okay I-"

"and I know that you know that I'd never have the balls to apologize to anyone, but I know that you're leaving for London and I don't want you to leave knowing that we hate each other because I still like having you around an-"

"wow you talk a lot, okay." Andi interrupted. "G, I forgave you, like, six essays ago." She laughed, making Gia laugh as well.

"I'm really sorry, Andi. Really." She finished.

"it's okay. And if you're down, maybe we could catch up." Andi suggested, making Gia smile.

"it's on." On cue, their teacher, who is Elmer's father, started the class.

"we're doing something a little different today." He stated and picked up his coat. "come back to class with your coats and I'll tell you what we're doing." With that, everybody got up and headed to their lockers. Elmer and Andi walked up to their teacher.

"what are we doing, dad?" Elmer wondered.

"well it's a nice day and I have no lesson plan 'cause your sister had nightmares and she didn't go to sleep until four in the morning." His father explained. "yeah, I had three hours of sleep and your," He motioned to Andi. "terrible humour didn't help with that in the morning."

"I'm sorry, I'll do good on the next test." Andi apologized and laughed. With that, the two made their way out to their lockers. Andi poked her head back into the classroom. "and I have exceptional humour." She then walked away.

"stop using big words, it's not who ya are!" Elmer's father called to her.

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