the one on New Year's Eve

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    "HAPPY NEW YEARS!" Jojo yelled, walking into Mush's apartment.

"eve." Spot pointed out.

Jojo scoffed. "same thing." Suddenly, Davey walked in with his binder in his hand.

"hey Dave, whatcha got there?" Andi wondered, motioning to his binder.

"I need to study for exams." Davey replied. Jack stood up, walked towards him and took his binder from him.


"you need a break, Davey. It's New Year's Eve." He stated, handing it to Spot.

"okay, but please don't throw my binder out the window." Davey pleaded. All eyes then went to Spot who was about to drop Davey's binder out of the window.

"I wasn't gonna drop this." Spot lied. Davey then grabbed his binder from him.

"sure you weren't." He replied sarcastically. Suddenly, Albert and Race bursted through the door.

"where the drinks at?" Race asked, marching into Mush's apartment.

"we're sixteen." Katherine deadpanned.

"you don't need to have any." Albert answered.

"and.. at twelve o'clock, I turn seventeen." Race boasted, brushing his shoulder.

"legal drinking age is twenty-one." Lilly stated.

"but in Canada, it's eighteen."

"where is this going?" Crutchie asked.

Andi sat beside Crutchie. "dunno, Crutch." She shrugged and laughed. "hey Crutchie, can I ask you something?"

"of course." He smiled. Andi then stood up.

"okay, let's go." She demanded. Crutchie furrowed his eyebrows.


"I needa ask you something, but no one can hear us." Andi clarified. The two then stood up and walked out of the living room and onto the balcony.

"what did you need to ask me?" Crutchie tilted his head to the side.

"um.." Andi took a quick moment to think. "let's say that you're moving somewhere like- oh, I don't know- London in let's say... June, would you tell your friends as soon as you find out? Or would you wait until- like- a really long time?" She asked. Crutchie took a moment to think about his answer when he realized why Andi's asking this.

His eyes went wide. "Andi.. are you-"

"I'm not leaving." Andi interrupted. Crutchie stared at her for what seems like forever until she gave in.

"fine." She sighed. "I'm... moving to London at the end of the school year." She admitted and looked down at her feet.

"for real?" Crutchie asked and Andi nodded. "but we-"

"we had our post secondary lives planned since middle school, I know." She interrupted and sat down, leaning on the wall. Crutchie then sat beside her.

"I guess y'all will just have to do grade twelve and university without me." She mumbled. Crutchie put an arm around her and held her tight.

"but I don't want to." He replied sadly and Andi laid her head on his shoulder.

"what do I do?" She asked, picking her head up.

"tell them when you feel ready to." Crutchie replied, putting a hand on her shoulder. Andi then wrapped him in a hug.

"thanks, Crutch." She smiled.

"hey no problem, I'm always here for you." He promised. Suddenly, Mush opened the balcony door.

"oh, we were looking for y'all." He stated. "we're um- roof time!" He smiled awkwardly. Andi and Crutchie exchanged looks before nodding.

"okay." Andi laughed, stood up and helped Crutchie up. The three then made their way to the roof. When they got there, Mush pulled Andi aside.

"you gonna tell them?" He whispered.

"Crutchie told me that I could tell them when I'm ready." Andi replied, whispering as well.

"when will that be?"

Andi took a deep breath. "I kind of think... I am. I- I don't know, Crutchie took it well and you did too."

"so tonight?"

"I'll try. But if I don't, you tell them."


"please." Andi pleaded.

Mush sighed. "okay." Andi then gave him a hug.

"thanks Mush, I promise that when I'm in London and you need to talk, just call me and I'll pick up right away." She smiled. Mush pulled her in for another hug.

"thanks Didi."

"hey no problem, you're always here for me and I'm always here for you too." Andi said and laughed.

"thanks." The two then made their way to where everybody was.

"so Mush for brains, why the roof?" Spot asked as Mush and Andi were walking towards them.

"look over there." Mush stated and pointed to the distance. Everybody looked to where he was pointing at and saw the ball at Time's Square.

"the ball!" Jojo exclaimed.

"yep. We could see the ball drop without having a hundred people screaming in our ears." Mush replied.

"hey! Thirty seconds." Jack stated. Suddenly, Elmer poked Andi's sides, making her jump.

"hey!" She laughed. She went up on her toes an kissed him.

"you okay?" He asked, hands on her waist.

"yeah, yeah of course." She nodded.

"ten seconds." Jack yelled. They then started to hear people count down from ten. Andi started to walk away from everyone. Mush looked at her, in which she shook her head.

"I'm just g-gonna-"

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everybody yelled. Andi was about to open the door to the stairs when Mush blurted her secret out. Yes, Andi wanted him to tell them that she was moving if she couldn't, but she didn't think he'd just blurt it out right away.

"Andi's leaving." Mush blurted as soon as it quieted down. Everybody then snapped their heads towards her.

"happy new year!" Andi exclaimed half-heartedly and made jazz hands. "and happy birthday Race!"

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