the one with the sleepover

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    For reasons unknown to Andi, she woke up in Elmer's bed. She sat up and saw Elmer asleep on his couch and she can admit, he looked cute in his sleep. But she really wanted to know why she woke up in her best friend's room, so she threw a pillow at him.

"hey! Not nice!" He whined.

"care to explain why I woke up in your room?" Andi asked, not noticing Albert who was literally asleep by her feet.


————flashback to the night before—————
"Andiii." Elmer enunciated.

"what?" She grumbled, shifting to a more comfortable spot on his shoulder.

"my arm's numb and you owe me twenty-five bucks." He replied.

"okay fine, just let me sleep."

"kay, get on my back." She hopped on Elmer's back and immediately fell asleep. Race gave him a teasing look and he mouthed "shut up."

"y'all need a ride home?" Finch asked.

"nah, we don't live too far." Elmer answered.

"same here." Race and Albert said at the same time. They then said their goodbyes, even Andi, and they made their way back home. The three boys took turns carrying Andi on their backs until they got to her and Elmer's house. Albert was about to doorbell when Elmer stopped him.

"what if her parents are asleep? I don't wanna wake 'em up." He said.

"what are we supposed to do? Crawl into her window and check??" Albert asked sarcastically.

    "there is no way I'm doing this" Albert said, standing in front of Elmer and Andi's opened windows.

"hey, it was your idea." Race stated.

"have you not heard of SARCASM!?"

"look, all you gotta do is crawl into her room, open her door and if it's all dark then crawl back here." Elmer explained.

"why can't we just carry Andi into, oh I don't know... HER ROOM? WHICH IS RIGHT THERE?!" Albert yelled, motioning to the window.

"hey pipe it down, her parents might be asleep." Race whispered, holding his laughter in.

"and do you see a nine foot window?" Elmer deadpanned.

"that's what I thought, so in you go!" While Albert crawled into Andi's room, Elmer set her down on his bed and tucked her in. He then got a blanket out of his closet when he saw Race asleep on the ground, so he took out another blanket.

"her parents are asleep." Albert said, crawling back into Elmer's room.

"wait what took you so long?" He asked.

"had to use the bathroom, which she has in her room! Pretty cool, huh?" Albert replied.

"I have one too." Elmer deadpanned. Albert's eyes then went to his best friend who was passed out on the ground.

"wh- what-"

"don't worry, he's just asleep." Elmer reassured.

"I'll carry him out." He offered.

"okay, I'll just change in the bathroom."

    When Elmer walked out of the bathroom, Albert was asleep by Andi's feet.

"look's like we're having a sleepover." He thought out loud.

    "wait," Andi looked at her feet and saw Albert curled up by them.

"so you're just letting anyone in my room?" Andi deadpanned.

"we didn't wanna wake your parents up!" Elmer defended. Suddenly, his little sister, Lexi, walked into his room.

"ELMER WAKE UP!" She yelled. At that, Race and Albert shot up.

"hi Lex." Race waved awkwardly.

"you had a slumber party and didn't invite me?? I'm telling mom!" Lexi complained and stormed out of his room. Lexi is well... she's your everyday 6 year old spoiled brat who nobody likes. But in the end of the day, she's Elmer's little sister and he'll do anything to make sure she's happy. Even if that meant spending four hundred dollars to get her those kid cars last Christmas.

"soooo..." Andi said slowly.

"y'all wanna get breakfast?" Elmer finished.

"sure I'll go home and change." Andi answered and crawled into her room.

"uhm, we might take longer to go home because... yeah." Race said.

"I'll walk y'all out." Elmer offered. When the three boys walked out, Andi crawled back into Elmer's room to find that no one was in it. Thinking they probably ditched her, she pulled out her phone to text Spot.

    Spot Conlon
| hey shorty just got my keys back
| wanna get breakfast??
| I'm TALLER than you🙄
| but sure, I'm down
| cool I'll be there in 30 minutes!!

i was boutta publish this when i realized that this is literally just a filler chapter so uh haha here we are! and my homescreen is on the top^^ if y'all wanna see !!

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