the one with the window

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After four months straight of Andi not opening her window, Elmer heard something he thought he'd never hear again: a knock on the only window in his room. He jumped off of his bed and opened the window and low and behold, Andi Ferrari near two feet away from his face.

"hey Elm, miss me?" She whispered, smiling.

Elmer scoffed in disbelief. He for sure thought that Andi maybe dropped him. No, she wouldn't do that. Elmer knew that she's the type of person who likes to hold on to her memories, and they made a whole lot. The beauty part is, they didn't know they were making memories, they were just having fun. He knew Andi wouldn't drop him after everything they've been through together.

"look, I know we haven't talked in months, but I really don't know who else to tell, other than you." She said sadly.

"talk to me." He half smiled. While he did miss her, this wasn't the way he wanted to see her again, talking to him when she couldn't talk to anyone else.

"first, I wanna apologize. I was so stupid to choose my boyfriend over my best friend of ten years. It was a bad move, I know, and I understand if you never want to-"

"Andi." Elmer interrupted. She looked at him and answered with a hum.

"did you guys break up?" He asked, hopefully. Elmer wasn't exactly jealous of Morris for being with Andi, it's just that, well... Morris Delancey is a dick. He knew that Andi deserved so much better than him from the start.

"worse. He cheated on me with Gia Quinn." She put her arms on the windowsill and laid her head on them. There were tears forming in her eyes, and the only person she'd ever cry in front of was Elmer, so she let them fall. Andi's a tough girl and she knows she shouldn't cry over this in front of him, but she really liked Morris.

Elmer forgot about how he wanted or how he didn't want to see her again and felt his heart drop right to his stomach. He couldn't understand why someone would do this to her.

"hey," He whispered.

"come here."

"in your room?" She giggled through tears.

"why not? You've been here a bunch of times." He smiled. Without hesitation, Andi crawled into Elmer's room. Before he could see her start to cry again, she ran and hugged him like her life depended on it. Elmer then suggested that they sit and talk about it, but she didn't want to talk so they just sat on his bed while Andi was crying into his chest. He didn't think he should say anything, so he held her tight with one arm and played with her hair in his other hand. About a half hour later, Andi's breaths became even and Elmer knew that she fell asleep. She seemed so peaceful that he didn't want to wake her up, so he rested his head on hers and went to sleep himself.

they were just having funWhere stories live. Discover now