the one with Race III

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Later that day, there was a knock on Race's bedroom door.

"comin' Ma!" He called. He opened the door to see Andi beside his mother.

"Andi-" She stomped into his room, sat on his bed and crossed her arms.

"I missed her." Race's mother laughed and closed the door.

"I'm not leaving 'till you talk to me." She stated.

"I told you, nothing's wrong! Can you get off my ass?" Race yelled angrily. Suddenly, his phone went off and he checked it. He then stared at it with a sad look on his face. All he did was stare at it, he wouldn't turn it off or put it away.

Andi stood up and walked towards him. "what was that?" She asked. No answer, he continued to stare at his phone.

"Race!" She cried. Race shook it off and put his phone in his pocket. Without saying a word, he went and sat down on his bed.

Andi groaned and turned around to face him. "please talk to me, Goldilocks! Like I said, I'm not leaving."

She walked towards him. "I know something's going on with you and I want to help! Please... Racetrack." She begged, tears forming in her eyes.

Race took a deep breath. "I'm in a bad place right now." He murmured, looking down at his hands.

"someone told me... that I should stop being as goofy as I am." He added.

"he told me that I'm too weird, and silly, a-" Before he could finish his sentence, Andi hugged him from the side, in which he smiled.

"thanks." He whispered, putting an arm around her.

"what else did he tell you?" She wondered, hugging his waist tightly.

"he told me that no one should be as happy as I am, and that.." He took a deep breath. "someone as stupid as me doesn't deserve friends like you, Albert, Elmer, Finch and- and everyone else." He confessed. Andi pulled away, stood up and faced him.

"who told you all this? I'll soak him!" She threatened, balling her fists.

"Didi, it's okay-"

"no! No, it's not okay at all! He went for who you are, that is never okay!" She fumed. She could feel tears form into her eyes. Even though she would only cry in front of Elmer, she couldn't hold them in, so she let them fall.

"what else did he say?" Race then pulled out his phone and stared to read the text messages he's been getting.

"you exist, and you're weird. You're goofy and silly and no one wants that." Andi let out a quiet sob as he read some more.

"no one who's as stupid as you should have friends like the ones you have. No one should be as happy as you are and I don't know how your friends don't find you annoying." He added. Andi grabbed his phone, turned it off and aggressively threw it at his pillow.

"how long?" She asked. Instead of answering, he looked down.

"how. Long?!" She asked once again, with a slightly angry tone. He mumbled something, but Andi couldn't make up the words that he was saying.

"tell me!"

"more than a month!" He yelled, standing up. Suddenly, Andi saw something that no one has ever seen before. Race started to cry, which made Andi cry even more.

"I- I stopped replying to them 'bout two weeks ago. I try not to look at them, but- but I can't!" He cried. He then slumped onto his bed.

Andi sat beside him "Race, you're the most confident person I know! Why are you letting some random asshole bring you down??" She asked.

"he broke me, Di." He choked.


"he went for you guys." He replied. "he told me how I don't deserve to have friends like you guys and that you guys probably don't even like me." He added. Andi couldn't believe what she was hearing at the moment. She loves Race so much, everybody loves Race and he knows it.

"this has been going on for so long," Andi sobbed. "why didn't you go to any of us? How could you not go to any of us when someone is bullying you?" She asked through tears.

"I'm embarrassed, Andi." He answered. She didn't know what to say, so she hugged him, more tears falling down her cheeks and onto his shirt. Race hugged back. He held her so tight that he was afraid that Andi would all of the sudden turn to dust and that he'd lose her. He'd never want to lose a girl like Andi ever again.

"well now you don't have to go through this alone, 'cause I'm here now." She promised.

"I really don't deserve ya." He whispered, laying his head on her's.

"don't say that, you deserve everything you have." She replied.
Aww Race🥺🥺🥺

this is my favourite chapter that i've written LMAOOO

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