the one on New Year's

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Elmer walked towards her.

"when?" He asked. Instead of answering, Andi looked down at her feet and fidgeted with her necklace. Elmer placed a finger under her chin, lifted her head up and grabbed her hands.

"when?" He asked again.

"June." Andi replied quietly.

"JUNE?!" Everybody yelled in unison.

"alright before y'all say anything, I already know that we have our post secondary lives planned." Andi stated. "but sometimes life doesn't always go as planned, doesn't it?" She snapped, opened the door that lead to the stairs and ran a flight down. She then sat down on a step and put her head in her hands. Suddenly, she heard someone behind him.

"hey." Elmer sat beside him.

"what's gonna happen to us?" Andi asked.

"w-what do you mean?" He forced a laugh.

"when I'm in London." She answered. Elmer wrapped an arm around her and held her tight.

"nothing. You're gonna be my best friend and I'm gonna be your's, just like it's always been." He reassured and kissed her temple.

"I just want to go to prom and graduate with you guys then go to university and be roommates with Kath and Lil." Andi rambled and laid her head on Elmer's shoulder.

"I know, Sunshine." Elmer whispered.

"I'm sorry I snapped back there." She apologized.

"you're Andi Ferrari, since when do you apologize for anything?"

Andi picked her head up. "hm.. dunno. Guess you changed me." She replied. There was a small moment of silence before Andi spoke again.

"I'm gonna get bodied in London." She laughed.

"no you're not!"

"you guys are going to be five hours behind me, what if I finish my homework at nine at night and I wanna talk to you about something that happened at school?" She asked. "but it'll be four in the afternoon for you and you were just getting your homework started." She added. Elmer cupped her cheek with his free hand and kissed her.

"then I'll pick up and you could talk my ears off." He answered.

"well, what if I don't have anything to wear, but I can't call you 'cause it'll be two in the-"

"Didi." Elmer interrupted. "we'll be fine." He laughed.

"you know, my dad told me that, London is gonna be when our relationship will be tested." Andi stated.

"what does he mean by that?"

"I don't know, I guess we'll see." She answered.

"can we go on a second date before you go?" Elmer asked. Andi laughed and kissed him.

"one, it's gonna be a third date. And two, we'll go on plenty." She smiled.

"I thought we agreed that the first date didn't count!" He argued.

"an argument on a comment section isn't an agreement." She deadpanned. "and it was the first time we went out as... you know. So it was a first date."

Elmer sighed. "fine." Andi then wrapped him in a hug and kissed him.

"will you go on a third date with me?" She asked. "something nicer than juice and frozen yogurt, I promise." She added with a laugh.

"why do you always beat me to asking you out?" He complained. Once again, Andi kissed him.

"just say yes."

"yes, I'll go on a third date with you." He grinned. Andi laughed and stood up.

"we should get back to them." She stated. Elmer then stood up and held her hand. The two then made their way back to the roof where everybody else was.

"hey guys." Andi greeted shyly. Everybody then ran towards her and engulfed her in a group hug.

"we've decided that no matter how far away you are from us, we'll always be here when you need us." Albert stated as everyone pulled away.

"you're our best friend and you'll always be, nothing will change that." Finch hugged Andi again.

"and we've decided that we're gonna make the best of it while you're still here, but... we won't pressure you to do so many things at once with us." Crutchie added. Andi then felt tears falling down her face. She then quickly wiped her tears.

"I'm not crying, you are." She lied. Lilly rushed to her and hugged her.

"hell yeah we are." She laughed. "I'm glad I met you when I got the chance to, Di."

"right back at ya." She smiled. Mush's parents brought hot chocolate for everybody, so they stayed on the roof for a bit longer.

Everybody was now sitting in a circle and talking each other's ears off.

"it's official." Jack announced.

Jojo furrowed his eyebrows. "what is?"

"Davey, Lilly and Kath officially grew up with us." He replied.

"you can't rewrite history, Jack." Davey stated.

"they'll never know."

"hey Andi, remember when you pushed that one kid off the slide in kindergarten?" Albert remembered, making everybody laugh.

"he was reading! No one reads on the slide." Andi answered. "I wonder what happened to that kid, we never saw him again."

Jojo gasped dramatically. "you killed him?!"

"NO! Well... everyone thought I killed him, but I didn't!" Andi retorted.

"w-wait, that was you?" Davey asked. "you pushed me off of the slide??"

"I pushed you?!" Andi's eyes went wide.

"my arm broke and my mom insisted I move schools after that!" Davey informed and everyone laughed.

"you didn't even try to push him down the slide?" Romeo asked.

"hey give me a break, I was five."

they were just having funWhere stories live. Discover now