the one where they find out

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    Let's just say, Eden didn't listen to Romeo.

    The next day at lunch, Eden decided to come with Jack and sat at their table. Romeo was trying to figure out why she hates Katherine so much, so he stood up and walked to Andi.

"Elm, switch spots with me. I needa talk to Andi." He whispered.

Elmer scoffed. "no way I'm sitting by her." He denied, motioning to Eden.

"yeah, why is she here anyways?" Race chimed in.

Romeo leaned in a bit closer. "she's using Jack to ruin his and Kath's friendship."

"why?" Elmer asked.

"'cause she hates her." Romeo deadpanned.

"why?" Lilly piped in.

"that's what I'm trying to figure out. But we all met Kath at the same time when Jack introduced her to us." He explained. Everybody included in the conversation then looked at Andi.

"don't look at me, I'm just trying to eat my food." She stated. "and no one knows why Eden hates Kath. Jack might, but it's a small chance."

Race furrowed his eyebrows. "why don't we just ask Kathy?" He suggested. Everybody exchanged looks and realized that maybe this situation wasn't that hard to figure out.

"yeah, okay." Race then texted Katherine and told her to come over to their side of the table. Confused, she did as she was told.

"um.. why...?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"we just uh-"

Andi interrupted Romeo. "why does Eden hate you?" She asked.


"'cause Eden's trying to ruin your friendship with Jack. She doesn't even like him, I guess she's just flirting with him to make you jealous, but I don't know how that would-" Andi then covered Romeo's mouth to stop him from rambling.

Katherine shrugged. "I'm not really sure why. I mean, I knocked down and destroyed her project in grade nine but that's all I've done to her." She explained.

Albert snorted. "petty bitch." He stated, making everybody laugh.

In fact, Eden was known for being petty, it's who she is. She knew that Katherine gets jealous easily, and not the cute kind. She knew that soon, Katherine would explode. So now, her friends were going to make sure that she doesn't blow up.

Elmer crawled through Andi's window to see her staring at her phone with a sad look on her face.

"Andi, you okay?" He asked.

"hm?" She looked up. "yeah, yeah I'm good. I'm just tired." She replied and quickly turned
off her phone. Elmer then sat beside her and wrapped an arm around her. Andi laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. Five minutes later, she fell asleep so Elmer laid her down on her bed. Per usual, she wrapped her arms around him, so he had no choice but to stay with her.

He couldn't fall asleep. All he thought about was Andi. He thought about how lucky he was to have her. Not just as a girlfriend but as a best friend who he's had for practically his whole life. God, he thought of himself as the luckiest guy alive. He loves her, he always did. Since the moment they decided to be best friends, they even spit and shook on it.

It was when he looked down at her when he realized how beautiful she really was. Well sure, Elmer always knew that Andi was pretty, but he never really payed attention on how. He realized that she's her father, with her mother's hair.

"how didn't I notice this before?" He asked himself so softly, he could barely hear himself. How couldn't he have noticed it before? He grew up with her.

He chuckled quietly to himself. "you're perfect." He whispered and kissed her forehead. He then looked at her for longer and smiled. He didn't think that he could fall in love with her even more. Boy was he wrong. He then wrapped his arms around her and finally fell asleep.

yea whoops this ones short😬😬

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