the one with studying... ish

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    Andi was studying for her exams and let's just say... she was stressed out. She was really good at math, so she couldn't understand why she was struggling. As a result in her stress, she slammed her textbook shut and threw it out the window. Before it hit the ground, she heard a scream.

"you gotta tell Lilly you like her now!" Andi heard Race say from outside.

"what, why?" Albert asked.

"you said you would when it rains textbooks!" Finch answered.

"that was sarcastic! And it was only one textbook, so it's not raining textbooks." On cue, another textbook fell and almost hit Race in the head, making him scream.

"oh my god it's raining textbooks." The three boys quickly climbed the built in ladder on the tree and crawled into Andi's room.

"hey Munchkin." Albert greeted.

"hey Didi, guess what?" Race riddled as they came into her room.

"it's raining textbooks and Albie has to tell Lilly that he likes her." Finch stated.

Andi furrowed her eyebrows. "it's not raining textbooks, I threw my textbook out the window." She laughed, making Albert smile and Finch and Race frown.

"why did you throw it?" Albert wondered.

"'cause I'm amazing at math and I've never had to stress over it ever. Then suddenly, I suck at math! It's like my brain turned off or something 'cause earlier, I didn't even know what nine plus eight is!" Andi ranted and started banging her head on her desk. Eventually she stopped and her forehead was resting on her notes.

"it's seventeen, Didi." Race stated with a deadpanned tone.

"it's seventeen, Didi." Andi mocked and picked her head up. "I KNOW IT'S SEVENTEEN! A FIVE YEAR OLD KNOWS IT'S SEVENTEEN! EVERYBODY KNOWS THAT IT'S SEVENTEEN! IT'S SIMPLE MATH!" She yelled and slammed her hands onto her desk.

Finch tried to hold in a laugh. "clearly you don't." Andi then turned towards him, staring daggers into his eyes.

"you're dead." Albert and Race muttered in unison. Finch then ran to her window, but before he could climb out, Andi grabbed him by the back of his shirt.

"let me go, you animal!" He demanded. He then spotted Elmer, who's window was open. "Elmer!" He called, then he was pulled back by Andi. Elmer climbed out of his window and made his way to Andi's room as fast as he could. He came in to see that Andi had a strong and hard grip on Finch's shirt and he was trying to get away. Race and Albert sat there laughing at him.

"Andi, let go of the Finch." Elmer ordered calmly.

Andi looked at him. "I will, after I get a good soakin'!" She raised her fist and her words made Finch scream.

"Andi!" Elmer yelled and ran towards the two, put Andi's fist down and pulled her back, making her lose grip onto Finch's shirt. Finch face planted onto her beanbag, thank god, collected himself and ran to Race and Albert. Elmer hugged Andi from behind and held her hands, keeping them in place so she doesn't escape from him.

"calm down feisty." He whispered to her as she struggled to free herself from him. "why is she like this?"

"Finch said she's bad at math!" Race tattled.

"no I didn't!" Finch defended.

"everyone knows what nine plus seven is, unless they're bad at math, so you said I'm bad at math." Andi rambled. She almost broke out of Elmer's grip when he tightened it even more.

"exam week is making you go insane." Finch remarked.

"oh you got balls, Cortes." Andi sneered. Keeping one arm around her, Elmer picked her up by the legs.

"that's it, time out." He stated. "Albert, can you put that chair at the corner?" Albert picked up Andi's desk chair and placed it at the corner that Elmer was talking about.

"you can't put me in time out, this is my room!" Elmer ignored her and sat her down on the chair.

"stay." He demanded. Andi huffed and crossed her arms. Elmer then bent down and gently kissed her."it's only five minutes."

"I hate you."

"you love me."

"you pity her!" Albert called from behind them.

"she needs a break." Elmer stated, looking back at them.

"I don't need a break, I need to study." Andi retorted.

Elmer turned back to her. "you need a break."

"I need to study!"

"you need a break!"

"I need to-" Before Andi could finish, Elmer took her hand, stood her up and dragged her to the window. "time out's already over?" She asked sarcastically.

"we're taking a break. All of us, let's go." With that, everybody left through Andi's window and went for a walk to go basically anywhere.

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