the one after the semi formal

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When Andi came home, she saw a whole bunch of boxes with stuff packed inside. She ran upstairs to her room to see boxes all over the place.

"dad?" She called as she walked around the house, looking for her father. She walked in on him packing a few things in his bedroom.

"dad, we weren't planning on packing 'till May." Andi laughed. Her father stopped packing and sat on the edge of the bed. He then motioned for her to sit beside him, so she did.

"Andi... you need to start packing early." He stated.


"we're leaving in three weeks." He replied and Andi's eyes went wide.

"what?" She asked.

"they want me to start my new job next month."

"tell them you wanna start on July! That was the plan, wasn't it?" Andi answered back, her voice starting to raise a bit.

"yes, that was the plan, but-"

"I had three more months before I leave my friends for good!" She interrupted.

"I know and I tried to convince them otherwise, but I couldn't." Her father consoled. "please don't be mad, Andi. I tried." He pleaded.

"I'm not mad. I just- I need to go talk to Elmer." She then stood up and ran out of the house. As soon she got out of the house, Elmer ran up to her and engulfed her in a hug.

"Andi, where'd you guys go? Y'all just disappeared!" He asked as he pulled away.

"I need to tell you something." She said quietly.

"we were all worried about y'all. Why didn't you tell us where you went?"

"I really need to tell you something." Andi repeated, a bit louder this time.

"your car's still at school-"

"if you don't wanna know, fine!" She snapped and started to walk past him. "I'll just go find Mush." She muttered to herself.

"Andi!" Elmer called and followed her. "look, I'm sorry okay? We were worried about you!"

"it's fine." She stated with a frustrated tone.


Andi turned around. "you know what, I'm going home." She then stormed past him again and started to run home. Elmer ran after her and lucky for him, he runs fast. He quickly caught her and wrapped his arms around her, from behind, to keep her from walking away from him.

"let me go!" She demanded, struggling to free herself from his grip.

"please talk to me!" Elmer replied.

"you didn't seem interested two minutes ago!" Andi retorted and continued to try to free herself.

"I'm sorry, you just scared us that's all!" He apologized for the third time.

"I don't wanna talk anymore just please let me go!" She answered.

"fine!" He let her go, but instead of running back home, she fell on her knees right in front of him. Slowly, he sat on his knees in front of her.

"I'm leaving for London in three weeks now." Andi told him quietly and looked at him.


"they want my dad to start on May now instead of July." She explained, tears forming in her eyes.
(A/N: it's March)

"you're kidding." Elmer felt tears forming in his eyes as well.

Andi shook her head. "I wish I was." She then crawled closer to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. "I'm not ready to leave." She cried into his chest.

Elmer wrapped his arms around her. "I'm not ready or you to leave either." He pulled away, keeping his hands on her shoulders. "but this is why we talked. We talked about this a lot." He reminded.

"and they were really good talks." Andi replied with a small smile.

"we trust each other, right?"

"of course."

"then we know that we'll be perfectly fine." He reassured and kissed her forehead. "don't forget about me."

"I'm in love with you. You're like, glued to my mind." Andi laughed

"I better be."

"you are." She promised and kissed him. "look, I love you, but we're in the middle of the sidewalk and I feel like people are looking at us funny."

"fine, let's go." With that, the two stood up and made their way back home.

"are you sure you wanna stay the night?" Elmer asked for the third time as Andi crawled back into his room with her pyjamas on.

"why do you keep asking that?" Andi answered, crossing her arms.

"because when we were little, you'd sneak back into your room whenever you slept over." He reminded, remembering the countless times Andi "slept over," when they were younger.

"we were kids!" She retorted.

"my mom would come wake us up and she'd be like where'd Andi go? And I had to say she's probably in her room again." He stated. Andi then wrapped her arms around him and laid on his chest.

"well six year old me says sorry." She apologized. "and seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven."

"six year old me forgives you. And seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven." He answered and kissed her head.

"and five year old me says thank you for letting me help pick your room." She then tightened her grip around him. "I'm really gonna miss you, Elm." She whispered sadly.

Elmer wrapped his arms around her. "I'm gonna miss you too." He replied.

"you know, I never thought I'd have to do life without my best friend." She chuckled quietly. "I don't even know how to do this life thing without you."

"are you scared?" Elmer asked her.

"kinda, but I'll be fine." She looked up and kissed him. "we'll be fine." Andi promised and kissed him again.

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