the one with Jojo

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A week later, Race and Finch finally got discharged, meaning that everybody left the hospital. Well, Andi had to go to school, but right after school she went to the hospital. However, the school gave Albert and Elmer the week off, so they spent their time at the hospital with Finch and Race.

Somehow, Finch didn't break anything, only a few hairline fractures and a sprained wrist. Race on the other hand probably won't even have a school track season, Albert now has to learn how to write with his left hand and Elmer somehow didn't break anything either, just a few hairline fractures. However, they didn't know who hit them, so unfortunately they couldn't press charges.

The day they all came back to school, all of their friends were very excited to see them, even though they visited every day.

"look at what we got, two Crutchie's!" Jack remarked, nudging Crutchie's side.

"well, there goes my track season." Race huffed and sat down beside Katherine.

"awh it's alright, Racer, you still got senior year and it's not even winter break yet." Katherine comforted.

"but it's almost." Race pouted. Jojo then jumped up and stood on his chair.

"y'all know what that means!" He exclaimed. "Christmas!!" He answered for everybody. "and y'all know what means?!" He asked again.

Romeo furrowed his eyebrows. "secret sa-"

"SECRET SANTA!!" Jojo beamed.

"we having it at mine again? Or back at aunty Ferrari's café?" Elmer asked as he sat down beside Andi.

"I hate how I missed a year with you guys." Andi complained. "stupid Morris, stupid basketball team." She muttered under her breath. Elmer then wrapped an arm around her and kissed her temple.

"awh someone missed us last year." He replied. A chorus of "awh"'s rang in the air, making Andi's cheeks turn red.

"okay, okay." She blushed and leaned her head on Elmer's shoulder. Suddenly, Jojo took out a hat, put a bunch of folded papers in it and smiled widely.

"Jo, don't take advantage of Davey and Lilly." Mush stated.

Davey furrowed his eyebrows. "how is he taking advantage of us?" He asked.

"we always pick names out of a hat on the last day of school before winter break." Jack explained.

"and since you guys never did secret santa with us, he didn't tell you about that." Katherine added.

"therefore, don't take advantage of the new kids." Romeo finished.

"when did you learn to use the word therefore?" Elmer asked Romeo.

"three days ago." Romeo shrugged.

    "can we please pick names for secret santa two weeks in advance?" Jojo begged Katherine as they were walking down the halls.

"I bet Davey wants to!" He added. Katherine stopped, turned around and gave Davey a look.

"Davey, do you wanna pick names for secret santa today?" She asked.

"uhm- I mean if you're fine with it." Davey replied.

"what do you want to do?"

"well, you did say that you pick names on the same day every year." He remarked. "but then again, Jojo wants to pick names and it looks like he really can't wait." He added.

Jojo spotted Lilly. "Lilly!" He jumped. He then dragged Davey and Katherine towards her.

"hey Jojo!" Lilly smiled.

"how do you feel about picking names for secret santa today?" Jojo asked.

"uh, well... I love secret santa and I bet it's a blast with you guys," Lilly started and took a few seconds to think. "but one more week won't hurt, Jo." She concluded.

"okay." He replied sadly. Lilly then placed a hand on his shoulder.

"plus, it's already Friday today. At least it's not Monday." She smiled.

Jojo grinned. "you're right. See ya after class!" With that, he skipped down the halls.

"I see you're familiar with the Jojo committee." Jack laughed as he walked up to the three.

"Jojo committee?" Davey and Lilly asked at the same time.

"we like to call Jojo the... sunshine of our group." Jack answered.

"so the Jojo committee is where we never let Jojo leave angry or sad." Katherine continued.

"and sometimes we protect him from real world facts. To keep him as his happy self." Jack added. Elmer and Finch then walked up the the four.

"we also have the Andi committee." Finch chimed in.

"what's that?" Lilly wondered.

"the Andi committee is where we protect Andi from people like Morris Delancey, Oscar Delancey, Gia Quinn and other people like them." Finch explained.

"it's new!" Elmer beamed.

Lilly furrowed her eyebrows. "wait, did you say Morris Delancey?"

"yeah, why?"

"I talked to Morris a couple times, he seems nice." Lilly answered.

"don't trust him!" Andi stated, startling everybody.

"what do you mean?"

"it's all an act! He's all nice to you- flirts with you until you catch feelings for him. Then when you're dating, he cheats on you and you never know why!" Andi explained.

"plus, there's Albert." Jack winked, making Lilly blush.

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