the one with the jersey

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"Elmer!" Andi whisper-yelled.

"Elmer Dallas!" She said more loudly. When he wouldn't wake up, Andi cupped her hands to her mouth and yelled in Elmer's ear.

"AHH" He shot up. He looked to his left to see a laughing Andi wearing his Mets jersey.

"Hey! Is that my baseball jersey?" He asked, trying to hide a smile. He could admit, she looked cute in oversized stuff. He remembered once when they were 9, Andi crawled into Elmer's room and played dress up with his clothes while he was taking a nap. When he woke up, she was in his league baseball jersey and in his jeans which were way too big for her.

"yup. Mets fan huh?" She asked.

"Marcus Stroman." He said with a laugh. Suddenly, Andi heard her alarm go off from her room.

"I gotta get ready for school. See ya later!" Before she closed her window, Elmer called her name.

"you feeling better? You know, after what happened?" He asked. She turned to him and wore a mischievous grin.

"I will." Knowing her, he knew that she was going to pull a prank on Gia and Morris, and a big one. Andi loves pulling pranks on people. She then closed her window and started to put her hair up. After she did, she opened her window again to tell Elmer that she's going to use his jersey to school. He couldn't help but smile like a complete fool. He thought that maybe, there was a chance he got his best friend back.

    It didn't take long for his friends to notice that Andi was wearing Elmer's jersey. Hell, as soon as she walked into the cafeteria, they immediately recognized that it was his.

"hey guys." Finch said, getting everybody's attention.

"check out what Andi's wearing." He pointed at her, alone, buying her lunch.

"hey Elm, ain't that your jersey?" Mush asked. Elmer couldn't help but blush. He definitely thought she looked better in it than he did.

"yeah she uhh, took it out of my closet this morning." He laughed shyly.

"somebody's blushing." Race teased, poking Elmer's cheek. A chorus of "ooo"'s erupted from the group.

"am not!" He retorted.

"ah keep telling yourself that." Albert said, slapping his shoulder with his backhand. They're chaotic chatter was soon interrupted by two girls pulling up chairs.

"hey guys, guess who's sitting with us again!" Katherine exclaimed. Elmer looked away from Albert to see Andi sitting beside Katherine.

"Andi!" They said with excitement.

"Andi! You missed me?" Jack asked.

"only you, Jacky boy." She laughed, patting Jack on the head. Elmer then got the idea that she didn't want anybody else to know about Morris and Gia.

"Ima fill up my water bottle. Anyone wanna come with?" Elmer suggested, grabbing his empty water bottle from his backpack, but they all said "no."

"you sure?" He asked, giving Andi an "I want to talk to you," look.

"oh! Uhm, I'll come." She shot up and followed him out of the cafeteria.

    "so, what made you sit with us again?" Elmer asked. Nice move, Elmer. You sound like an asshole. He thought.

"just didn't wanna be around them, that's all. Honestly, Taylor was starting to get on my last nerve." She replied, looking a little more to his left.

"you're lying."

"no I'm not!" She retorted.

"yes you are! You look at someone's left ear when you lie and you're looking at my left ear." He said. There was a moment of silence before Elmer realized what was on her mind.

"they don't know that you know." He said more like a statement than a question. She then stifled a laugh.

"nope, but they will." She said, smiling mischievously.

"I knew it." He smiled as well.

"knew what?" She laughed, slapping his shoulder with her backhand.

"you're gonna pull of a prank on them, a big one. You're Andi Ferrari, it's what you do!" He exclaimed.

"you are absolutely right and you are coming with me. I need your car by the way." She said.

"why can't you use your car?"

"my mom took my keys away after my last prank." She shrugged. Elmer shook his head and laughed.

"fine, you can use my car." He said.

"great, see you tonight." She smiled. The walk back to the cafeteria was silent. But it was a comfortable silence. Before Elmer opened the door, Andi pulled him in a short hug.

"what was that for?" He asked, smiling stupid.

"I missed you, Elm." She said softly.

"I missed you too." He smiled, pulling her in for another hug.

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