the one on Christmas Eve

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    "ITS CHRISTMAS!!!" Jojo yelled through the face time call with everyone in their group.

"eve." Spot pointed out.

Jojo scoffed. "yeah, but it still counts as Christmas, duh." He sassed.

"hey, where's Andi?" Davey wondered. Right on time, Andi opened the window to Elmer's room.

"oh she's coming into my room." Elmer replied. He then furrowed his eyebrows when Andi brought a big wrapped box in with her. "with a present!" Elmer jumped up and ran to her.

"what's that?" He asked.

"one of your Christmas presents." Andi smiled and handed him the large box. Elmer sat on his desk and opened the box in front of his computer, so that everybody could see.


"surprise! I'm staying with you and your family for Christmas!" She exclaimed.

"but you live right there." He replied, pointing at his window.

"I need a vacation." Andi shrugged.

"what about your dad?" Elmer asked.

Andi's smile faded. "um.." Elmer's eyes then softened when he realized why Andi wanted to stay with him.

"oh." He whispered. He then turned to his computer. "um guys, we'll call you back later." He told them.

"okay, bye!" Everybody said in unison and Elmer hung up. Andi went back into her room and he followed. The two then sat on Andi's bay window.

"this is your first Christmas since your mom moved to London." Elmer stated. Andi looked at him and nodded slowly.

"it's always been the three of us. Dad, mom and me." She replied quietly. Elmer then put an arm around her and Andi laid her head on his shoulder. 

"I call her everyday but... I wish that she could be here for Christmas, you know." She added. He wrapped his other arm around her and laid his head on hers.

"I know." He whispered and kissed her head.

"I miss her."

"I know."

"she told me that a present is coming tonight, wanna check the mailbox with me to see if it came early?" Andi suggested. Elmer jumped up and went back into his room. A minute later, he came back into Andi's room and handed her a small box.

"I almost forgot. Merry Christmas." Andi opened it and inside it was a necklace with a small "E" hanging from it.

"E, for Elmer!" He smiled. "and look at mine!" He took the necklace he was wearing from in his shirt and showed it to Andi. It was identical to her's, but instead his had a small "A" hanging from it.

"A, for Andi!" He smiled once again. "I was gonna do M, for Matilda but no one calls you that, but at the same time it is your first name an-" He was interrupted when Andi kissed him.

"I love it. Thank you." She said and kissed him again. She then pulled a wrapped box from under her bed and gave it to Elmer.

"I was gonna give this to you tomorrow but you know what, why not today?" Elmer unwrapped the box to see a shoebox. He then opened that and saw a brand new pair of black runners.

"Andi." He breathed. Andi took one of the shoes out and handed it to him.

"notice anything?" She asked with a big smile. Elmer studied the shoe, looking at every detail closely. Then, he noticed it. There were three numbers in roman numerals in gold on the midsole. He studied it some more and noticed that it was a date.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "no...vember... twenty... five?" He read. His eyes then lit up. "November twenty five! Hey! That's when I asked you to be my girlfriend!" He exclaimed. Grinning widely, Andi nodded.

Elmer lightly kissed her nose. "happy almost one month."

"happy almost one month." She smiled.

    Jojo ran into Aunty Ferrari's café with a bag full of presents. Mush followed him in after, also with a bag of presents.

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!!" Jojo yelled.

"eve." Mush pointed out.

"still counts!" Jojo stuck his tongue out at him.

"okay, so are we doing secret santa then presents, or vice versa?" Crutchie wondered.

Jack shrugged. "dunno. Who's year is it to decide?" He asked.

"how 'bout we let the new kids decide?" Spot suggested. Everybody then snapped their heads towards Lilly and Davey.

"I'm not even that new anymore!" Davey retorted.

"okay. Why don't we let the new kid and Davey decide?" Katherine corrected. Lilly turned to her left, where Davey was sitting.

"what do you wanna do, Dave?" She asked.

Davey shrugged. "doesn't matter to me."

"presents first!" Lilly smiled. Everybody then handed presents to each other, but didn't open them yet because they have a "system."

"how does this "system," work?" Davey wondered.

"well, ya see Dave, we pick names out of a hat and whoever's name we pick, we open the present we got from that person." Finch explained and Davey nodded.

Katherine sighed. "it's depressing how we're only organized when it comes to Christmas presents."

    The whole process took about half an hour. Honestly, the only reason they have this "system" is so they could spend more time together on Christmas Eve. After they opened presents, they went into the kitchen to help Andi's aunt bake pastries, like they do every year.

"hey newly weds, what did y'all get each other?" Albert asked from across the kitchen.

"well, I got Andi-"

"not you, Romeo!" Everybody yelled and threw ingredients at him.

"we were talking about Andi and Elmer!" Race informed.

"and plus, y'all got married eight years ago, that's not new." Crutchie remarked.

Lilly snorted. "what?" She laughed.

Andi sighed. "when me and Romeo were eight, we got married at the playground." She told Lilly. "you know what? I think I want a divorce." Andi announced, causing everybody to gasp in shock, even Elmer.

"you can't do that! Why do you think you wear that?" Elmer asked and pointed to her ankle. Around it was a diy anklet made out of paper clips that Romeo made in elementary school.

"really? You of all people?" Andi deadpanned.

"hey, Elmo's right. That anklet means that you can never divorce, ever." Race pointed out. Andi then strolled to Romeo and pecked his cheek.

"well, I guess rules are rules." She shrugged. "sorry, Dallas."

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