the one with Albert II

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Andi woke up and checked on Elmer. He was still unconscious. She then decided that she should check on Race, Albert and Finch, so she did.

First, she checked on Finch, who was also unconscious. She sat beside him, grabbed his hand and squeezed it.

"hey Finchy." She said softly and squeezed his hand again.

"you have no idea how much I want to kill the person who did this to you guys. But I know you wouldn't let me." She laughed. "none of you guys would let me." She added.

"not like I'd listen to you guys though." She chuckled.


Next, she checked on Race. When she came in, his older sister was in there with him.

"hey Angela." She greeted. Angela looked like she hadn't slept all night from worrying about her younger brother. A small smile crept on her face and she stood up to hug Andi.

"how's NYU?" Andi asked.

"it's not as good as Millennium, but I'll adjust." She  replied. Andi's eyes shifted to Race.

"how's he doing?" She then asked, keeping her eyes on her best friend.

"he didn't wake up yet, I'm scared that he won't." Angela answered and tears started forming in her eyes.

Andi pulled Angela in for another hug. "he'll wake up, I know it." Andi reassured.

"how do you know?"

"there has to be all five of us together for the universe to work." Andi laughed.


    Lastly, she checked on Albert. Also unconscious. She sat beside him and grabbed his hand.

"for the universe to work..." She started softly. "there has to be all five of us. You, me, Elmer, Race and Finch." She added and squeezed his hand.

"don't tell them, but you're my favourite one out of 'em." Andi stated. "yes, including Elmo." She added. After holding her tears in all morning, she finally broke down.

She took a shaky breath. "you know, I keep telling myself that you guys'll be okay but wh-" She let out a sob before continuing. "what if you're not? I'm scared I won't see you guys ever again. I don't know what I'd do without my best friends." She cried.


    Andi woke up when Albert's parents walked into his room.

"Andi, have you been here all night?" Albert's mother asked and rushed to her side.

Andi yawned. "I was in Elmer's room the whole night, but I checked on everybody when I woke up earlier." She explained. "I guess I fell asleep here." She added and smiled. Albert's mother gave Andi a hug.

"he was right, you are the best friend anyone could ask for." She remarked. Albert's father walked towards them.

"do you want us to buy you breakfast?" He offered.

Andi smiled. "sure, thanks." Albert's parents checked on their son and left to buy Andi some food. She decided that it was best to stay in Albert's room for now, so his parents won't have a hard time finding her.

Suddenly, Andi felt somebody squeeze on her hand. She looked to see that Albert was starting to wake up.

"Andi?" He asked weakly. Andi smiled as tears fell from her face.

"hi Red." She whispered through tears. Albert tried to sit up, but stopped when he felt pain, in which Andi helped him slowly sit up. She then climbed onto his bed and gave him a long, gentle hug.

"how are you feeling?" She asked, sitting across from him.

"ah I'm not dead, but could be better." He let out a small laugh. "how are the others?" He asked.

"they aren't awake yet. What if they don't wake up?" Andi worried and Albert grabbed her hand.

"they'll wake up, I promise." He reassured.

"how do you know?" Andi tilted her head.

"because the universe needs all five of us together for it to work." He smiled.

"maybe we're more alike than we thought." Andi remarked. Suddenly, Albert's parents walked in with food and drinks in their hands. Luckily, Albert's mother had the food in her hands. She dropped it and ran to her son.

"Albert! Don't scare us like that ever again!" She stated and hugged him.

"I'm okay ma. If Racer was driving, it would've been a different story." Albert joked, earning looks from his parents.

"too soon...?" He asked. Albert's father then gave Andi the food and drink that they bought her.

"thanks. You should call a doctor." Andi reminded. Albert's father nodded and headed out to find a doctor. Andi once again sat in front of Albert.

"don't we have school today?" Albert asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

Andi smiled. "I have my priorities."

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