the one where he found out

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    "YOU'RE DEAD!" Elmer yelled, chasing Spot around his living room.

"I didn't do anything wrong!" Spot defended.

"dude, you told the munchkin that Elmer was in love with her." Albert pointed out, sitting on the couch. Finch then sat beside him with a bag of crackers, which Albert stole.

"okay, but in my defence-" Before Spot could finish his sentence, Race tackled him to the ground behind the couch.

"DON'T!" He yelled, covering his mouth.

Albert furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "don't what?" He asked, turning around. Race then poked his head up.

"uhhh nothing!" He lied. Spot poked his head out too.

"Didi's in love with ya." Spot blurted, pointing at Elmer. At that, his eyes went wide.

"she's- she's in love with me?" Elmer asked shyly.

"SPOT!" Race scolded and tackled him to the ground again.

"HE WAS GOING TO FIND OUT!" Spot defended, wrestling Race and pinning him to the ground.

"NOT FROM YOU! HE WAS SUPPOSED TO FIND OUT FROM ME, STOP STEALING MY REP!" Race demanded, now pinning Spot to the ground. Spot quickly escaped and crawled towards the kitchen when Race grabbed his leg and pulled on it, causing Spot to fall face forward.

"at least Andi ain't friendzoning him." Finch laughed, sitting beside Albert.

"speaking of Andi, where is she?" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door in which Albert answered. When he opened the door, he saw the girl he was looking for.

"hey munchkin!" He greeted.

"kind of not in the mood right now." Andi grumbled and made her way to the fridge, stepping over Spot and Race who were wrestling and yelling things at each other.

Elmer walked to the kitchen and sat on the counter. "what happened?" He wondered.

"remember the new kid, Davey?" Andi replied with question.

"yeah, why?" Elmer answered.

"he's in my chem class and Mo and Oscar were picking on the beanstalk, so I stood up for him. Forgot that Mendoza fuckin' hates my ass and gave Jack and I detention for an hour today." Andi explained, grabbing the can of whipped cream from the fridge.

"why did he give Jack detention?" Albert asked.

"cuz he swore which is not tolerated in his class." She answered, mocking her chemistry teacher. She then tilted her head back, and sprayed a big pile of whipped cream in her mouth.

"you know we have to buy an extra can just for Didi?" Elmer told Albert, who laughed.

"and I thank you for that." Andi said with a mouth full of whipped cream. She then walked to the couch and sat beside Finch.

"hey Finchy." She greeted.

"guess what Spot did." Finch riddled, letting out a small laugh.

"what did he do this time." She whined, spraying another pile of whipped cream into her mouth.

"told Elmo that you were in love with him." He snitched. Andi quickly swallowed the whipped cream, which she almost choked on, and turned to Spot and Race who just stood up after their fight.

"YOU WHAT?!" Andi screamed. She jumped off of the couch and tackled Spot to the ground.

"what did I do?" Spot asked, pinned down by Andi.

"stop pretending like Finch ain't the biggest snitch in the world!" She demanded.

"true!" Race called.

"YOU TOLD HER?" Spot yelled at Finch.

"she was gonna find out." Finch mocked in a sassy tone, making Race laugh. Andi then stood up, took Spot's wrist, dragged him on the floor to the bathroom and slammed the door shut.

"please tell me that Finch is lying or I swear to God I will hurt you." She threatened, putting her hands to her head.

"Finch is lying...?" Spot smiled guiltily.

"Spot!" Andi whined, sitting on the closed toilet.

Spot sat on the edge of the bathtub. "I'm sorry, okay? I don't know what came over me the past two days. I just," He took a deep breath.

"you and Elm are perfect for each other Andi, you have no idea how long I've been waiting for you guys happen. You two are my best friends and all I want is for you guys to be happy." He confessed. Andi then sat beside him, hugged him from the side and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"knowing you, you would never stop until your friends are happy, so I didn't stop. I'm sorry." Spot apologized, leaning his head on Andi's.

"it's okay, you had good intentions. I love you for that." She smiled.

"now you gotta talk to him." Spot stated, looking down on her.

Andi looked up at him. "do I have to?" She asked in a whiny tone. Spot gave her a look that said "what do you think?" In which Andi groaned.

they were just having funWhere stories live. Discover now